I AM A GODDESS OF EFFICIENCY – mlkshk – I grabbed the final frame to use as my iPhone wallpaper.
Month: December 2011
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British Picnic, complete w/ mackerel pâté, sausage rolls, Eton mess, and Pimm’s Cup. Sun even came out!
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Coworker: “So you’re into punctuation and all that stuff…” Yes. I’m “into” it.
@lemon_lime @Leirith Well, she is a Kiwi. 🙂 (We love you, @ngemsz!)
@drkknits I was hoping to see a meat tray there.
As the number of projects I work on in a given day increases, the amount of time I log decreases. So many minutes lost switching context…
@stringy I’ve seen it used for “shaking my head.”
All plans for the evening in tatters. Last night’s lack of sleep has caught up to me, and I’m taking to my bed. #yawn
@drkknits While I’m sure you ivory tower academics aren’t crass enough to need public validation… CONGRATULATIONS, SMARTY PANTS! 🙂
@GeorgieKnits Me too! Isn’t it great? I was like a zombie yesterday.
Any locals up for a trip to Costco tomorrow? If you drive, I’ll get us in…
@misswired Ooh, sweet! It’ll likely be crazy busy. Probably best to get there right as they open at 10. Okay with you?
@codepo8 You have inspired me to start following some German twitterers to brush up on language. Any suggestions of fun folks?
@knitness Will let you know if it doesn’t pan out!
Jamie recipe calls for smoked mackerel. Anybody know what I can sub locally? (I think @Yarna_ gave me suggestions but I’ve forgotten…)
@anknelburblets @Yarna_ British picnic. I think it gets turned into a pâté. (Ooh, fancy iPhone autocorrect with all the diacritics!)
Doc says I have post-viral cough. (Lungs are clear, thank goodness, so I can keep running.) Gave me a steroid puffer to help repair throat.
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Just realised the utter brilliance of “Unfollow post” in Facebook.
My #ootd: Biker Business Kris. http://t.co/K8xmbuq2 #pose @Gap
Loving the Gosling memes.Today’s fave: http://t.co/YZ7wUBFl (Hat tip to @_brigita_)
The Destash thread is going to kill me. Who am I, @mrs_sockvictim?! I DON’T NEED ANY MORE WOOL, LET ALONE 23 BALLS OF IT.
@dhgarske BTW – In case @HiltonOnline doesn’t sort you out, I sent your tweet to a friend who is high up at Syd Hilton. He’s looking into it
@mrs_sockvictim I messaged her to see if she’d give me a discount for taking the lot. 🙂
Ran out of Rikodeine yest, thought “That’s fine! I’m all better!” Now it’s 1:30am and I’m awake, coughing. This sucks.
@trevoryoung @MariSmith That’s a weird article title. Since when is “women” an adjective? Had to read it twice to parse.
@SallyPompom I verified to Margot that I got it…
I need some help with translating a German email. Anybody more fluent than my very basic level? (@codepo8 – you around?)
@codepo8 Sweet. Emailed you… Thanks!
Arriving in Australia and a Tour of Historic Bronte House – The Martha Stewart Blog
Arriving in Australia and a Tour of Historic Bronte House – The Martha Stewart Blog – MARTHA IS IN SYDNEY, PEOPLE. HIGH ALERT!
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My #ootd: Biker Business Kris.
Cracked Out Rice Krispie Treats
Cracked Out Rice Krispie Treats – Those sound awesome.
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Anybody know a good place in Sydney to find novelty USB drives? Need one to give as a gift…
Yowza. Worked my butt off today. No time for the gym either, so I’m crankypants. Wine may be in order.
@squozen Yes. I have been IN THE BAND for a graduation ceremony. Imagine playing Pomp & Circumstance on endless repeat on the trumpet…
@dhgarske I know someone there. Will send him a link.
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@misswired You could’ve had some of mine at Halloween! Also made some last week for Knitters Guild. Cc @Alegrya
RT @smashingmag: A bit verbal post, but it raises a valid point about passwords on the Web – http://t.co/DdfScYrB – @codepo8, is Browser …
Rhiannon. This is meant for my calf, and it’s as big as my head. Trusting Cookie A here… http://t.co/Jx1TlZ0b
RT @redditflipboard: Everyone should be a little more like Han [r/funny] http://t.co/8IaTRfoc #reddit #flipboard
For @the_snook: http://t.co/eiM4Ua9b
Bus today is very slow. Should’ve walked.
Photo Post
Rhiannon. This is meant for my calf, and it’s as big as my head. Trusting Cookie A here…