Month: December 2011

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    Self-portrait in the middle of a run around Blackwattle Bay, Sydney’s bridges behind me.

    Self-portrait in the middle of a run around Blackwattle Bay, Sydney's bridges behind me.

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    Inner City Knitters Guild Christmas Party! With treats from me, @Yarna_, and @miss_reecie.

    Post Guild lunch (@ The Goods)

    Sugar coma. Collapsing.

    @crumpet I need that form. Link pls?

    @TimBags Awesome. I was near there today and remembered. Glad it worked out!

    Compost Cookies: breakfast of champions.

    FaceTimed my Mom, who was at my nephew’s birthday party. Got to video chat with lots of my family Sometimes technology is awesome.

    @RadhikaR Wondering the same thing, as I get ready to run in my knockoff Skins from KMart. 🙂

    Self-portrait in the middle of a run around Blackwattle Bay, Sydney’s bridges behind me.

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    I’m getting a new desk at work. Pathetically, I’m really excited about it.

    Nuts & Bolts Attempt #2: No burnination! Huzzah.

    Holy crap. Double batch of compost cookies makes a LOT of cookies. I hope @drkknits is hungry tomorrow…

    @redambition You can eat all you like!!

    @randomknits @knitterjp @knitdra WTF, Donna! I’m making’ like 60 of these damn cookies! I was counting on you taking some to @gilmae!

    @witty_knitter Does that mean us straight chicks can admit to girl crushes? 🙂

    @drkknits Haven’t baked yet. They have to be frozen before baking. Doing it in the morning. Sampled dough though. ZOMG.

    I got plates, cups, and napkins for tomorrow @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp. Bubbly going in to chill too!

    First batch of compost cookies. They smell amazing.

    I’ve eaten like 4 compost cookies (the ones that were wonky coming out of the oven). My heart is racing. SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR NOM NOM NOM.

  • A Dozen Ways to Upgrade Your Eggnog | Serious Eats: Drinks

    A Dozen Ways to Upgrade Your Eggnog | Serious Eats: Drinks – Amy Carbo, this is for you. (Actually, I think I might have to make that Nutella Eggnog for ME.)

  • How Do You Cut Your Snowflakes?

    How Do You Cut Your Snowflakes? – Neat! Colourful handmade snowflakes from junk mail. Might have to try that.

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    Wrap dress, pink tights, boots. My #ootd, complete with broken doll #pose. #pose

    @likeomg I can if you’re willing to wait til I go home tonight…

    @randomknits I’m just being HIGH FASHION, darling!

    Quote @the_snook: “When you play the game of Knitters’ Guild of NSW Camp Coordinator, you win or you die.” HA!

    Web Blast. Wondering if @chewxy is here somewhere…

    DAMMIT. I BURNT THE NUTS AND BOLTS. Sorry, knitters. 🙁

    @Leirith About damn time, @lemon_lime.

    Waking up to nature sounds is great… unless it’s the sound of Felis catus horking up kibble on your bedroom carpet. Great start to Friday.


    @drkknits On the plus side, I don’t have to give them baths. Their evilness is countered by being low-maintenance. I’m just that lazy.

    @drkknits Yeah, vet said it’s not as traumatic for them as it is for people. For them it’s just like a burp. They don’t do it much, luckily.

    Casual Friday #OOTD. This shirt is my fave thing I’ve ever sewn. #pose

    Hey @the_snook: Gingerbread geodesic dome! I’m disappointed they didn’t go self-supporting. That’s cheating. (via @KathrynElliott)

    @jenwburn Getting the Dansko Marcelles was mega pain in the ass. Nobody would ship to Oz. My sis had to forward them to me. I love them tho!

    @gusseting @witty_knitter @drkknits Wasn’t fur. They don’t seem to have furball issues. Looked like she just bolted her brekkie too fast.

    Uh, link to the gingerbread dome would’ve been helpful. Durrrrr.

    @discoknitter You have to translate for me. HD = an A?

    @rachievaichie It’s the Colette Sorbetto. Free pattern online!

  • Photo Post

    Casual Friday. This shirt is my fave thing I’ve ever sewn.

    Casual Friday. This shirt is my fave thing I've ever sewn.