Month: January 2012

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    @drkknits HIPSTER ALERT.

    SKY PHOENIX? Nobody told me yumcha was on offer… *grumble*

    @snarkyboojum According to my source, Y!7 does UI testing on new products before it goes to dev. I was surprised and impressed to hear that.

    Pounding water before today’s Red Cross visit. No plasma this time, just whole blood so hopefully no “crappy veins” issues. *cross fingers*

    RT @jamezpolley: Thist article in the SMH bothers me. Not because it’s wrong, but because it’s so obvious it shouldn’t need to be said h …

    My Red Cross permanent record now states that my veins are officially “unsuitable” for plasma donations. Luckily they need whole blood too!

    Woohoo! Finally managed successful blood donation. Enjoying a well-earned milkshake and pretzels. 🙂

    Which is worse: literal bloodletting or figurative? Going to the RTA to find out.

    Replacement license procured in under 30min. Probably because I wore my Red Cross sticker.

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    Two wickets down… and here comes Sachin!

    @auspost You could ask Strawberry Hills branch if they’ve found my drivers license which they lost!

    @auspost You’ve misunderstood. It wasn’t posted. I handed over my license as ID when collecting a parcel; they lost it 30 seconds later.

    @auspost I called the main number last week and left my mobile number with someone. Haven’t heard anything back yet.

    @auspost Dec 23rd, around 5pm.

    @auspost I have no phone number to ring them. Your website doesn’t give contact details for individual outlets.

    I’m booked in! Girl Geeks Meetup: Monday 16th January 2012 –

    @stufromoz We got some from Three Beans at Broadway yesterday. Paid a fair bit for them though…

    @misswired Poo! Just discovered the scanner you so generously gave us doesn’t work with Mac or Linux AT ALL. Would you like it back?

    RT @chaoticjupiter: Still looking to interview … guerrilla knitters about their experiences. Email me … if interested. // Oh god, no.

    @misswired No worries. We could probably hack it, but I’ll just eat the $100 and buy a new one to save hassle. Thank you anyway!

    Time for TINTIN!! (@ eVent Cinemas w/ 4 others) [pic]:

    We saw TINTIN tonight and it was fantastic. Everything the 4th Indiana Jones movie should have been. Also, I want a little white dog now.

    @stufromoz For ages they’ve been planning to put trees down the middle to make a leafy avenue. Maybe that’s it?

  • New Year’s Eve 2011

    The Snook and I were invited to spend New Year’s Eve at Josh and Jamie’s house at Blue’s Point. They’ve got a great view of the Bridge from their balcony. I even got a new frock for the occasion! We had to get there quite early as they close off the whole Point once it gets crowded. (And it gets very crowded.) We killed some time messing about by the pool. There was a lot of drinking. At some point, the Americans (me, Jamie, and Josh) taught everybody else to play Flip Cup. (Incidentally, the animated gif on that page is probably the Best One on Wikipedia.) By 9pm Blues Point was totally packed. We headed upstairs to Thierry’s apartment to have the best view of the family fireworks. We could see both the Bridge and the Darling Harbour fireworks. I jumped on a giant bean bag. We danced. At some point, the champagne came out and it was time for the big show. Happy New Year!

    Josh posted these photos of us on Facebook today and they CRACK ME UP. Such a fun night (notwithstanding the hangover the next day). Thanks, Jamie and Josh!

    Group shot

    Playing Flip Cup


    Who you looking at?

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    NSW ppl: can you confirm if drivers license number stays the same on a new license? Need to order replacement & only have old license…

    @randomknits @AusVintageGrrl Cheers. I still can’t order online it seems; the card number on the back has changed. Poo. Must go to RTA.

    @randomknits Good call. I have just lodged complaint with @auspost. Staff disorganised & incompetent, website wrong, Twitter ignoring me. 🙁

    @Alacaeriel @witty_knitter I am referring more to the not-responding for the past 11 days.

    @witty_knitter The account made quite a lot of tweets last week on the non-public holidays.

    CLEAN ALL THE THINGS! Decluttering is happening here. Closets cleaned, fridge cleaned, smoke alarm batteries changed, jumpers put away…

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #36: British Picnic! Sausage rolls, asparagus, mackerel pate, salad, & Eton Mess. And Pimm’s. YUM.

    @drkknits Apparently @laimelde has a spare ticket to the Dresden Dolls show this Saturday night… You interested? 🙂

    Dinner Tonight: Pork Chops, Maple Baked Beans, and Coleslaw.

    Attention @kunaal84!!! RT @stufromoz: I may be wrong, but I think Tendulkar just arrived….. Just before we left…

    @drkknits That’s good news! Hope they sort it out…

    Best of Bootie blastin’. Dish washer runnin’. Clothes on the line. Let’s keep the momentum going…

    Wicket! Holy crap, that was early.

  • Dinner Tonight

    Pork Chops, Maple Baked Beans, and ColeslawDinner Tonight: Pork Chops, Maple Baked Beans, and Coleslaw
    For those that don’t know, the Snook and I take turns cooking dinner just about every night of the week. We use a lot of recipes off the Internet, and I thought it would be fun to document some of them here for you. (And I know you guys like the food posts!) Tonight’s meal was designed around these Maple Baked Beans from Serious Eats. I started them early today. You use dry beans but you don’t pre-soak them; instead you simmer them for 20 minutes first. I found I actually had to cook them for 25 minutes as they were just too hard before that. Then I assembled the dish as directed in our crock pot and cooked it on high all day. After about 5 hours, the ham hock was falling apart. So I pulled out the bones and transferred the meat and beans to an oven-safe dish. I added the butter and brown sugar and finished them off in the oven. YUM! Very nice baked beans, not too sticky sweet. The Coleslaw is actually from another Serious Eats recipe. It’s pretty good, but I recommend you only make half (unless you want to be eating coleslaw for the next two weeks). The Snook just cooked the pork chops in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Nice meal, and we have plenty of leftovers!

  • Spudds Christmas Party 2011

    Spudds Christmas Party 2011
    A couple weeks ago was the annual Spudds Christmas Party. I went along to collect the award for our company. There were plenty of people there, but I knew NO ONE. So I got some practice at mingling and small talk with total strangers. (Protip: Find a hot Italian chick and hang out with her. Old dudes will buy you drinks all night.) When I collected the award, Spudd made me give a little speech. I said, “I ran a marathon this year–” and everyone applauded. I continued, “–but I think I was actually prouder the day I got three 100s on the rower.” They roared. Spudd told them that I was one of only two girls to reach that milestone this year. Yay! When I was leaving, I noticed that Spudd’s son Josh had a “photo booth” set up in the corner where he wanted people to take a silly photo. I obliged. Fun night!

    Me and Spudd DREAM!

  • Best of Bootie 2011

    Cheers to my cousin Jenny for alerting us to the availability of Best of Bootie 2011. These free mashup “CDs” are available in January every year, and they are AWESOME. I love very catchy music, and frankly, these mixes are pretty much my only connection to what’s happening in modern pop and R&B. They make GREAT running music too! Highly, highly recommended.

    Edited to add: Aaaaand I just came to a mashup called “Eine Kleine Big Booty Bonkers” which samples Mozart. LOVE IT.

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #36: British Picnic

    This was our 36th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals, and I’ve now got a backlog of THREE meals, so get ready for a flood of posts! The weather has finally gotten appropriately “summery” here in Sydney, so we chose to make the “British Picnic” for this one: Sausage Rolls, Mackerel Pate, Lovely Asparagus, Crunch Salad, and Pimm’s Eton Mess. That’s a lot of different dishes! We watched the TV episode to prepare. The Snook was on chef’s duty, and he managed it in a respectable 38:54.

    British Picnic

    Substitutions: We couldn’t find real Lancashire cheese, so we used cheddar instead. We also couldn’t find prewashed watercress (and couldn’t be arsed picking it off ourselves), so we used rocket for that. We had a plain orange instead of a blood orange in the dessert, as well as little meringues instead of big ones. Other than that, everything was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: How lovely! We might have been sitting in the stands at Wimbledon, I tell you. The sausage rolls were excellent, and for once Jamie’s use of fennel seeds was appropriate. The cheese went a bit ick on the asparagus, but it was still tasty. I had been worried about the mackerel pate, but it was very nice! Strongly fishy, but nothing I couldn’t handle. The pickled onions and pear worked surprisingly well together in the salad. And you can’t really go wrong with Eton mess, can you? We washed it all down with a big glass of Pimm’s Cup. Summertime bliss in only 38:54…


  • The Wedding Blog

    The Wedding Blog – Amanda Palmer has finally posted the story of her wedding to Neil Gaiman, and it actually made me tear up a little. I identify with a lot of her reasons for initially not wanting to get married, and then for changing her mind. And I really identify with the idea of having a small, unplanned, FUN wedding. Theirs sounded lovely.