Month: January 2012

  • Shared today on Twitter

    It was such a good party… but this hangover is EVIL. Self, just because you *can* play Flip Cup, doesn’t mean you *should*.

    @wen1965 Ask @mrs_sockvictim. She knitted her wedding dress out of it. IIRC, it grew a LOT.

    @mrs_sockvictim I had planned for a run, but bugger than. I’ll do it tomorrow. 🙂

    This is about the time I started drinking last night. Shouldn’t there be some sort of time limit on hangovers?

    Jamie’s Cauliflower Mac&Cheese. ZOMG. Hangover cure!! This is what my belly wanted ALL DAY.

    @jonbergan It’ll go up on my blog shortly. I’ve got a slight backlog; need to catch up. 🙂

    And now dessert: Stewed Fruit and Ice Cream. Ahhhhh…

    @eileenDCoE Welcome back!!

    Huh. Snook just noticed I have a massive bruise on the back of my arm. Unexplained Drinking Injury, I suspect. Least I know why it hurt now.

    @imdominating Dolly showed a preview at her concert and then did a (painful) RAP about Queen Latifah and her boobs. *shudder*

    @witty_knitter Heh. Just google “Flickr mosaic”, silly M-H! 🙂

  • 2011 Knitting Round-Up

    As you can see, my main output this year was socks. I don’t think there were very many of us who worked all the way through the Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club. But you know me – my favourite thing is to set a long term goal and then plod along doggedly after it. I think I’ll slow down on socks though and perhaps aim to make myself some real garments this year. I think the Snook might need another cardigan as well…

    2011 Knitting

    1. Boyfriend Socks, 2. Nanners Socks, 3. Fox Faces Socks, 4. Leyburn Socks, 5. Purple Ripple Afghan, 6. Nutkin Socks, 7. DailyMile Mitts, 8. Snook’s Hipster Cardy, 9. Eyelet Yoke Cardigan, 10. February Lady Sweater (Dyed), 11. Shur’tugal Socks