Evened out the colour, trimmed the layers, side-swept fringe. #suchahipster
Month: January 2012
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@AusVintageGrrl Ha, you didn’t know that? We were pitching to build an iPhone app for it 6 months ago. I was over YTT before it started! 🙂
@drkknits Hahaha, I sent that link to Rodd yesterday. His reply: “I need Colin Firth’s tailor’s number. Also, his physique.”
If more academics worked phrases like “kinky bastards” into their essays, I might not have dropped my Honors Program. 🙂 (cc @drkknits)
Who’s a handsome boy!? http://t.co/WxYGknbZ
Road rage
Road rage is in the news. Boofhead Shane Warne had a run-in with a cyclist and is now bitching on Twitter about how we should all be licensed. (Of course, Warnie’s version bears little resemblance to the cyclist’s.) I was also shocked to read about this incident in New Zealand where an American cyclist was knocked off his bike and punched in the face.
I was just saying to the Snook last night that I actually felt safer riding down the lane with traffic than I did on a bike lane or shared footpath. Now I’m not so sure.
The Fixie Bike Index
The Fixie Bike Index – LOL. An attempt to quantify the “hipster-ness” of various American cities by looking at second-hand bike listings for fixies.
Photo Post
Who’s a handsome boy!?
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48 emails! 48! Could somebody please make @drkknits do some actual work already? 🙂
@toastman WHICH DIRECTION??!
Whoa. First JD & Kris from @GRSblog yest (http://t.co/Fwc3SM6s), and now @dooce & Jon today (http://t.co/O3VvnWGG). My world is reeling.
Me to @the_snook: “I think the key thing our marriage has going for it is that we both dislike pretty much everybody else in the world.”
RT @FoodTrucksSYD: First information session for short-listed food truck applicants today. The trucks are coming!!!!
@witty_knitter @the_snook @SandraHW Misanthropy is the basis for all the strongest relationships, I think. 🙂
AFP has formed a supergroup to play the entire Violent Femmes first album this weekend.
AFP has formed a supergroup to play the entire Violent Femmes first album this weekend. – What does it cost to fly to Tasmania? I NEED TO GO TO THERE.
CultureLab: Touching the crocheted clouds
CultureLab: Touching the crocheted clouds – Math + nature + craft + textiles + Roald Dahl reference = WIN.
The Illusion Knitting of Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer
The Illusion Knitting of Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer – Wow. This blows my Autobots logo out of the water. I wonder if they machine knit them?
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@eskimo_sparky Not a case study, but have you seen @pose? It’s pretty new, but I think it’s got massive potential.
@eskimo_sparky Disclosure: I have a profile: http://t.co/1DL244cw I am not remotely a “fashion” person, but it makes me want to buy clothes!
@eskimo_sparky *sigh* This is what I get for doing Frocktober. But seriously, it’s Instagram + fashion with brand tie-ins. Could be HUGE!
I can’t ride the bus to work without wrinkling my pants beyond recognition. How the hell did Ange get to Globes in SATIN with NO WRINKLES?
@DDsD I would not be surprised to find out she’s able to teleport.
@FlavourCrusader @bellsknits takes photos of her chooks all the time!
@crumpet I do too. But how is that even possible? Portable steamer? She’s like on another plane of existence from us mortals.
@GGDSydney My company is advertising for a BA to replace me – care to retweet to the GGD women? http://t.co/PfCOjJxF See you all tonight!
Trying to talk @kunaal84 into seeing Melancholia with me and @drkknits and @mrs_sockvictim. He is “too busy” for nekkid Kirsten Dunst. Hm.
Still at work. Not going to make @GGDSydney event. Sorry guys!
@kunaal84 @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim It’s doubly funny because she was barracking for India the whole series!
@GGDSydney @blakkat Gahhhh. And I really EARNED a beer (or three) today! Damn. Hope everyone is having fun.