I’m not going to run the Gold Coast marathon this year. I’m not going to run any marathon this year. I know this sounds stupid, but it feels incredibly FREEING to say that. I know I said I was going to. But as soon as I said it, I felt weighed down by it. The next seven months stretched ahead like the worst homework assignment ever. It wasn’t like that last year. I don’t know what changed. But lately running is feeling less fun and more like a chore. It feels like something I only do because you guys expect it, and because I’ve made my running so public. It doesn’t help that I keep adding a new injury every six months. I hurt my right knee ten days ago, and it’s still not recovered. Every day that I don’t run, I feel a terrible guilt knowing that I’m “falling behind” on my goals. Isn’t that silly? I went out for a run this morning knowing that I shouldn’t, just because I felt ashamed at not getting in any miles this week. (I got plenty of exercise, just not running.) That’s just stupid, right? Who am I doing this for, anyway?! So when I got back to the house this morning, wincing as my knee climbed each step, I said to the Snook, “I don’t think I want to run the marathon.” And he said, “Okay.” And I immediately felt SO MUCH BETTER. I feel like that’s a big sign that I’m making the right choice. Right now to run would be to force the issue, and I don’t feel like forcing it. I want to have some fun. I want to face some new challenges. I will continue to run, but I’m not going to set any expectations on it. That feels good to me.
Month: January 2012
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Dear Rotary Cutter: You are THE BEST and I don’t know why I never realised it before.
@jrgibson1 Wow. I’m not involved in this fight at all, but you’ve definitely made a disappointing impression. I’m unfollowing.
My two “nonesuch” blocks for @ocherdraco’s January Design for the MeFi quilting group are done! http://t.co/wEO4I7Wu
I’ve decided to destash some books over on Rav: http://t.co/gFWhnimN. All good stuff; none of my daggy 80’s intarsia books, I promise!
@drkknits I need hipster panniers for my bicycle, actually. π
@drkknits Panniers on which I may, in fact, PUT A BIRD.
Sassy Nostalgia Corner: Christina Kelly Reunites With Sassy Cover Girl, Mayim Bialik http://t.co/vAcYTe6g // I had that issue!
Matthew McConaughey Discusses The Reincarnation Of Dazed And Confusedβs Wooderson http://t.co/AcXRtBCv // cc @carbolicious!
Got up at 6am to go for a run. Made it 800m before knee started hurting. And then the rain POURED. I walked home, drenched. That sucked.
MONDAY: YOU SUCK. #surprisepuddle http://t.co/UdS4SKS6
Photo Post
MONDAY: YOU SUCK. #surprisepuddle
Selling Stuff
Buy our stuff! I’m destashing some knitting books over on Rav, and the Snook is selling off a PlayStation and games over on eBay.
How-To: Portlandia Put a Bird on It Brooch
How-To: Portlandia Put a Bird on It Brooch – According to a few people I know, Portlandia is a show that the Snook and I really, really need to watch.
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@knitterjp @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim “We only keep small meterage of each fabric to ensure exclusivity.” BLEURGH.
Paper piecing is super fun, and makes your patchwork blocks way more accurate. WHO KNEW?! (Eunny Jang, that’s who.) http://t.co/jOT35WC8
@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Not sure about that. I have monkey bits to sew…
@drkknits Me and her, we’re LIKETHIS.
@msgusset She’s in my Metafilter quilting group. She made the paper template I used for that block. π
Chowdah. CHOWDAH!! #dinnerisserved http://t.co/utDFaODF
The bed was perfectly made in the morning. Luckily I caught the culprit red-handed. http://t.co/3ZtxffqU
How-To: Portlandia Put a Bird on It Brooch http://t.co/Rk1KPTaJ (cc @drkknits and @mrs_sockvictim)
@toastman Yes, but it was the more secretive, evil cat.
Photo Post
Chowdah. CHOWDAH!! #dinnerisserved
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Dear @kunaal84: This is for you. https://t.co/DfO4t8JV (cc @the_snook, who it is also for.)
Celebrant should’ve put “Talking your freaked out wife off metaphorical ledges” into the wedding vows, given how often @the_snook does it.
@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @knitdra I’m walking to Surry Hills now!
Moda Bake Shop: Charming Window Pillows
Moda Bake Shop: Charming Window Pillows – I always wondered how these quilt blocks were done. Brilliant! Uses a lot of fabric though. I love that you basically make and sew together a heap of cootie catchers to start.
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@thisismywww Yes. We rode down them last night. π
@thisismywww I know. I’ve read the literature! But George Street is ridiculous; too many cars and too many pedestrians. That’s what I mean.
@thisismywww I wasn’t actually asking for answers to a problem! Just ranting. I’ve done a lot of reading on this lately, trust me. π
@kcarruthers Lard makes the best pie crusts.
@kcarruthers From the grocery store. You can, in fact, buy it at Coles here. @the_snook uses it in his Hungarian Goulash. It’s still around!
@chrisgander Hunger Games?
@chrisgander You’ll devour the HG trilogy, I predict. I’m looking forward to the movie!
Any Business Analysts looking for a role in Sydney? Why not apply for mine! Seriously, they need somebody good. π http://t.co/PfCOjJxF
@brown_note Sydney BA role going if you want to alert your followers: http://t.co/PfCOjJxF. (It’s the role I’m leaving!)
@brown_note Cheers! I think they’ve got a couple CVs already. π
@stufromoz I do!! Even own two albums. “Troubled Times” is one of my favourite songs ever. Think I’ll listen to it now…
@stufromoz Oh, damn. Just realised you were using a nickname, not the band. Carry on.
@blakkat What do you think you need it for? My predominate uses: A) cooking from recipes, B) knitting patterns, C) e-reader.
@blakkat But to be honest, I don’t use it as much as I thought I would. Nobody *needs* one, but it’s great for certain things.
@brockleyboyo Neat! I didn’t know you were working on the Games. What are you doing?
@drkknits My ovaries just kicked me in the metaphoric shins. Thanks.
Hot Guys in Period Costume: http://t.co/ij5xge4e. Suspect many of the knitters will be ALL OVER THIS.
Huh. I didn’t support Renly much in the books, but I can get onboard this train. http://t.co/FOxf3TXt (Suddenly Brienne makes more sense.)
@Kat13v I was referring more to the Renly obsession. π
@drkknits I was waiting for you to chime in. π