Month: January 2012

  • The Friday Podcast: Who Killed Lard? : Planet Money : NPR

    The Friday Podcast: Who Killed Lard? : Planet Money : NPR – I definitely remember reading that passage from “The Jungle” and being grossed out.

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    @avechoco Hahaha… I thought it was going to be another porn bento. 🙂

    @miss_reecie SO EMO. (Just kidding. It’s lovely!) 🙂

    @toastman @henrytapia It’s an regional American thing. 🙂

    @drkknits I know of it but haven’t watched. ND is big for football. 🙂

    RT @thecyclery: Good on the crew at The Project for bringing a little more public attention to the issue of car doors and… …

    Hipster alert! My new specs are here. 🙂 @ Chippendale

    @janiematts You are my hero! I got a new bike, ready to start commuting, but I have no idea how to fix a flat just yet!

    These are definitely the thinnest lenses I’ve ever had in my life. Science is awesome. High-index FTW.

    @knitabulous HOLY CRAP, THAT SUCKS! Poor Ailsa.

    @rachievaichie New SpecSavers at Broadway. My first visit, and I was pretty impressed with service and price!

    Just completed a 4.91 km bike ride – Survived my FIRST EVER BIKE COMMUTE!! #RunKeeper

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    Hipster alert! My new specs are here. 🙂

    Hipster alert! My new specs are here. :)

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    @swandives Oh neat, I’ve been waiting for them to introduce an app! Just wish it included a diary or tracker. Useless for me otherwise…

    RT @marcooda: #gmail why don’t you understand, I will always “revert back to old look temporarily”. Always!

    @drkknits I thought to myself pre-click: “If this photo includes FEET, so help me god I am going to LOSE IT.” 🙂

    Cyclists: any advice for a suitable route from Chippo over to William Street (Woolloomooloo)? Are hills & traffic unavoidable as I suspect?

    @innerwestlive That’s weird. Why are they calling you? I’m with them, but I can’t remember them ever calling me for anything.

    Luckily for @the_snook, I find dudes who know their way around a motherboard very sexy.

    Got up early to make Oatmeal Currant Cookies for my BFF @kunaal84.

    @Ezzles I’d heard of ’em but not seen them yet. Thanks!

    My 461 bus driver is asking the passengers which way the route goes. Really.

    It’s only when you write the JD for your replacement that you realise how actually good you are at your job! Going to miss this place…

    @brittanieshey I’ve only mentioned it a few times. Former colleague poached me over to Doing the same role. Start Jan 23 🙂

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    Got up early to make Oatmeal Currant Cookies for my BFF @kunaal84.

    Got up early to make Oatmeal Currant Cookies for my BFF @kunaal84.

  • The Dresden Dolls, Enmore Theater, Sydney

    On Saturday we went to see The Dresden Dolls at the Enmore Theater. We’d seen Amanda play solo last year at the Opera House, but this was our first introduction to the Dolls. I have to say, I think I prefer the solo stuff. I can appreciate the Dolls in terms of art and musical proficiency, but it just isn’t my favourite style of music. (When they say “punk cabaret,” they mean it. LOUD and CACOPHONOUS.) Still, it was an entertaining show. The highlight was during the encore, when a sweaty bra-wearing person flopped into the seat in front of us in the balcony – AMANDA HERSELF. She then proceeded to sing “Mein Herr” while crawling all over the balcony. At one point some crazed fan jumped on her and gave her a hickey until security pulled her off. It was pretty fun. I managed to get the whole thing on video. (It’s cool; AFP confirmed on Twitter she’s got an open camera/video policy.)

    Being grumpy, lazy old people, we arrived late to skip all the opening acts. We did catch the Bedroom Philosopher performing his “Northcote, So Hungover” hit but with substituted lyrics from YouTube. He did it the next night in Melbourne as well, and somebody filmed it. I think his delivery was funnier our night, but we sadly didn’t get Amanda wandering the stage as a bored hipster. 🙂

  • MONA Museum, Hobart

    Spotted this little write-up about the MONA Museum in Hobart. I definitely want to visit sometime. This bit raised my eyebrows though:

    Tattoo Tim, as he is called, sits on a pedestal throughout the day so museum visitors can view the tattoos on his back. He will be at the museum daily for at least the next month and will take guided tours once a day through the Delvoye exhibition. When he dies, he will be skinned and his tattoos displayed in a more traditional frame.

    ”That could be tomorrow, but I hope it’s not,” the 35-year-old from Switzerland says with a smile.

    I hope for his sake he meets with a nicer fate than poor Drioli!

  • Monorail: build it and they will come, except they didn’t

    Monorail: build it and they will come, except they didn’t – For the record, I think a “Lazertube-Skywalk” would be AWESOME. (And there I go using that word again…)

  • Behind Every Great Woman – BusinessWeek

    Behind Every Great Woman – BusinessWeek – Need to double my salary before I can afford to keep Snook on as a househusband…