Month: January 2012

  • RunningBlog: Week 1

    And back to the beginning I go for the third year in a row! The first week of 2012 was an interesting one. I did my first “long” run of marathon training – 7 miles. It was on a very hot day, so I took it nice and slow. I missed my mid-week run in favour of trying to give blood once again, and I’m happy to report that this time it was successful! On Friday I went out for an easy 5K, but it was just awful. My legs and feet hurt and I just didn’t want to be out there. In retrospect, I realise what the problem was. I accidentally wore my old running shoes! Unfortunately that mistake resulted in me developing a slight case of runner’s knee. I exacerbated it on Saturday with a long bike ride and a strength workout. I’ve been icing and resting it ever since.

    Jan 2: 11.51km
    Jan 6: 5.80km
    Jan 7: 14.44km (cycling)
    Jan 7: strength workout
    Total cycling this week: 14.44km (9mi)
    Total cycling in 2012: 14.44km (9mi)
    Total running this week: 17.31km (10.8mi)
    Total running in 2012: 17.31km (10.8mi)

    I’m not going to start comparing myself to the necessary goal pace just yet or it’ll make resting this knee more difficult. I’ll get there once the long runs start extending, I know it.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Watching original Swedish “Girl with a Dragon Tattoo.” Never seen or read before. Suffused with dread.

    Okay, so this is the horrifying part. Jesus.

    @KnitNTel That’s it; I recorded it. Not seeing breaks, but I’m knitting so I’m a little distracted. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim I am having some knee issues still from run the other day. May have made it worse on bike yesterday. Think I should rest.

    Sydney friends: do any of you have an inkjet or bubblejet printer? I need to print on some T-shirt transfer paper.

    @toastman Ah, but I don’t want a T-shirt. I want to transfer a design onto something quite… specific. That zazzle doesn’t sell.

    @stufromoz Oh, excellent. I have the transfer paper and a design. Would you be able to print a couple pages for me in the next week or two?

    @stufromoz Not yet! I’ll check at work tomorrow, but I don’t think we’ve got one.

    @madradish Lovely colour!

    @randomknits Very pretty! Pattern, or self-drafted??

    @redambition Holy crap! Glad you’ve got a diagnosis. Good you’re feeling better soon!!

    Jamie’s Tray-Baked Chicken w/ Creamed Spinach, Squashed Potatoes, & Strawberry Slushie. (We put booze in the slushie.)

    @LeeanneField Only if you wash the dishes! 🙂

    @madradish It was tasty – well under 30min too!!

    @snarkyboojum The American one goes to my area in Indiana. He rides in my Mom’s town’s fire engine. 🙂

    Back to work for my final two weeks at old job. The countdown has begun!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @mrs_sockvictim But, but, no whisky cream sauce on Robbie Burns night??!

    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #37: Broccoli Orecchiette, Courgette & Bocconcini Salad, Prosciutto & Melon Salad. YAY ROCKMELON!

    Twitter: I have 60+ Delicious magazines (from issues 26-93, minus a couple) looking for a good home. Free if you pick them up!

    @randomknits In a handknit? So cute!

    We’re going to go for a BIKE RIDE!

    14K bike ride, then a strength workout at home. Now for a shower and a well-earned beer before the Dresden Dolls…

    FRACK. Very last minute – I have an extra ticket to Dresden Dolls tonight! Anybody close by want it??

    Made it to Dresden Dolls… Sitting next to @kunaal84’s empty seat. Anybody want it??

    I’ve got an extra ticket if anybody wants it!! (@ Enmore Theatre for The Dresden Dolls w/ @sminney)

    Um, holy shit. Amanda Palmer just performed a song from the seat in front of me!

    @eileenDCoE Rodd suggests earplugs. Related news: WE’RE OLD.

    RT @lemon_lime: @amandapalmer Amanda fucking Palmer two seats in front of me! // AND ME!

    @lemon_lime Haha, so good you guys changed seats, huh?!?!

    @lemon_lime Would’ve given @j_griego a chance to jump and throw her off. 🙂

    @laimelde Wait, so you were near the crazy stalker hickey-giver?

    Here’s my video of @amandapalmer singing in front of me and getting attacked by a hickey-giving crazed fan.

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #37: Broccoli Orecchiette

    This was our 37th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. I’m still catching up on the backlog! For this one, we made “Broccoli Orecchiette, Courgette & Bocconcini Salad, Prosciutto & Melon Salad.” We picked it because we knew we were getting rockmelon (cantaloupe) in our weekly veggie box, and we had some zucchini to use up as well. I was on chef’s duty for this one, and I managed it in an easy 26:14!

    Broccoli Pasta

    Substitutions: The only change – and it’s an obvious one – is that we used fusilli instead of orecchiette, simply because that’s what we could find! Everything else was as written in the recipe.

    Quick verdict: This was great! A tasty and easy pasta dish along with two flavoursome salads. I think the anchovies and chilli were the key to the pasta and kept it from being boring. I was actually dreading the prosciutto and melon, mostly because I’m not a huge fan of cantaloupe. Ours was perfectly ripe though, and it went SO WELL with the prosciutto. I loved it. The courgette salad was good, if a bit messy! We both rated this one 9.5 out of 10. It’s a nice summery Italian feast that you could whip up for a group pretty easily.


  • Crochet Tintin Rocket

    Crochet Tintin Rocket – That’s really cool! I’m reading my first Tintin book ever now (after seeing the movie last week).

  • Goths up trees

    Goths up trees – Man, I love single-focus Tumblrs.

  • Photo Post

    Um, holy shit. Amanda Palmer just performed a song from the seat in front of me!

    Um, holy shit. Amanda Palmer just performed a song from the seat in front of me!

  • Free Cycling Confidence Courses – City of Sydney

    Free Cycling Confidence Courses – City of Sydney – Just booked myself and the Snook in for this free Cycling Confidence course in a couple weeks. I can ride a bike just fine, but my childhood pootling around in the country is a far cry from community in the Sydney CBD!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Cleaning the pantry. This is incredibly satisfying. CHUCK ALL THE OLD THINGS! Current record holder: tarragon from 2005.

    These two weeks have been good practice separation from @kunaal84. Allows us to taper rather than go cold turkey when I start my new job!

    @miss_reecie Obviously you weren’t wearing short sleeves. I’d have thought the tatt would’ve given it away. 🙂

    @knitterjp Sadly, @kunaal84 had just arrived at the SCG!

    @Opheli8 @chrisgander I got lured over by a certain Irish friend of yours and mine… 🙂

    @Opheli8 @chrisgander Heh. My “interview” was at the Lord Nelson. 🙂

    @chrisgander @Opheli8 Kevin. Who’s G??

    @Opheli8 @chrisgander I don’t actually start til the 23rd. Looking forward to it though! They are doing some exciting stuff.

    RT @parkrun_au: NEWSFLASH – Registrations are now open for St Peters parkrun, launching in Sydney Park on 21 January, 2011!!! http://t.c …

    @FlavourCrusader Excellent, thanks!

    @drkknits You have inspired me to eat a banana. HOW EFFING VIRTUOUS AM I TODAY? SO VIRTUOUS. 🙂

    @misswired In the last 90 minutes? That was me. 🙂

    Self-portrait with two cats and an iPad. Life is good.

    RT @the_snook: We took the piss out of Bob a lot. Good to see him putting some back in. // Hawkey is a LEGEND.

    @drkknits That’s probably why Amy has turned her back to me. She’s disgusted.

    RT @janiematts: 43, just got asked for ID, FISTPUMP // Hellz yeah, baby face! 🙂

    Well, crap. Looks like @cent_parklands car free days have been suspended indefinitely on account of suburban whingers. (My interpretation.)

    RT @thedailymeal: Starting #2012 off healthy but can’t fight the carb cravings? Check out these #paleo friendly tips for carb lovers: ht …

    @knitterjp @drkknits This was a very weird tweet to read out of context. Had to scroll to see WTF you were talking about. 🙂

    @bellsknits We’ll be there! Up in the lounge section with @lemon_lime and @j_griego…

    @knitterjp @drkknits I worked it out. But at first it read like you were delivering a baby or something!

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim If I’m your inspiration, I hope you chucked 50% of what you had. And we *still* had 35+ diff herbs/spices after!

    @mrs_sockvictim Thinking of doing Cycling Confidence course! You want to join us?

    @lemon_lime I don’t think @kunaal84 got tickets, actually.

    @mrs_sockvictim There are 8 spots available on the 22nd at 9am. How’s that suit you?

    @mrs_sockvictim Rodd will come too!

    @mrs_sockvictim Okay, I’ll book the two of us in for Sunday the 22nd, and you can do yours. Rego here: