@redambition Mine already have a scratch. Not happy. I am speaking to the manager tomorrow.
Here’s a fantastic Knitters Guild Twitter Account: @KWKnittersGuild. It would be awesome if the @KnitGuildNSW could do something similar.
@MargotPalk Hiya, stranger! Welcome aboard… π
RT @CBAPMentor: Free CBAP & CCBA Exam Prep flashcards at BAMentor http://t.co/v5nWxQG7 #cbap #ccba #baot
@MargotPalk Best way to do it! Feel free to send any questions through. (If you have a smartphone, try a Twitter app on there!)
RT @131500buses: The #SeaofBlueMarch is on tomorrow. …. http://t.co/QP3cNUur // Will ride my bike and avoid Rocks traffic chaos!
Hayden Orpheum showing double-feature of Dirty Dancing and Princess Bride on March 11! http://t.co/aOA2W7vJ THAT RULES.
@drkknits @KinokuniyaAust Those are pretty damn sweet!
@drkknits Awww, don’t be silly. We’re going to Game of Thrones dinner!
FFS SYDNEY. IT’S JUST RAIN. IT’S BEEN HAPPENING ALL SUMMER. (It’s taken 30+ minutes for this bus to get to like 8 blocks on George St!)
Dang. I miss @kunaal84! This is the longest engagement party ever.
@FlavourCrusader That looks SO GOOD!!
RT @MisterShuffles: “Today is the last day of Summer.” But we didn’t have a Summer! #StupidRain #GettingVeryStampy
@j_griego The Beresford? Is Paul Bieber there? He’s always there. π
RT @NotQuiteNigella: Advice from hudson meat Best cut of lamb for flavour: shoulder bc of the fat. // I’ve had one brining for 3days now!!
RT @redditflipboard: Dear senator… [r/atheism] http://t.co/DSQMTUUO // That’s pretty brilliant, even if you’re not an atheist.
RT @thedailymeal: Of Course There’s a ‘Twilight’ Engagement Shoot: Whip out the glitter, everyone http://t.co/X0NgPcTw (cc @imdominating)
@DanielleWarby *waves as the bus sails past*