Month: February 2012

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @redambition Mine already have a scratch. Not happy. I am speaking to the manager tomorrow.

    Here’s a fantastic Knitters Guild Twitter Account: @KWKnittersGuild. It would be awesome if the @KnitGuildNSW could do something similar.

    @MargotPalk Hiya, stranger! Welcome aboard… πŸ™‚

    RT @CBAPMentor: Free CBAP & CCBA Exam Prep flashcards at BAMentor #cbap #ccba #baot

    @MargotPalk Best way to do it! Feel free to send any questions through. (If you have a smartphone, try a Twitter app on there!)

    RT @131500buses: The #SeaofBlueMarch is on tomorrow. …. // Will ride my bike and avoid Rocks traffic chaos!

    Hayden Orpheum showing double-feature of Dirty Dancing and Princess Bride on March 11! THAT RULES.

    @drkknits @KinokuniyaAust Those are pretty damn sweet!

    @drkknits Awww, don’t be silly. We’re going to Game of Thrones dinner!

    FFS SYDNEY. IT’S JUST RAIN. IT’S BEEN HAPPENING ALL SUMMER. (It’s taken 30+ minutes for this bus to get to like 8 blocks on George St!)

    Dang. I miss @kunaal84! This is the longest engagement party ever.

    @FlavourCrusader That looks SO GOOD!!

    RT @MisterShuffles: “Today is the last day of Summer.” But we didn’t have a Summer! #StupidRain #GettingVeryStampy

    @j_griego The Beresford? Is Paul Bieber there? He’s always there. πŸ™‚

    RT @NotQuiteNigella: Advice from hudson meat Best cut of lamb for flavour: shoulder bc of the fat. // I’ve had one brining for 3days now!!

    RT @redditflipboard: Dear senator… [r/atheism] // That’s pretty brilliant, even if you’re not an atheist.

    RT @thedailymeal: Of Course There’s a ‘Twilight’ Engagement Shoot: Whip out the glitter, everyone (cc @imdominating)

    @DanielleWarby *waves as the bus sails past*

  • The Star Wars Saga: Suggested Viewing Order

    The Star Wars Saga: Suggested Viewing Order – I’d seen this linked a few places, but like John, I didn’t get around to reading it until today. It’s brilliant. If I ever get the privilege of introducing someone to Star Wars, it will be according to that plan.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I am perpetually amused by how most of the Knitters Guild think A) the Internet is evil and B) somehow its all my fault.

    Hey UOTO. Incoming!!

    @andrewsayer Oh, fun! I just proposed to @the_snook on the bus. He looked up from Reddit long enough to say yes. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits @KnitGuildNSW According to my calendar, 11am.

    @gilmae I think she has a new underwear line there. Target US has been featuring a lot of designer stuff. It’s less daggy than here.

    RT @wheelyweb: Some nice ways to get your bike out of the way when you’re not using it.

    @stufromoz @andrewsayer @the_snook It’s less exciting when you’re already married. But it’s still nice to reconfirm. πŸ™‚

    @merrinmez Hi Merrin. I can’t see anything attributed to you that you didn’t post. You did “retweet” a post though? Is that what you mean?

    @merrinmez Retweeting is re-posting something someone else said. There’s a button with arrows on it. Perhaps you clicked it accidentally?

    @gilmae Frankly, the whole burlesque thing jumped the shark a long time ago, if you ask me. Target is very much the demographic these days.

    RT @the_snook I love the smell of Subway sandwiches. // Illustrating a point.

    @the_snook I had fun trying to think up something to make you say. πŸ™‚

    @Kat13v Ha, I’d have to disagree with you to care about that one. πŸ˜›

    @amandapalmer I introduced myself to my Aussie office as a “Hoosier.” They think it’s hilarious. They can’t even say it properly.

  • MetaQuilter

    Last year I decided to try something different so I signed up for a quilting club with some of the fine folks from MeFi. It’s called MetaQuilter, and I’m in the “adventurous” group. Each month a different member (the “designer”) sends out fabric and instructions for making blocks. The rest of us all sew the blocks and then send them back to the designer. I’ve just finished February’s blocks so I thought I’d show off what I’ve done so far:

    The first four were for January. The block pattern is called Nonesuch. They were trickier than they look. One of the group members figured out a paper piecing technique that made things a lot simpler. Apparently the finished quilt is going to look something like this. So it’ll be a traditional pattern in some distinctly modern colours!

    The other two blocks are called New York Beauty, and they were definitely a challenge. The pointy bits in the arcs were done with proper paper piecing, and at first it broke my brain. I watched YouTube videos; I read tutorials; and I still did everything wrong. My seam ripper definitely saw some use. But then after setting it aside for a few days – it totally clicked! I figured it out. I even made the second one a bit more complicated just for fun. Sewing the curved bits together was stressful but I didn’t do too badly. I can’t wait to see what this finished quilt looks like…


    PIGEON – A cute knitted pigeon. I was going to leave it at that, but – $64?!!! Knitted out of baby alpaca in Bolivia by a self-managed community of indigenous women?!!! This is Portlandia in real life.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Closing the Oscar Contest entries… just about now!

    @miftik Sweet, thanks.

    RT @redambition: My dreams of winning the sock monkey with the dragon tattoo are shattered. I just can’t pick Oscar winners.

    Some upsets so far! Currently a 12-way tie for first place…

    @miftik Ooh. @imdominating counted 39. Verdict?

    The scores on my Oscar contest are going nuts! Some big upsets here. Fingers crossed for a lady winner for the first time in ages…

    Congrats to Jennifer Mullowney, the big winner out of 374 entries in my Oscar contest!

    @redambition Holy shit, Issy! You came DEAD LAST. Rodd thinks I should give you a special wooden spoon award. πŸ™‚

    Trying to explain to the Snook why bungee-cording the cat carrier to my bike isn’t a good way to get Petey to his vet appointment Saturday.

    RT @Richard_Florida: “Walmart threatens the town R.E.M. made famous” – Will Doig in @Salon –

    Sometimes Mondays DEMAND four glasses of cheap red wine.

    I kid myself that I’m the Penny, but let’s be honest. I’m the Amy Farrah Fowler.

    @gilmae Oh, I’m totally THAT Penny. That was actually one of our Halloween ideas.

    @mikerussell_ It was from a cask. *hangs head in shame*

    RT @yokoono: When you say “I love you” to the one you love, know that you are not onlyΒ saying it to your love, but to our planet and the …

    @imdominating Jealous. The thought of pulling a box of those from the fridge on this hot day… #drool

    @cdeagle Awww, I love Yoko. Don’t be a hater. πŸ™‚

  • living doing

    Miss our Jamie Oliver posts? Victoria over at the living doing blog is working her way through the recipes as well. (She’s using the TV series rather than the book though.) She’s got some lovely photographs too. I have a feeling it’ll be a while before the Snook and I get around to finishing off the book!

  • Oscar Contest Results

    Wow, we had some upsets! Those last few awards really made the difference. I thought that Glenn Scribner had it in the bag… right up until Meryl claimed her first Oscar in decades. MERYL?! That left me with a five-way tie between: Glenn, Jennifer Mullowney, Blaz, reed hilton-eddy, and Allen Dickerson. All of them got 13 answers correct. It all came down to the tie breaker. There were 39 dead people in the “In Memoriam” montage, which means that Jennifer is the big winner with her guess of 38! (The next closest was reed with a guess of 35.)

    Congratulations, Jennifer! Jennifer’s entered a few times before, so it seems like persistence is the key. Thanks to everyone who played, and see you all next year!

  • Oscar Rule Clarification

    Just to reiterate, you only get one entry per person. If you put in multiple entries, I’ll delete the later ones. I’ve found a couple people who put in entries a few weeks apart, and only the first entry per person will be counted.