Month: February 2012

  • Oscar Night

    Oscar Night is here! Less than four hours to get your predictions in if you haven’t already. So far we’re at 352 entries with clear favourites in every single category. (Yikes. Cross fingers for an upset!) You’ll be able to check your scores here. Unfortunately I’ve got some meetings at work today, so I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep the list updated in real time. I’ll do my best though.

    And as usual, if you’re watching the show live, can you do me a favour and count the dead people in the “In Memoriam” segment? Cheers…

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    Achievement unlocked! Paper piecing AND curved seams. I am victorious!

    Achievement unlocked! Paper piecing AND curved seams. I am victorious!

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    New basket and bike pump!

    @Alacaeriel Whoa, really? Was it one of the Topeak baskets?

    @Alacaeriel Yikes! Thanks, will double check it.

    Achievement unlocked! Paper piecing AND curved seams. I am victorious!

    @drkknits No word yet! But the paper piecing nearly killed me. So much unpicking and redoing…

    RT @codepo8: Why We Need to Rethink β€œWomen in Tech” – some interesting points

    Who’s watching the Oscars live then? I need some help counting dead people for my contest tie breaker! (@imdominating??)

    @imdominating Awesome, thanks.

    Trying to decide if it’s worth $70+ to see Michael Cera in a play at the Opera House next month. (@Kat13v – worth it?)

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    New basket and bike pump!

    New basket and bike pump!

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    @susiegii That’s too late! I’ve got to finish these squares this weekend for my club. πŸ™‚

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    The Dudette abides. (It's too hot to wear my bathrobe.)
    The Dudette abides. (It’s too hot to wear my bathrobe.)

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    Baking PB cookies in a shameless attempt to make my new co-workers like me...

    Baking PB cookies in a shameless attempt to make my new co-workers like me…

  • Feasting on Fiddlehead

    Feasting on Fiddlehead – I’ve never had fiddlehead, but they look so amazing! It’s a very seasonal, regional food, isn’t it?

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    RT @digby56: The GOP is Now Officially Against Birth Control by @DavidOAtkins

    @drkknits OOH, nice!

    FFS Facebook. Why am I still getting push notifications about people checking places? I have that TURNED OFF. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THEM.

    Mega #paleo cheeseburger platter. Nom nom.

    Holy crap. Paper piecing has defeated me in a way that rarely happens. It feels like 7th grade algebra.

    RT @Slate: Measles outbreak traced back to anti-vaccination fanatics at the Super Bowl:

    RT @only_paleo: Having a hard time sticking to paleo? Jenna Shannon from NY gives her tips on Eating Paleo in a Non …

    @glittertrash DPNs are so annoying. I never use ’em. I always do the two-circulars method for everything!

    @glittertrash It can do any size tube: thumbs, socks, sleeves, hats, you name it. Google “socks on two circulars”. That’s how I learned.

    @glittertrash There’s also the “Magic Loop” technique, which is very similar but just uses one long circ.

    @konterkariert @joshprice @nolim1t But I love my Toodledo already. Is Clear’s UI really worth switching?

    @konterkariert But I’m a To Do list power user. Usually have 100+ items in several cats and sub-projects. I don’t think Clear supports that.

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    Why aren’t there native OSX ports of Dia and Gimp? I like them, but god they’re ugly in X11. I’d pay for nicer versions.

    @henrytapia But I’d pay! There’s gotta be a business opportunity there. @the_snook thinks it’s rather a technical limitation.

    @that_alison Heh. I don’t knit ’em; I sew them from pre-made socks. But regardless – no way. πŸ˜€

    Watching Whirlpool discussion about Internet outage and laughing at geeks losing their shit. (Confession: I miss Facebook already.)

    @gilmae The whole internets was broken for a lot of Australia for the past hour or so: Not for you?

    Internet seems to be working again, both on my iPhone (Telstra) and in the office (iiNet). Phew. Crisis averted.

    RT @CollinVanUden: I love a sunburnt country, a land of [dns_server_failure] #blackThursday

    Super excited that we got a booking for the Game of Thrones dinner at Gastro Park for my BIRTHDAY next month!

    @imdominating I am somewhat hoping they bring me a big birthday HORSE HEART to gnaw on dramatically.

    Sydney Harbour on a sunny day with a big boat. @ Dawes Point

    RT @imdominating: @web_goddess Dr. Amy Jones will be the kitty who mounts the world! // HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    @drkknits Regal brother-shagging evil Cersei? Or chastened-yet-seething walking-through-the-streets-nekkid Cersei? #spoiler

    @blakkat They just keep bringing things around to your table. You don’t even have to get up! It’s awesome.

    @blakkat When I was there, they gave you a little red/green disc you could flip to indicate if you wanted food or a break. πŸ™‚

    @blakkat The one on William Street. They’re very trendy now. Also been to Wildfire at Circ Quay years ago, and Ola Rio in Chippo recently.

    @jenbishopsydney Lovely! You must thank yourself. πŸ™‚

    Baking PB cookies in a shameless attempt to make my new co-workers like me…

    @codepo8 I get them too (but for $75 AUD). I just bin ’em. I can’t be bothered.

    Hey @lemon_lime: This is so for you. Banana Republic’s new Mad Men collection:

    @lemon_lime Seriously, I could see you wearing (and working the hell out of) that dude’s exact outfit.

    @Gin_ev_ra is useful in these cases. πŸ™‚

    @imdominating Awesome. I wish it got cold enough here to wear big warm stompy boots.

    The cookies went over very well. πŸ™‚