Month: February 2012

  • Photo post

    Spotted on Broadway tonight. #hipsters

    Spotted on Broadway tonight. #hipsters

  • Photo post

    It's Friday and it's summer. Good enough excuse to dress like a hippie.  #pose
    It’s Friday and it’s summer. Good enough excuse to dress like a hippie. #pose

  • How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Magazine – The Atlantic

    How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Magazine – The Atlantic – HOLY CRAP. I was convinced reading this that both Snook and I were infected with Toxoplasmosis and it was affecting our behaviour. I mean, men wear rumpled clothes, avoid risk, and get suspicious? Women dress nicer, court risk, and get extroverted? That’s us over the past few years to a T.

    Then I got to the end where they mention that indoor cats don’t get the parasite, only outdoor cats. So we don’t have it after all. Our weirdness is fully our own.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Knitters: Am I crazy, or does Daniel Radcliffe’s cool fairisle cardigan look like the motif was knitted inside out??

    @witty_knitter @betsybookworm I like it too! I’ve always liked look of neat stranding, just never seen it used as a design feature before!

    @gusseting Apparently it’s a Nancy Bush thing. @miss_reecie did an actual course with her on it!

    Looking forward to catching up with @eileenDCoE this weekend when she visits Sydney!

    @witty_knitter @drkknits So my plan to have all the Camp teachers be ROBOTS is out then, huh?

    @drkknits Well, Android does tend to get excessively “manly” in its advertising tone. If its not pink, probably ain’t aimed at us girls.

    And that, my friends, was a TEN HOUR WORKDAY. Phew. I don’t think I’ve worked this hard in a long time. My brain is tired!

    @gilmae Pretty much. Trying hard to impress everybody. Probably going to burn myself out!

    @gilmae Well, today was meeting a deadline. Special case. I think I can ease up a bit now, thank goodness…

    @Linda_Moore I’ll find a link for you…

    @Linda_Moore Had to grab the URL off Facebook directly…

  • I love my wife. My wife is dead.

    I love my wife. My wife is dead. – Wow. This made me tear up. I just think of Feynman as, like, playing the bongos and picking up chicks and experimenting with drugs in isolation tanks. I guess all that came later.

  • Clean ALL the things!

    How To Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days. Interesting! We have a cleaner that comes every 2 weeks, but we usually run around like mad that morning trying to tidy everything up. It would be way more efficient to do a little every day.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @the_snook I don’t know. They’re so SQUEAKY. When did kids get so squeaky? They, like, hurt my ears. #grump

    @witty_knitter @the_snook Huh. No, I could hear them pretty darn well! (It’s low frequencies like Snook’s voice that I have trouble with.)

    @witty_knitter @drkknits I like how it has GAG right in the middle. It’s like the sound my brain makes when I’m sitting there.

    @venks79 Hahaha… But dropping buzzwords like that is the foundation for my entire career! 😛

    @handmethepanda I do! I am a numbering freak.

    @Linda_Moore I saw one on FB for librarians!

    RT @wired: Game of Thrones Valentines Slay Hearts // Attention @drkknits @kunaal84

    If I rode my bike, I would’ve been at work 20 minutes ago. Instead I’ll be sitting on George St for another 30. I hate you, Sydney Buses.

    @BendalongMorgan Because I have an injured knee, and walking the 5K yesterday didn’t help it. Bus is my only option right now.

  • Valentine’s Day Paleo-Approved treats

    Valentine's Day apple

    Yesterday I went for a lunchtime walk with the Snook, where he presented me with a shiny, red, heart-shaped, paleo-approved Valentine’s Day treat. Aww, wasn’t that nice? I tweeted the photo and a few people joked that he should’ve gotten me an actual HEART. You know what? Maybe next year.