Spotted on Broadway tonight. #hipsters
Month: February 2012
Photo post
It’s Friday and it’s summer. Good enough excuse to dress like a hippie. #pose -
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Magazine – The Atlantic
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy – Magazine – The Atlantic – HOLY CRAP. I was convinced reading this that both Snook and I were infected with Toxoplasmosis and it was affecting our behaviour. I mean, men wear rumpled clothes, avoid risk, and get suspicious? Women dress nicer, court risk, and get extroverted? That’s us over the past few years to a T.
Then I got to the end where they mention that indoor cats don’t get the parasite, only outdoor cats. So we don’t have it after all. Our weirdness is fully our own.
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Knitters: Am I crazy, or does Daniel Radcliffe’s cool fairisle cardigan look like the motif was knitted inside out??
@witty_knitter @betsybookworm I like it too! I’ve always liked look of neat stranding, just never seen it used as a design feature before!
@gusseting Apparently it’s a Nancy Bush thing. @miss_reecie did an actual course with her on it!
Looking forward to catching up with @eileenDCoE this weekend when she visits Sydney!
@witty_knitter @drkknits So my plan to have all the Camp teachers be ROBOTS is out then, huh?
@drkknits Well, Android does tend to get excessively “manly” in its advertising tone. If its not pink, probably ain’t aimed at us girls.
And that, my friends, was a TEN HOUR WORKDAY. Phew. I don’t think I’ve worked this hard in a long time. My brain is tired!
@gilmae Pretty much. Trying hard to impress everybody. Probably going to burn myself out!
@gilmae Well, today was meeting a deadline. Special case. I think I can ease up a bit now, thank goodness…
@Linda_Moore I’ll find a link for you…
@Linda_Moore Had to grab the URL off Facebook directly…
Letters of Note: I shall always be near you
Letters of Note: I shall always be near you – Whoa. This one is even sadder. WHY AM I READING THESE?
I love my wife. My wife is dead.
I love my wife. My wife is dead. – Wow. This made me tear up. I just think of Feynman as, like, playing the bongos and picking up chicks and experimenting with drugs in isolation tanks. I guess all that came later.
Clean ALL the things!
How To Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days. Interesting! We have a cleaner that comes every 2 weeks, but we usually run around like mad that morning trying to tidy everything up. It would be way more efficient to do a little every day.
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@the_snook I don’t know. They’re so SQUEAKY. When did kids get so squeaky? They, like, hurt my ears. #grump
@witty_knitter @the_snook Huh. No, I could hear them pretty darn well! (It’s low frequencies like Snook’s voice that I have trouble with.)
@witty_knitter @drkknits I like how it has GAG right in the middle. It’s like the sound my brain makes when I’m sitting there.
@venks79 Hahaha… But dropping buzzwords like that is the foundation for my entire career! 😛
@handmethepanda I do! I am a numbering freak.
@Linda_Moore I saw one on FB for librarians!
RT @wired: Game of Thrones Valentines Slay Hearts // Attention @drkknits @kunaal84
If I rode my bike, I would’ve been at work 20 minutes ago. Instead I’ll be sitting on George St for another 30. I hate you, Sydney Buses.
@BendalongMorgan Because I have an injured knee, and walking the 5K yesterday didn’t help it. Bus is my only option right now.
Why You Should Eat Brightly Colored Fruits and Vegetables
Why You Should Eat Brightly Colored Fruits and Vegetables – Food for thought. (Nyuk nyuk.)