Month: February 2012

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    The Snook bought me a shiny red heart-shaped paleo-approved Valentine’s Day treat. @ Dawes Point

    @twelveeyes Hahaha… I’ll tell him next year = offal. 🙂

    @twelveeyes I thought maybe a waxed red cheese! Squashed a bit for the shape, maybe. 🙂

    @supercres I am incapable of reading/hearing that quote without responding “Then I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL!”

    Wow. Australia has a fun run where you can RACE A STEAM TRAIN. How did I not know this?

    @twelveeyes Harsh! Im speaking more as a runner who is well aware of the big running events in the country. They need better PR!

    Five little kids on the bus near me, giggling and shrieking. See, this is why in America kids ride separate school buses.

    RT @neilhimself: Cheap Neverwhere ebook. It’s $2.99 for Nook and Kindle today. (Links at #cheap! // $14.27 in Oz. 🙁

    In honour of Jeff Winger, I am listening to Barenaked Ladies all day today.

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    W00t. First paycheck from new job!

    The Snook made truffle butter last night to accompany our beef roast. As always, it made me think: WHY DON’T WE EAT THIS EVERY DAY? #paleo

    @betsybookworm Basically just eating low carb. Meat, fish, veg/fruit, nuts & fat. No grains, sugar, potatoes. More like cavemen would eat!

    @betsybookworm Mark’s Daily Apple is a site with lots of info. I’ll write my own blog post about it soon…

    @betsybookworm Not really doing it for weight loss. For me, grains and starches make me feel BAD and hungry. Protein makes me feel good!

    Huh. The SMH ran a short article about paleo a few months ago: (cc @betsybookworm @drkknits)

    @betsybookworm Oh right, he’s doing some sort of upgrade. Check it out later. I’m not quite as fanatical as he is though! Moderation is key.

    @betsybookworm It’s hard to cut the cord on grains entirely. I can only do it because I now know exactly how bad they make me feel.

    @zephyrama @betsybookworm In an ideal world, I’d live on fresh warm bread. But in reality, that’s how I got to 100+kg. 🙁

    Evidence for wheat being evil: “2 slices of whole wheat bread increase blood sugar…higher… than a candy bar” YOWZA

    @betsybookworm @zephyrama I remember the day I worked out that a Bourke St Bakery personal sourdough has 14 WW points. Seriously depressing.

    @betsybookworm @zephyrama Considering I used to buy one as soon as I got off the bus and EAT THE WHOLE THING MYSELF.

    @venks79 As long as your missus is okay with that! 🙂

    @miss_reecie SUCKED IN!

    I seem to have spawned some massive food discussions. Eep. Sorry, I was just waxing rhapsodic about truffle butter, really. 🙂

    @witty_knitter Bah. Moral relativism is for wusses. When I am Supreme Empress of the world, there will definitely be Good & Bad foods.

    @witty_knitter You might as well say there’s no good or bad graffiti knitting! or scrapbooking! or crochet! YOU’RE DESTROYING SOCIETY!

    @betsybookworm It’s a touchy subject for some. I don’t get why some people seem to get personally offended that I eat low carb!

    @MissVicki79 @betsybookworm I’m pretty sure I worked it out by weight. I was the Hermione of WW, back in the day.

    @drkknits *puts hand up* DO YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM ME?

    Huh. This is the second office I’ve been in where dudes will apply deodorant at their desks. I have never seen a woman do this, ever.

    @witty_knitter Can we agree that those are Bad People? 🙂

    Woo! Just got my new funky business cards. I feel all official! @ Sitback Solutions

    RT @mobileembrace: Breaking campaign: Mizone gets mobile | B&T // Way to go, @Leirith!

    @toastman We noticed. We were sitting like 5 rows behind you this morning. 🙂

    @toastman No worries. We were just glad to see you out and about. Hope all is well. (Ugh. Sharepoint?)

    Dinner tonight: Buttermilk Roast Chicken, smashed carrots, beans, pumpkin.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits @Yarna_ @SandraHW I am the only non-bunter left in the world, it seems!

    @toastman He was a pitcher. Tom Berenger was the bunter.

    Dear @the_snook: You are a Valentine. Love, me.

    RT @Y7News: Magda Szubanski comes out, backs gay marriage // LOVE Magda! She’s awesome.

    RT @DeathStarPR: Our ULTIMATE #StarWars The Phantom Menace #FAQ answers every question you’ve never had and more:

    @witty_knitter @toastman @drkknits @Yarna_ @SandraHW “Bunting” is a baseball term as well. Mr Toast is making a funny. 🙂

  • 100 Days Project

    My nephew Penn had to do a special project for school to celebrate his first 100 days of kindergarten. It was meant to involve 100 things in some way. Isn’t this cool?!

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    @drkknits I didn’t do bacon! They had chopped up ham and blanched silverbeet. Both kinds just had feta in the bottom of each.

    Monday morning bus sighting of the rare and elusive @toastman… *waves*

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    BUNTING!! RT @carowenzel: Sydney City Farm stall popular at Sydney Park 21st

    I am now addicted to Ticket to Ride for iPhone. I blame @matthewbaldwin.

    RT @tammois: Orsm. RT @mamabook: RT @Slate: How Obama just royally punked the GOP on contraception:

    @drkknits I just woke up! 🙂

  • “Quiltsurround” by Greely Myatt – Jenean Morrison Blog

    “Quiltsurround” by Greely Myatt – Jenean Morrison Blog – Very cool art installation in Memphis involving “quilts” made out of recycled street signs.

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    Wishing @kunaal84 a wonderful trip home for his engagement. CONGRATS TO YOU AND KRITI!

    @mrs_sockvictim Way to go! Great job. Wish I could run too. Poo. 🙁

    Packing up my paleo noms for the Guild meeting today…

    Hooray! Just found out my mom, stepdad, and little brother will be out to visit at the end of July. Can’t wait to see them!

  • Guns in NSW: where they are … legally

    Guns in NSW: where they are … legally – Phew. 5546 people in the 2008 postcode; only 20 of them have gun licenses. Less than a quarter of Surry Hills!

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    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Birds are definitely A Thing.

    For someone who isn’t the Guild webmaster anymore, I still get a lot of support requests. Need to start billing. (JUST KIDDING!)

    That Gotye song has been played, no joke, like 25 times in our office today (including various remixes). I’M GOING MAAAAAADDDDDD.

    @SallyPompom Actually, I do! 🙂

    @SallyPompom It wasn’t just you. @redambition was hitting me up for email support too. Just not a good day for it. Cranky day at work…

    Meeting debrief. (@ Hunters Hill Hotel)

    I’ve seen 3 episodes of “New Girl” and I like it. I really do. I’m a little surprised. @toastman’s girlfriend Zooey is really very charming.

    @toastman She does a little! And she does the theme.

    RT @DanielleWarby: Ellen Addresses Her JCPenney Critics – This is actually really awesome. Way to go Ellen.

  • Angry customers brand kitchen design company Skulduggery & Hoax

    Angry customers brand kitchen design company Skulduggery & Hoax – Wow. This is why I’m fine with paying a premium to go with a larger company. Harvey Norman aren’t cheap, but they have been very thorough with sending us information, returning calls when they say they will, providing us with copies of their insurance, etc.