W00t. First paycheck from new job!
The Snook made truffle butter last night to accompany our beef roast. As always, it made me think: WHY DON’T WE EAT THIS EVERY DAY? #paleo
@betsybookworm Basically just eating low carb. Meat, fish, veg/fruit, nuts & fat. No grains, sugar, potatoes. More like cavemen would eat!
@betsybookworm Mark’s Daily Apple is a site with lots of info. I’ll write my own blog post about it soon…
@betsybookworm Not really doing it for weight loss. For me, grains and starches make me feel BAD and hungry. Protein makes me feel good!
Huh. The SMH ran a short article about paleo a few months ago: http://t.co/6Tq2qZYE (cc @betsybookworm @drkknits)
@betsybookworm Oh right, he’s doing some sort of upgrade. Check it out later. I’m not quite as fanatical as he is though! Moderation is key.
@betsybookworm It’s hard to cut the cord on grains entirely. I can only do it because I now know exactly how bad they make me feel.
@zephyrama @betsybookworm In an ideal world, I’d live on fresh warm bread. But in reality, that’s how I got to 100+kg. 🙁
Evidence for wheat being evil: http://t.co/I4GIXRo2. “2 slices of whole wheat bread increase blood sugar…higher… than a candy bar” YOWZA
@betsybookworm @zephyrama I remember the day I worked out that a Bourke St Bakery personal sourdough has 14 WW points. Seriously depressing.
@betsybookworm @zephyrama Considering I used to buy one as soon as I got off the bus and EAT THE WHOLE THING MYSELF.
@venks79 As long as your missus is okay with that! 🙂
@miss_reecie SUCKED IN!
I seem to have spawned some massive food discussions. Eep. Sorry, I was just waxing rhapsodic about truffle butter, really. 🙂
@witty_knitter Bah. Moral relativism is for wusses. When I am Supreme Empress of the world, there will definitely be Good & Bad foods.
@witty_knitter You might as well say there’s no good or bad graffiti knitting! or scrapbooking! or crochet! YOU’RE DESTROYING SOCIETY!
@betsybookworm It’s a touchy subject for some. I don’t get why some people seem to get personally offended that I eat low carb!
@MissVicki79 @betsybookworm I’m pretty sure I worked it out by weight. I was the Hermione of WW, back in the day.
@drkknits *puts hand up* DO YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM ME?
Huh. This is the second office I’ve been in where dudes will apply deodorant at their desks. I have never seen a woman do this, ever.
@witty_knitter Can we agree that those are Bad People? 🙂
Woo! Just got my new funky business cards. I feel all official! @ Sitback Solutions http://t.co/7SV4vtEC
RT @mobileembrace: Breaking campaign: Mizone gets mobile | B&T http://t.co/Ov6gSqMs // Way to go, @Leirith!
@toastman We noticed. We were sitting like 5 rows behind you this morning. 🙂
@toastman No worries. We were just glad to see you out and about. Hope all is well. (Ugh. Sharepoint?)
Dinner tonight: Buttermilk Roast Chicken, smashed carrots, beans, pumpkin. http://t.co/azAYByPF
@witty_knitter @drkknits @Yarna_ @SandraHW I am the only non-bunter left in the world, it seems!
@toastman He was a pitcher. Tom Berenger was the bunter.
Dear @the_snook: You are a Valentine. Love, me.
RT @Y7News: Magda Szubanski comes out, backs gay marriage http://t.co/qvUZ0ZNa // LOVE Magda! She’s awesome.
RT @DeathStarPR: Our ULTIMATE #StarWars The Phantom Menace #FAQ answers every question you’ve never had and more: http://t.co/BuSd5fJP
@witty_knitter @toastman @drkknits @Yarna_ @SandraHW “Bunting” is a baseball term as well. Mr Toast is making a funny. 🙂