Month: February 2012

  • Photo post

    Snook as Human Sundial.
    Snook as Human Sundial.

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    This year’s sock monkey is nearly complete. Been sending status updates to focus group, @drkknits and @mrs_sockvictim. They like it. 🙂

    @AusVintageGrrl @drkknits Thanks Tia – fascinating! I’m not full-on paleo; I still have some dairy. But lots of science there. Reading…

    @AusVintageGrrl @drkknits Wait, no string beans? No salt? SCREW THAT. We have those things. 🙂

    RT @mwells121: Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study – and conservative politics can … http:/ …

    RT @Slate: Want to put Planned Parenthood out of the abortion business? Donate to them: #slatepitches

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    @KathrynElliott @gusseting Interesting. Hadn’t heard of it. Are “spaghetti squash” available in Oz? I’ve never found them here.

    Petey is such a daddy’s boy.

    New churrasco joint sharing the venue! Bring on the MEAT. (@ Millennium Bar Pizza Resturant)

    @toastman Now if you go there, you get $25 AYCE meats.

    @toastman Damn. And this table has an empty chair and everything! (If you want to have us over for sous vide, we won’t say no.)

    Ola Rio in Chippo: surprisingly decent local churrasco! Top marks for beef, lamb, and chorizo. Okay chicken. Not so hot on the BBQ ribs.

    Sassy Magazine LIVES

    @drkknits Oh noes! You can cancel if you’re not up to it.

  • TENTH Annual w-g Oscar Contest is coming!

    Rest assured, dear Cinematic Monkey Fans: the TENTH Annual w-g Oscar Contest is definitely coming! I’ve just been a bit busy with my new job. The prize has been created though, and just needs a few finishing touches before launch. I’m hoping to have it ready for you this weekend. Stay tuned!

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    @drkknits Snook and I are cranking through 3 dozen a week. So many eggshells.

    Waiting for the Snook. In view of a sausage sizzle. In the rain. This is seriously harshing my buzz.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits My cholesterol and BP have always been fine on it. Dr K knows more about the scientific research.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits But the diet is just low-carb in the sense of eating real meats, veg, fruits, and nuts. Avoiding grains & legumes.

    @drkknits We just get the Lindt 85% block. Single square usually is enough for me!

    Hourlong walk home from work with the Snook in the rain. There’s my moderate aerobic activity for the day, AND a spontaneous play session!

    @witty_knitter @drkknits High carbs = insulin spike. And they make me feel terrible and bloaty and ravenous. Protein and fat fill you up!

    @witty_knitter @drkknits I’m actually reading an interesting ebook on it. Will share it with you.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Some argue that year round access to fruit, for example, is not how our ancestors would have eaten. #cavemanpower

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Let me assure you, there is no seasonal fruit in Indiana in winter. 🙂

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Regardless, fructose is an -ose = sugar. They give OJ to diabetics in shock. Might as well be a Coke, really!

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Well, that’s why I sent you one of the latest books on the subject. 🙂

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Here’s an intro from the NYT:

    RT @imdominating: Ooooo! Excite! RT @TaherehMafi: NEW HUNGER GAMES TRAILER BRB HYPERVENTILATING

    Woke up in the middle of a dream that I found a manga version of “The Dark Tower.” Now I’m disappointed it wasn’t real.

    @brittanieshey I still use Google Reader, despite them tearing out all the best parts last year. #bitter

    Gearing up for first bike commute in the wet!

    @gilmae Ugh. North Sydney sucks, dude.

    Amazing what a difference some fresh air and exercise in the morning makes. I am in a better mood with more focus than in past 3 days.

    The Snook’s office has free cake today. Some of my co-workers are going to Pancakes on the Rock for lunch. EVIL CARB TEMPTATION ABOUNDS.

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    @stufromoz Very sorry to hear it. I’ll keep my eyes open for you…

    @drkknits Nice one! I’m not having a Good Day today. Hungry. Annoyed. Hot.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Been working in the kitchen for past hour.

    @drkknits Kitchen. Had to get veggie box, then do loads of dishes, then cook dinner. And I’m just not feeling well. 🙁

    @drkknits I dunno. Tummy was back to being a little stressed. I had to refill my Nexium Rx, so maybe too much acid. Feeling kinda pukey.

    #paleo dinner: Pork-Stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts (yes, really), Carrot Mash, and Pak Choy.

    @eileenDCoE Maybe AFTER I finish the low-carb challenge. 🙂

    @randomknits I like that chair!

    @hexsteph Ha, yes, and I blogged all about it. I’ll find you a link

    @hexsteph Here it is:

    Tell @komenforthecure: Don’t throw @PPact under the bus! @CREDOmobile #p2 #fem2

  • Dinner Tonight: Slow Cooker Coq au Vin

    Slow Cooker Coq au VinDinner Tonight: Slow Cooker Coq au Vin
    This was a new recipe for us! The Snook made it up in the crockpot in the morning before work. He left out the flour to make it low-carb. We had it with some cauliflower mash. It was a really nice dish to come home to, and it made plenty of leftovers. Highly recommended!