Month: March 2012

  • 20 Supporting Characters From ’90s TV Shows Then And Now – BuzzFeed Mobile

    20 Supporting Characters From ’90s TV Shows Then And Now – BuzzFeed Mobile – Stevie’s ear spacers are freaking me out. Dewey looks cute though. And as I may have mentioned before – Ferguson went to Notre Dame a couple years ahead of me.

  • – “New Girl’s” new manhood – “New Girl’s” new manhood – The Snook and I have really been enjoying New Girl, and a big part of that is due to Schmidt. Or as I like to call him, Deputy Leo.

  • xkcd: Cadbury Eggs

    xkcd: Cadbury Eggs – Cadbury Eggs rank second only to Peeps in my Pantheon of Horrifying Easter “Treats”.

  • Catchy

    Me: Hahahaha…
    Me: stupidly catchy teen pop song, apparently from canada or something
    Me: with a hot dude and a – surprise gay! – storyline
    Me: you’ll like it.
    Josh: oh i’ve seen it 😀
    Josh: that was alllllll over the gay rags
    Me: Hahahahahaha… AWESOME
    Josh: the ending is cute 🙂
    Josh: i wish the guy had more of a cheesy grin than a total look of horror though

    It’s fun when you see something your friend will like and are totally justified because they are ALL OVER IT already. 🙂

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @witty_knitter @twelveeyes @Alacaeriel @redambition There’s only so much room in immediate hand distance, & there’s already gears/brakes.

    @witty_knitter @twelveeyes @Alacaeriel @redambition Now I’m envisioning some sort of head-controlled air horn. I like this.

    Phone call from @auspost. No one at Strawberry Hills office will admit to posting the license to me. IT JUST APPEARED, OUT OF THIN AIR.

    And since no one at @auspost will own up to returning it, they aren’t going to pay for replacing it. Pretty much as I expected.

    I did have fun filling out @auspost’s Customer Service Survey yesterday though. Too bad they didn’t have negative numbers on some questions.

    Behold the magical license, not sent by @auspost despite their stamp being only mark!

    @witty_knitter Option 3: Get on a bike and do some swooping of your own. 🙂

    I’ll stop poking @auspost now. Their Twitter person has been the only helpful customer rep in this whole ordeal. I’m over it, really.

    @witty_knitter But the more bikes we have in traffic, the less terrifying it is for everybody! That’s my reasoning. Screw shared paths.

    Ugh. They take Reader OUT of the Google nav menu and put in a link to “Play”?! UGH. Why can’t I customise that?

    @auspost It’s okay, really. I honestly never expected to get the money back. I just wish there had been an explanation!

    Condom or Android? I’ll admit I giggled. (cc @drkknits @venks79)

    @drkknits @venks79 @gilmae There’s only iPhone, iPad, iMac. Everything else was just a knockoff of the brilliant branding. 🙂

    @crumpet SodaStream? We swap ours at Kmart.

    Getting my knee looked at. This could be painful. (@ The Sports Clinic)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @1lifecat @mayorofnewtown It’s not a “who sucks worse?” competition. But a hater with a car can KILL someone, whereas cyclists mostly can’t.

    Dear self: If you let a co-worker spray you with $50 perfume, you will then want $50 perfume. Think about this next time. #frugality #fail

    @twelveeyes @redambition It’s a Salvatore Ferragamo. “Incanto Charms”.

    #IIBA event. I think I just stole some wine & chicken from the wrong catering! (@ Cliftons)

    Great slide to kick off this #IIBA presentation: salary range for BA’s in Australia. Yeah, I’m takin’ notes.

    “How many of you have a career path @ your company that involves becoming a proj. manager? And how many of you are happy about that?” #IIBA

    Heh. Side-theme of this #IIBA event is “Mocking project managers.” I’ll admit to chuckling.

    This lady is completely validating my decision to change jobs three months ago. This makes me happy. #IIBA

    @sputnik Hangover Curing Pork Belly. Does what it says on the tin. SO GOOD.

    Rather excited to find myself seated tonight next to Stephen Withall, author of Software Requirement Patterns. #IIBA

    Dear Aunt @gusseting: Dr Amy LOVES her mouse. She played with it for 5min straight then collapsed in a heap. Thank you!

    More of Dr Amy playing with a mouse toy @gusseting sent her. Most energy she’s displayed in ages, the bag of guts!

    Petey sprawls. We think he likes to cool his harbles on the floor. @ Chippendale

    RT @_trendspotter: #Trends: What happens when professional gambling meets social gaming –

    RT @redditflipboard: The inspirational conclusion of Adam Savage’s speech at Reason Rally. [r/atheism] #reddit #fli …

    RT @Gin_ev_ra: For the Aus. wool industry watchers & knitters – SMH article // WHOA!

    This traffic is killing me. Going to be so late. I miss my bike.

    @witty_knitter Bells are required by law on bikes. If he didn’t have one, he should get a ticket.

    @witty_knitter Granted, mine doesn’t always do me a lot of good when cattle-like pedestrians have earbuds in or are texting. *shrug*

    @gusseting Yeah, the laser makes Amy go NUTS. Also, Petey figured out how to play with the mousey… at 5am. YOU’RE ON MY LIST NOW.

    @witty_knitter Of course not. I’m not sure what strawman you’re attacking here, but I’ve never heard a cyclist claim to be above road rules.

    @witty_knitter Most of us are just as annoyed by law-breakers as you are! But you shouldn’t be surprised by dickheads. They’re everywhere.

    @witty_knitter I never argued with that. Those are both against the law and the cyclist should be ticketed.

  • Photo post

    Petey sprawls. We think he likes to cool his harbles on the floor.
    Petey sprawls. We think he likes to cool his harbles on the floor.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @sputnik Very cool! I have been avoiding Mexican since going #paleo. Will definitely check them out now!

    RT @mayorofnewtown: Cyclist hating driver in Newtown – (with photo) Sydney Cyclist // I’m on the lookout!

  • Easter Show Knitting

    Easter Show Knitting: This year I set a record in finishing THREE projects for the Easter Show knitting competitions. I probably shouldn’t blog about them yet – because, you know, SPIES and whatnot – but I can’t be bothered. I never win anyway, so there’s no point in being coy. As you will see, I stuck to my customary themes of “Giant Cabled Thing,” “Non-Traditional Colours,” and “Toys Based on Australian Children’s Literature.” Oh, and this year I added a new one: “Disturbing Accessories.” I even freaked myself out.

    Rhiannon SocksFirst, the Giant Cabled Thing in Non-Traditional Colours. It’s Cookie A’s Rhiannon Socks knitted in hot pink Wollmeise. Yes, really. Longtime readers will remember that I actually tried to knit these socks four years ago and failed miserably. There are some truly diabolical cable stitches in there (increasing four stitches while cabling at the same time, for example), but this time I cracked it. I knitted them both at the same time on my usual 2.75mm circs. This photo, of course, is from before they were finished. They were blocking for the past few days so I didn’t even have time to get a proper finished photo! Hopefully the Easter Show display monkeys don’t, like, cut holes in them when they display them. (If you want more details, check out the Ravelry page.)

    Sam SawnoffNext is my toy entry. Two years ago I knitted Albert from The Magic Pudding, and this year I decided to knit Sam Sawnoff. Sam, of course, is a penguin and a loyal member of the Noble Society of Pudding Owners. I used the Norman Lindsay watercolour as my model, basing the body off the “Fairy Penguin” pattern in the “Cleckheaton Wildlife in 8ply” book. I actually used two strands of 8ply wool throughout to make him bigger, and I improvised the feet and wings a bit (since the pattern instructions were incomprehensible). His eyes are felt, and his trousers are calico. They turned out a bit more nappy-like than I wanted, but I don’t think it can be helped given the realities of penguin anatomy. Incidentally, I’m pretty sure Norman Lindsay never even saw a real penguin. Sam is WACK. (More details on Ravelry here.)

    BokaclavaAnd now we come to DISTURBING: the Bokaclava. I’m not sure how I came across this free pattern, but somehow a few years ago I agreed to knit one for my colleague Sean. It sat hibernating for a long time til I was inspired to finish it. My goal, of course, was to completely freak out the Show judges. And given how much it freaked ME out every time I tried it on, I think I will succeed. I knitted it out of some random Aran wool that I was gifted, and the thing looks more like something you’d buy in a Newtown fetish shop than something entered in a country show. And really, that’s pretty much what I was going for! BOOYAH. (And the Rav page is here.)

    And now to wait and see the results of the judging. Any bets?