Month: March 2012

  • Cycling Stuff

    Cycling Stuff: Just because I can’t ride* right now, doesn’t mean I can’t still think about it, right? The Snook and I have just become members of Bicycle NSW. In addition to being a great organisation dedicated to promoting cycling, it also provides public liability and personal accident insurance to its members. If you want to be a responsible bike rider, you should have insurance.

    I’m also thinking about two upcoming events I’d like to attend. First is Rolling with Clover, a group bike ride/protest through the CBD next Sunday in support of the Lord Mayor. We’re meant to dress up in something fancy. (You know, because only dirty hippies ride bikes and not big important capitalists or whatever.) The other event is the Ride 2 Riverstone, a fundraiser ride that takes place in Western Sydney. Maybe I could do the short one – the 35km – by May? That could be fun.

    * Following an ultrasound last week, I’ve finally got a diagnosis: quadriceps tendinosis. The immediate prescription, as ever, is REST. And this time no cycling either. I’ve got a physio appointment lined up for Wednesday, and I’m using the foam roller on my quads. But I miss my bike already… πŸ™

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    Easter Show project #2 complete. I hope the display organisers have a mannequin head to get full effect…

    It always freaks me out for a while when he does this. #rockabillysnook

    All 3 exhibits successfully dropped off at the Show, including Sam Sawnoff!

    @stufromoz Yes! They came out a bit more nappy-like than I wanted, but he was a hard shape to fit. πŸ™‚

    @stufromoz Theoretically. But they always hate mine since it’s non-traditional.

    Shopping for kitchen lights and trying to keep from killing each other. (@ IKEA w/ 5 others)

    Epic day. Grocery shop, frantic finishing of knitting, neighbourhood lunch party, out to show grounds, IKEA, Costco, Bunnings, home. Pooped.

    @likeomg Gorgeous! Like the lippie too.

    @twelveeyes Super cute! I do need a pair of Fluevogs…

    @Ascasewwen I interviewed there several years ago. No questions like that. I think those are only for the engineers. πŸ™‚

    RT @latimesfood: Come and get it: Free food truck event in Santa Monica // Hey @carbolicious! You should go. πŸ™‚

    RT @mashable: In a Long Distance Relationship? This App Is for You – // This might be useful for @kunaal84!

    The Iced Coffee Economy (cc @the_snook)

    @Ezzles Ah, I take it you guessed my horrible drawing then? πŸ™‚

    RT @TheNextWeb: Instagram opens registration for its new Android app by @m4tt // Attn @drkknits, @venks79

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    It always freaks me out for a while when he does this.  #rockabillysnook
    It always freaks me out for a while when he does this. #rockabillysnook

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    @jamasoftware From googling, pricing apprears to start @ $700/yr. Way outside company’s budget. If I had known, I wouldn’t have wasted time.

    Sitting’ in the sunshine in my pretty dress, knitting a demon balaclava ear. Yup.

    RT @mashable: Why ‘World of Warcraft’ Might Get You More Dates Than –

    @gusseting I dunno… I wondered on a dating site ten years ago. The women with the highest usage patterns were all prostitutes. (Seriously)

    Australia Post just sent me a Customer Satisfaction Survey. No joke.

    @brown_note I found your review a few days ago – it sounded great! I just didn’t want to bother trialling something we couldn’t afford.

    @SallyPompom @witty_knitter That reminds me – no one has actually told me to change the exec mailing list. @merrinmez?

    @witty_knitter @sallypompom @merrinmez I am the keeper of everything non-website. Send me an email with the list of preferred addresses!

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    New dress, properly styled. Just need to learn to apply makeup and I'll look like a proper grown-up!
    New dress, properly styled. Just need to learn to apply makeup and I’ll look like a proper grown-up!

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    Ebert gave Hunger Games three stars. This bodes well.

    I used to be just a smug public transport commuter. Then I got a bike. And now riding the bus feels like a jail sentence. #soulcrushing

    Okay, this bus driver must follow me on Twitter because now he’s messing with me. He’s playing *Enya*.

    @traveller0112 We’re not Copenhagen, but we’re pretty good! A friend from Portland marvelled at our separated bike lanes when he visited.

    @drkknits I just got a retweet from Wagamama of my Michael Cera tweet. I am in Twitter hipster ego-stroking heaven.

    @traveller0112 Oh, we have that too. Aggro drivers want cyclists to register and display plates. Sometimes they yell at us. They suck.

    Actual text from my “apology” from @auspost: “…for the inconvenience you has to experience by loosing your license.” And no $23 either.

    RT @thedailymeal: Gstaad Palace’s Champagne and Black Truffle Cheese Fondue… // DROOL.

    Been feeling stressed and out of sorts. @the_snook said as I left work: “Maybe you should get a massage.” Best idea ever.

    @jasony Nice link. Yeah, I’ve experienced the “you should take the meeting notes (and get the coffee)” thing. It sucks.

    RT @socialspace: The company behind #drawsomething has been sold to @zynga… // And that’s it, I’m officially over Draw Something.

    Ultrasound results are in: I have quadriceps tendinitis! No more cycling for me for the foreseeable future. Now to make physio appt…

    @shanea I do! And yet I’ve never broken a bone. Random.

    @randomknits I hereby dub thee a fellow Hermione!

    Now Sam Sawnoff has wings! Or are they flippers?

    New dress, properly styled. Just need to learn to apply makeup and I’ll look like a proper gr @ Chippendale

    @zephyrama Yep. Had a sale on so I grabbed few things. Got another wiggle too, but I need some shapewear to pull it off. Recommendation?

    @drkknits Thanks! Figured dressing up would distract me from other things. πŸ™‚

    I had an awesome dream last night that NASA selected me to be an astronaut on a moon trip. I was actually disappointed when I woke up.

    @auspost Thanks. It was VH1967710.

    @the_snook It’s like a really scary Loony Tunes cartoon.

    @auspost It wasn’t posted; it was an email. I can forward it to you if you like. Just need an address.

  • Smart – Cablog

    Smart – Cablog – I’m never as cynical as I should be. God, this is scary. Young women of Sydney, please be safe.