Month: March 2012

  • They got him!

    After seven years of chasing after him, the cops finally caught Malcolm Naden. Wow. Our criminal is no longer on the loose!

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    @auspost Strawberry Hills. I sent through an official complaint on January2nd. Reference #VH1967710. Got meaningless form response back.

    @fitocracy Is there some way to delete my account? I’m just not using the site; would prefer to remove my details rather than leave up.

    @auspost Thank you. I have the packaging that was used to return the license. I’ll take a few photos.

    Wow. I may end up getting compensated from Australia Post for the replacement license after all!

    Awesome. @dooce talks about her experience on #paleo and why she loves it: (cc @drkknits)

    Wheee! Got another delivery from Heartbreaker today. This means I now own TWO wiggle dresses. Me. TWO.

    @randomknits @gusseting Ooh, ooh, I didn’t realise they were being sent out! How excitement.

    @that_alison Nope. But I line dried it. There’s something on the site about how you should only tumble dry it if you want it to snug up…

    @Ezzles Bwahahaha… What’s it say underneath? Baratheon? (cc @drkknits @kunaal84)

    New dress from Heartbreaker. Hello, sweetheart!

    @Alegrya Me too! My friend @Opheli8 got a similar one last year and I thought it was super cute.

    @Opheli8 Odds aren’t great that I’ll go. Got too much on! Trying to finish some projects for Saturday deadline.

    Sydney retro fashionistas: In order to pull off the wiggle dress, I’m gonna need some shapewear. Where can I go to get fitted properly?

    @drkknits @kunaal84 It was “comet”. 🙂

    @drkknits Excellent….

    @drkknits The fun part was figuring out whose six pack I was going to draw.

    Every now and then I knit something that disturbs even me.

    @Justacogitating Once he has ears and horns it’ll be even better.

    @rachievaichie Because most of the other stuff in the Easter Show knitting competition is boring as.

    @AusVintageGrrl Do you read Teer Wayde’s blog? I think she linked to some recently…

    @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits It’s an iPhone/Android game called Draw Something. Addictive… but I think I’m over it already after one week.

    Spent 20min researching Contour by @jamasoftware. Why no pricing shown on site? I need to know if it’s too expensive to bother demoing.

  • Photo post

    New dress from Heartbreaker. Hello, sweetheart!
    New dress from Heartbreaker. Hello, sweetheart!

  • Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo’s Dingoes Are Growing Up Fast!

    Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo’s Dingoes Are Growing Up Fast! – So cute! I really must take the Snook to their Australian exhibit the next time we visit.

  • 10 Reasons the Rest of the World Thinks the U.S. Is Nuts – The Huffington Post

    10 Reasons the Rest of the World Thinks the U.S. Is Nuts – The Huffington Post – This spot-on rant might just as well be titled: “10 Reasons Kris Doesn’t Live in the U.S. Anymore.” I am very lucky to live somewhere where my employer has no right to know my reproductive status and no means to attempt to control it. Religious freedom my ass

  • What Australians Eat

    What Australians Eat – This is pretty shocking stuff (to this caveperson, anyway). As the Snook put it, “The average australian eats 2kg broccoli in a year. I think we eat that in a month.” I was also depressed by this: “When we cook, a Westfield survey found more than half Australians rotate between a repertoire of five meals or fewer.” No wonder bread, junk food, and fries are so popular.

  • one tiny hand

    one tiny hand – Amy Carbo, this is so for you.

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    @lachlanhardy Google Calendar.

    Some days this city just spoils you. @ Observatory Park

    RT @NanoPunk: Uni’s tree house had to add bike racks

    Today I learned that you can lodge a protest against Easter Show judging for a mere $25. Interesting. Interesting…

    @witty_knitter The $25 gets forfeited if they think your protest is “frivolous”, so I wouldn’t even lose the money! THIS IS TOTES WIN-WIN.

    My co-worker saw Michael Cera at Wagamama on Saturday. Damn. I’m so annoyed I didn’t find out about that show early enough to get tickets.

    @stufromoz Nice. The knitted womb pattern is pretty old, but the protest is new…

    RT @the_snook: MRRT is not a tax. It’s just making miners us pay a fair market rate for their inputs. Inputs that belong to everyone. ht …

    @stufromoz I blogged it. I’ve got too many projects on the go now to engage in protest knitting, but I’m sure others will be interested!

    @mrs_sockvictim We discussed cycling, but will probably take the GoGet car. Have to go earlyish as we have a lunch to attend after.

    GAH. 2.5 months after they lost it, @auspost have sent me my drivers license. No note. No explanation. No refund of my $25 either.

    @mrs_sockvictim Not sure if I’ll be done by then! Still some sewing up to do…

    Strata AGM makes the Knitters Guild AGM feel like a party. *sigh*

    Went to a lot of trouble this morning to get client a file that she wanted, and she replied, “Thanks Karen.” Isn’t it always the way…

    @auspost It wasn’t lost in the post. It was lost AT the post office while claiming a parcel. The clerk insisted that she’d given it back…

    @auspost …but yet now, 2.5 months later, mysteriously it turns up and is posted back to me. Long after I’ve gotten a replacement.

  • What she really said: Fighting sexist jokes the geeky way!

    What she really said: Fighting sexist jokes the geeky way! – This is brilliant. Granted, the only people I know who use “That’s what she said” in real life are Rodd and Kunaal, and it’s always funny to me when they do it. But I can see where it’d get annoying if people kept doing it after you said not to. Major, major respect to Jessamyn for fighting back with her brain! (I wish I was more of a programmer.)