Month: March 2012

  • Shared today on Instagram: Kylie and I dressed in black, in honour of the Night’s Watch. (Jon Snow is our boyfriend.) Happy birthday to me! New necklace + scarf courtesy of Ma Snook.


  • Kitchen Update

    Kitchen Update: You’d think I’d know from watching all those episodes of Grand Designs that renovations never go as fast as you think they well. This process is just GLACIAL. We had the “Check Measure” guy out to do detailed measurements of our kitchen a few weeks ago. He then took those away to make…


  • Shared today on Instagram: Spotted in Paints Lane, Chippo. #unexpected #prettiness


  • “Bike Thief” – – A guy in New York conducts an experiment where he attempts to steal his own bike in broad daylight in a number of locations – including right outside the 9th Precinct Police Department. Needless to say, nobody stops him. This is why I’m so nervous about parking my bike outside.…


  • Lucky Charms Treats

    Lucky Charms Treats – DEAR GOD. I know these are nutritionally-deficient Franken-foods that no sane adult should go near… but man, I want ’em.


  • The Hunger Games Craft Roundup blog – That embroidered map is pretty amazing. Not sure about the shoes though… 🙂


  • Shared today on Instagram: Dinner Tonight: Paleo Salisbury Steak, Butternut Pumpkin, and Broccoli.


  • ‘Bizarro World’ – The Boston Globe – A fun article about video game records, and how a random lady discovers that she’s the best Tetris player in the world. You know, I used to be pretty damn good at Tetris myself. This makes me want to play again… (Link courtesy of John.)


  • Shared today on Instagram: Time to fill up our big new freezer! Rode to Alexandria and bought a lot of MEAT.


  • Plaintiff in healthcare law challenge went bankrupt – with unpaid medical bills – Los Angeles Times – As someone on MetaFilter said: “Hey, that’s a funny coincidence!” Amusing how many “rugged individualist Conservatives” see no hypocrisy in complaining about government intervention while freeloading off everyone else.
