Month: March 2012

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    RT @LaughingSquid: Cat Litter Face Mask This is an actual thing. HA! (cc @mrs_sockvictim)

    RT @LaughingSquid: World Record: Takeru Kobayashi Eats 13 Grilled Cheeses in 1 Minute (cc @the_snook)

    The Game of Thrones dinner was great and I don’t regret it a bit, but geez I’ve felt tired and crappy ever since. Grains and sugar, man.

    Striping the mismatched dye lots seems to be working. Much less noticeable!

    @mrs_sockvictim Awesome – great job! (Damn I miss running.)

    Dinner Tonight: IRISH! Homemade Corned Beef & Cabbage, Cauli Mash, Glazed Turnips, Horseradish Cream.

    @drkknits I’m sorry, you drew a Viking that wasn’t a giant blonde naked sex god? You are out of the club.

    @kunaal84 @drkknits She should’ve drawn him in the shower. I’d have gotten that.

    @kunaal84 Meanwhile, my latest drawing to you is a stunning indictment of the American educational system. I have no real excuse.

    @drkknits I’m impressed you got my sombrero before I even drew a taco! (I said to Rodd: “It’s hard to draw this without being racist.”)

    Jameson & Ginger. For a classy St. Patrick’s Day. #enjoyingthis

    @sthcrft What’s a superlong?

    RT @GuardianUS: Facebook’s ‘dark side’… // “Socially aggressive narcissism” is going to be the name of my rock band.

    RT @GlobalPost: Video – O’Bama downs a Guinness for Saint Pat’s #Obama

    Since @witty_knitter asked, I posted the recipe for my homemade corned beef:

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    Dinner Tonight: IRISH! Homemade Corned Beef & Cabbage, Cauli Mash, Glazed Turnips, Horseradish Cream.
    Dinner Tonight: IRISH! Homemade Corned Beef & Cabbage, Cauli Mash, Glazed Turnips, Horseradish Cream.

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    @lemon_lime Yup. I was hoping to get a cortisone shot and be back for next week, but looking more dubious now. 🙁

    For my birthday, @the_snook got me a DVD I already own because the quality of my old one annoyed him. #highdef #firth

    @imdominating I think he really wanted to use it as excuse to get a Blue-Ray, but I shot him down when he asked me vague questions about it.

    @imdominating @Justacogitating Did you see on FB how I convinced Molly that the BBC version is the One True Adaptation? She loved it. 🙂

    @imdominating @Justacogitating I could not in good conscience allow a family member to watch the Knightley Abomination first. *shudder*

    @misswired It’s Barry’s world, the rest of us just live in it. (cc @nolim1t )

    @sharre @the_snook He mentioned reading something about that. Due to the original film stock, apparently? It was a nice gesture though. 🙂

    @MissVicki79 It’s got a 30 minute documentary, a bit about the restoration process, and the original Making Of. So that’s nice!

    Just had my first ever birthday phone call from Dubai, thanks to @kunaal84’s lovely fiancee Kriti!

    @NagsHeadGlebe Any idea if/when Samson & Sharkey are playing again? Love those guys!

    @JennaPrice So my stalking of you isn’t working then? 🙂

    @drkknits Rodd has joked that we should make ourselves up as white walkers.

    Another 100+ page spec in the bag. I fear I will develop a reputation.

    @drkknits A woman of the Night’s Watch! Fun. 🙂


    Happy birthday to me! New necklace + scarf courtesy of Ma Snook. @ Gastro parK

    Kylie and I dressed in black, in honour of the Night’s Watch. (Jon Snow is our boyfriend.)

    This is more sugar than I have had in the last six months. #jittery #manic #happy

    @stufromoz All bets are off tonight. So good!

    Petey approves of @drkknits’s awesome hipster Lego Moleskine birthday present. 🙂

    Game of Thrones dinner was AWESOME. Here’s @kunaal84 looking askance at our “Bleeding Stag” entree. (Venison=so good.)

    @brown_note I’ve only been there for 6 weeks, and these are projects that were well into pre-production already. So not yet.

    @brown_note I don’t like producing doorstops. But right now, it’s one way of showing that the scope of these projects is WAY TOO LARGE.

    @brown_note I’m hoping that message starts to sink in – both for our sales staff and the clients! (They’ve never had a BA before.)

    Lots of people have left me FB wall messages. Unfortunately my wall appears to be broken, and I cannot read any of them. 🙁

    @_brigita_ I managed to see that one. 🙂 (It’s actually a running joke from freshman year, which is why Liz was pissed she missed out.)

    Clover fights back on bike lanes and more: Hells yeah.

    @parkrun_au Need any volunteers for St Peters parkrun tomorrow? I can’t run, but I might as well help out!

    @ozgamer Sounds like it was a success! Congrats. 🙂

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    Happy birthday to me! New necklace + scarf courtesy of Ma Snook.
    Happy birthday to me! New necklace + scarf courtesy of Ma Snook.

  • Kitchen Update

    Kitchen Update: You’d think I’d know from watching all those episodes of Grand Designs that renovations never go as fast as you think they well. This process is just GLACIAL. We had the “Check Measure” guy out to do detailed measurements of our kitchen a few weeks ago. He then took those away to make an exact plan. (Apparently the previous one was too vague, and they have to be certain everything will fit before they can build the cabinets.) Then we had to approve all those plans. Now we’re waiting for the actual project plan that will tell us when everything is finally going to happen.

    We’ve been crossing some things off the To Do list though. We managed to pick out, purchase, and pick up the tiles for the floor. (Full-bodied porcelain tiles in black and white are surprisingly hard to find! I guess more people want their kitchens to look like Roman villas than 50’s diners.) We also got the builder out to give us a quote on extending one wall. And last weekend, we got our appliances delivered from Harvey Norman. We were going to wait until right before construction, but what the hell! I’d rather start using my massive new fridge right now.

    Old and busted

    Old fridge

    New hotness

    New fridge

    Yep, the new fridge is set up in the dining room. It won’t actually fit in the old space in the kitchen til we tear stuff out, so that was always going to be the case. The refrigerator compartment is a bit bigger, but the freezer is HELLA bigger. More than double. We are giddy with the possibilities. (The first thing we did after we plugged it in was ride to Establishment 218 and buy $150 worth of meat.) The new microwave has also been put to work early. However the faucet, dishwasher, and rangehood are still sitting boxed up in the corner, and will be for the foreseeable future. COME ON, HARVEY NORMAN. LET’S DO THIS.

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    Paleo article linked on SMH front page! The article is rubbish, but there are some very good comments. (cc @drkknits)

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Eh, differences of opinion are one thing. But the author got the main planks of the theory wrong. Research FAIL.

    Spotted in Paints Lane, Chippo. #unexpected #prettiness @ Chippendale

    @gilmae @randomknits So frickin’ jealous! I love that place.

    RT @geekologiefeed: For The Ladies: Hand-Painted Nintendo Heels // Definitely a @redambition thing…

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim @AusVintageGrrl Thank you, lovelies! 🙂

    Birthday plans: Work from home, get injection at doctor, discuss kitchen with builder. Then – GAME OF THRONES DINNER!

    @sharre Hahahahaha… Nah, on a birthday all dietary restrictions are off. There will definitely be some sort of cake, I think. 🙂

    Well. Doc says my “bursitis” may actually be tendonitis. I get to go for an ultrasound this afternoon. BIRTHDAY FUN.

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    Spotted in Paints Lane, Chippo.  #unexpected   #prettiness
    Spotted in Paints Lane, Chippo. #unexpected #prettiness

  • “Bike Thief” –

    “Bike Thief” – – A guy in New York conducts an experiment where he attempts to steal his own bike in broad daylight in a number of locations – including right outside the 9th Precinct Police Department. Needless to say, nobody stops him. This is why I’m so nervous about parking my bike outside. At home we bring them in the house, and at work I take it in the office (up two flights of stairs). I’ve only parked on the street a couple times, and mostly where I could see it. This past weekend, I rode to Surry Hills for the Guild meeting and parked my bike at the racks behind the Library. It was out of my sight for over two hours. Happily, it didn’t get nicked… but I’m sure it could have happened just as easily as it did in NYC.

    Interestingly, the video mostly shows him using chain locks. Are the U-locks or steel cable locks any stronger? I have a Knog lock, and it feels pretty hefty. Just wondering if maybe the type of lock is more of a factor than I thought…)