Month: March 2012

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @mrs_sockvictim Heya Fee! @drkknits and I are going to Gastro Park on Thursday. What’s parking like there? Should we cab it?

    I may or may not have just discovered “Draw Something.” I’m on there as “webgoddess.” My drawings are making me laugh. 🙂

    @goldfishgeorge Yep! My 11yo nephew and I have been having fun with it. Like Pictionary crossed with Hangman. Not THAT addictive though. 🙂

    Putting the finishing touches on the longest Func Spec I’ve written in the shortest amount of time. 118 pages. I’m wiped out.

    RT @knittydotcom: Knitty errata update: A few missing numbers added to Flaming June: // cc @drkknits

    @drkknits He’s like Lady Catherine de Bourgh. “I MUST HAVE MY SHARE IN THE CONVERSATION!”

  • Lucky Charms Treats

    Lucky Charms Treats – DEAR GOD. I know these are nutritionally-deficient Franken-foods that no sane adult should go near… but man, I want ’em.

  • The Hunger Games Craft Roundup blog

    The Hunger Games Craft Roundup blog – That embroidered map is pretty amazing. Not sure about the shoes though… 🙂

  • Photo post

    Dinner Tonight: Paleo Salisbury Steak, Butternut Pumpkin, and Broccoli.

    Dinner Tonight: Paleo Salisbury Steak, Butternut Pumpkin, and Broccoli.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just realised that a) Bieber sampled the Cardigan’s “Lovefool” lyrics in a song, and b) he was two years old when that single came out.

    Also, c) mentioning Biebs in a tweet will get you robo-spammed instantly.

    Dinner Tonight: Paleo Salisbury Steak, Butternut Pumpkin, and Broccoli.

    MOTHER–. Less than 2″ to go on Giant Cabled Thing, and Wollmeise runs out. New ball is very obviously different. GAHHHHHH.

    @drkknits Congrats!!!

    RT @Sitback: Sitback is looking for a junior Digital Producer, contact

  • ‘Bizarro World’ – The Boston Globe

    ‘Bizarro World’ – The Boston Globe – A fun article about video game records, and how a random lady discovers that she’s the best Tetris player in the world. You know, I used to be pretty damn good at Tetris myself. This makes me want to play again… (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Time to fill up our big new freezer! Rode to Alexandria and bought a lot of MEAT. @ Establishment 218

    @nolim1t Yum. Please analyse so we can recreate back in Sydney. 🙂

    @_brigita_ @jeffsorr I found recently. I’ve bookmarked some of the recipes to try…

    RT @lifeasdaddy: He dared mightily … And then was laughed at by a restaurant reviewer. Tone of review is OTT. (v …

    RT @richbuggy: Hey @toastman. They want applicants for beauty and the geek. 🙂 // I would pay cash money to see this happen.

  • Photo post

    Time to fill up our big new freezer! Rode to Alexandria and bought a lot of MEAT.

    Time to fill up our big new freezer! Rode to Alexandria and bought a lot of MEAT.

  • Plaintiff in healthcare law challenge went bankrupt – with unpaid medical bills – Los Angeles

    Plaintiff in healthcare law challenge went bankrupt – with unpaid medical bills – Los Angeles Times – As someone on MetaFilter said: “Hey, that’s a funny coincidence!” Amusing how many “rugged individualist Conservatives” see no hypocrisy in complaining about government intervention while freeloading off everyone else.

  • Angel does stuff.

    Angel does stuff. – Bwahahahaha! Nice one. Somebody with a David Boreanaz cutout is having lots of fun imagining what Angel is up to these days. My personal favourite is the late night snack attack.

    Sophomore year we had Jerry Maguire and Darth Vader cutouts in our dorm room. I can’t believe we didn’t think of doing anything this clever with them.