Month: March 2012

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    Harvey Norman brought us a present while I was at Guild. Dr Amy Jones is wary of this newcomer beast.

    @lemon_lime The Colin Firth, of course. Duckface Knightley will never be Elizabeth Bennett for me.

    @drkknits @lemon_lime I wasn’t a big fan of that version. It was too “Cliff’s Notes.”

    Beautiful Moroccan Fish Tagine, courtesy of the Snook. #paleo

    Angel Does Stuff. Bwahaha… Late night snack attack is my fave. (cc @imdominating)

    Any Sydney Twitter buddies interested in a bread machine? We’re getting rid of ours. $40 and it’s yours! Works really well…

    @stufromoz Heh. It’s more about reclaiming the space in our utility closet. Even when we ate bread, we were too lazy to use it much.

    @Justacogitating LOVE IT. I don’t even know that dude, but I want to give him a hug. That’s how cuddly he looks.

  • Photo post

    Beautiful Moroccan Fish Tagine, courtesy of the Snook. #paleo

    Beautiful Moroccan Fish Tagine, courtesy of the Snook. #paleo

    Edited to add: If anybody want the recipe, this is it.

  • Motherf**kin’ Bike

    Motherf**kin’ Bike – Terribly rude song, but also hilarious. Represents just about all cyclist stereotypes. (I especially liked the use of the ukulele.)

  • Rachele Gilmore’s 100 MPH Fastball | MetaFilter

    Rachele Gilmore’s 100 MPH Fastball | MetaFilter – This post isn’t actually about baseball; it’s about opera. There are two YouTube performances linked there that you should watch. The first is an aria as performed at the Met by a star at the top of her game. It’s wonderful. The second is the same aria performed by her understudy at another performance. The understudy makes the most of the opportunity and blows the audience away. Apparently there was a 17 minute ovation! And it’s believed that one of the notes she hits is the highest ever sung at the Met. Both performances are fun and beautiful even if you don’t like opera. Very cool.

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    Gorgeous day. Red lippie. Bazinga. @ Walsh Bay Arts Precinct

    @mrs_sockvictim Gorgeous!!

    RT @Salon: “I get paid to do nothing” // This may or may not bear a resemblance to jobs I’ve had in the past.

    For @drkknits – the unexpected challenges of going primal:

    Pride & Prejudice gets better the more wine you drink. The Netherfield ball nearly killed me.

    @drkknits Congratulations!!!

    @JennaPrice I thought that was you! I spotted a retweet from one of my friends and thought, There’s a familiar face! 🙂

  • Lolita cover redesigned | MetaFilter

    Lolita cover redesigned | MetaFilter – I know it’s not meant to be sexy, but I knew a guy at Notre Dame who had memorised the first paragraph of Lolita… and it was breathtaking. He later joined the priesthood. I’m not kidding.

  • Photo post

    Gorgeous day. Red lippie. Bazinga.

    Gorgeous day. Red lippie. Bazinga.

  • TweetAngel Will Call Your Small Business About Negative Tweets

    TweetAngel Will Call Your Small Business About Negative Tweets – I can see where you might think this was an awkward stupid idea… but I know people who are afraid of the Internet. People who talk about Twitter the way you imagine some 1950’s authority figure to talk about rock and roll. I’ve no doubt they’d pay to get a phone call when somebody was trashing them online. I only hope that TweetAngel accepts cheques.

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    RT @kunaal84: Birthday present just arrived…. Completely unexpected! Thanks @web_goddess and @rajsingh2505 !

    Google Docs hasn’t crashed on me in almost two days! It’s like an early birthday present! #probablyjustjinxedit

    RT @bonappetit: We’re sipping coffee Aussie style, i.e. flat whites and plenty of em // Toby’s in NYC, neat!!

    It appears to be time for the annual watching of Pride & Prejudice. “Country manners? I think they’re charming!” Let’s do this.

    @DeirdreJG That’s the Best One. I got introduced to it in ’95 in college, I think. I love it. Right now Wickham is scamming Lizzie…

    RT @HealthyLiving: Overfed, yet undernourished? @markhymanmd on how malnourishment causes obesity

    RT @Offbeatceremony: RT @mountaindoula: @LettersOfNote @sebasu102 @Offbeatceremony how gorgeous are these! Oh they are!

    My company and boss Paul are in the news AGAIN. The media are loving @Sitback lately!

    @Opheli8 Is the #newjob still within Optarse? (I was there again yesterday. Marathon meeting tho; no time to socialise.)

    I knew the dream would end. Just had my first Google Docs crash in over two dasys…

    @handmethepanda The doc crashes upon inserting an image; says it can’t save and I have to refresh the page. Happens a LOT.

    @handmethepanda Happens in both Chrome and Firefox. I think it’s a known issue. It’s just a frustrating interruption.

    @jasony Not really. I’m the actual advocate for it. Normally I like it. It’s just been really crappy lately.

    @jasony I’ve had it happen on Mac Chrome and Firefox, and Windows Chrome. It’s a known Google issue, I think. They just don’t care. *sigh*