Juggling four different work projects today. On the plus side, got a very nice email from client last night saying how awesome I was.
Colour-blocking like a pro on this fine autumn day. @ Mecca Espresso http://t.co/bZUw2X0m
@1funkyknitwit SUPER FUNKY! Love it.
@wheelyweb Ha! Was just talking about web blast at work, when coworker said he knows you. It’s Matt Stanley. 🙂
Pre- Web Blast beers! (@ The Hero of Waterloo) http://t.co/fSRHcG8C
Finally on my way to #webblastSYD!
I am upstairs, if anyone I know is mingling… (@ Pumphouse Bar w/ @misswired @lemon_lime) http://t.co/HXYB2vV9
Saw many of my favourite people tonight: @lemon_lime @venks79 @shanea @TimBags @henrytapia @misswired @nolim1t and many others.