Month: May 2012

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    Juggling four different work projects today. On the plus side, got a very nice email from client last night saying how awesome I was.

    Colour-blocking like a pro on this fine autumn day. @ Mecca Espresso

    @1funkyknitwit SUPER FUNKY! Love it.

    @wheelyweb Ha! Was just talking about web blast at work, when coworker said he knows you. It’s Matt Stanley. 🙂

    Pre- Web Blast beers! (@ The Hero of Waterloo)

    Finally on my way to #webblastSYD!

    I am upstairs, if anyone I know is mingling… (@ Pumphouse Bar w/ @misswired @lemon_lime)

    Saw many of my favourite people tonight: @lemon_lime @venks79 @shanea @TimBags @henrytapia @misswired @nolim1t and many others.

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    The Snook just cut up the gigantic piece of beef we bought at Costco on the weekend. 17 steaks in the freezer. Awwwww, yeahhhhhh.

    Drunk Cersei cracks me up. (cc @drkknits @kunaal84 @shanea)

    @drkknits Tonight I have taken my buddy Cersei’s advice. Little dove Kris was stressed out. Wine is good.

    @mrs_sockvictim Hahahaha…

    @astroboysoup @wheelyweb I think I tweeted about it? But may have been before we met. At any rate, hope to see you there!

    Woman on the bus offered to let me sit on inside, as if she was getting off soon. But 17 minutes later she’s still there. Puzzling.

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    Discovered on the weekend that Costco carries Spanx. In related news, I feel like a sausage today.

    I had never heard of The Divine Comedy before, but I’ve starred a couple of their songs in the past 24 hours. Thanks Spotify!

    First ever wearing of olive Super Spy Dress today! (With gumboots too.)

    Hipster central. (@ Sydney Opera House for Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly and Sufjan Stevens w/ 6 others)

    I just unlocked the “Harbour City” Sydney city badge on @foursquare! How’re you travelling?

    Worst. Audience. Ever. When I rule the world, coughers will be FORBIDDEN at concerts. No one comes in late, EVER. And NO EFFING TALKING.

    Brilliant night at the Opera House seeing Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, and Nico Muhly with some of the @Sitback crew. Amazing show!

  • Transit of Venus

    Transit of Venus
    Next week is a very important and rare scientific event: a transit of Venus. I first read about this phenomenon in Bill Bryson’s book A Short History of Nearly Everything. Captain Cook’s first voyage was actually to Tahiti to observe and record the 1769 transit. After the transit, he opened his sealed orders and learned he was to try to find the rumoured “Terra Australis.” And here we are!

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    @astroboysoup Ah, I haven’t gone into the templates yet. Hm. It’s literally been TEN YEARS since I touched XSL. This will be fun!

    @mrs_sockvictim Ooh, nice! Not a Tova – something else? Very you…

    Grandpa tried skyping me. “I’m at work!” “Isn’t it a holiday there?” “No, that’s AMERICAN Memorial Day.” Wish it were here though… 🙂

    Mr Snook plays IKEA Tetris in the GoGet car. But we got our chairs home! @ IKEA

    New chair and Petey Cat. @ Chippendale

    @kunaal84 Thanks for your help! It will forever be designated “Kunaal’s Chair.” 🙂

    @DDsD Ew. Acrylic. And that looks more like crochet to me. There are heaps of free patterns for them online that are nicer!

    @DDsD Yes. Or you could pay $15 to buy a shitty acrylic novelty crocheted in China. COME ON, LEARN A LIFE SKILL.

    @chrisgander Agreed! Didn’t mind the changes from the book either. And Rains of Castamere? Pretty chilling!

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    Oreo-Stuffed Choc-Chip and M&M cookies. Monday morning is going to rock.

    @drkknits Yes! 🙂

    Testing the fit of my latest sewing project. Perfect! Now to back and quilt… (cc @susiegii @carbolicious)

    @twelveeyes Yep! Been carrying those around for a decade… 🙂

    @randomknits Lovely! Are you getting all your fabric from work, or do you have other sources too?

    @drkknits Remember Your To Do List: 1) Be awesome. Everything else will fall into place.

    Thanks to @astroboysoup for the recommendation for @sigsiu’s Sobi2. Installed last night and it’s *exactly* what we needed!

  • Photo post

    Oreo-Stuffed Choc-Chip and M&M cookies. Monday morning is going to rock.
    Oreo-Stuffed Choc-Chip and M&M cookies. Monday morning is going to rock.

  • Tiny Tack House

    Tiny Tack House – While I like the idea of living in a tiny house, I don’t know if I could live in one *that* small. I like to have my own separate space sometimes. (Not to mention the fact that the Snook is a certified pack rat…)