Month: May 2012

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    Congrats to Morris & Sons on the lovely new website design! Looks great. Hmm, and the Winter Sale is on!

    Yum. It’s @nomnompaleo’s Slow-Cooker Beef and Tomato Stew.

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    Yum. It's  @nomnompaleo 's Slow-Cooker Beef and Tomato Stew.
    Yum. It’s @nomnompaleo ‘s Slow-Cooker Beef and Tomato Stew.

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    @witty_knitter Don’t need menopause for amenorrhoea. πŸ™‚ But I agree, it’s awesome.

    @twelveeyes @redambition I still think that even if there are seats, taking a 4-month-old to fancy restaurant is very rude to other diners.

    @redambition @twelveeyes @zephyrama Just don’t understand why they take a kid somewhere he’s too young to appreciate.

    @redambition @twelveeyes @zephyrama …Says the tourist who once had to endure a screaming infant while viewing the Book of Kells in Dublin.

    @AusVintageGrrl @redambition @twelveeyes @zephyrama Just wondering if there’s a line somewhere. Do you think kids are ever inappropriate?

    @AusVintageGrrl @zephyrama Totally understand that there are good/bad kids. But sometimes I appreciate a grownups-only event, you know?

    I honestly never realised that so many people were fine taking a child basically anywhere. I’m a little surprised. I don’t think I would.

    @drkknits @randomknits Snook argues that it depends whether it’s okay to discriminate against kids, whether they have same human rights.

    @drkknits @randomknits Of course, his opinion is that kids are inappropriate anywhere dog is inappropriate, which is totally non-PC. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits @randomknits Interestingly, that is exact same argument he was making.

    Playing “Map of Tasmania” in the office. Nobody seems to have noticed…

    @mudsurfer HAHAHAHAHAHA…. It’s a song. I didn’t realise it could be read otherwise. πŸ™‚

    Start of the Vivid Festival! Sydney Harbour in stunning lights. @ Circular Quay

    @that_alison This hipster is slightly jealous. Nice friends!

    Finished 50 Shades of Grey. Hm. Pretty much exactly what I expected. Just read that Skarsgard may star in the movie tho. Ahem. (cc@drkknits)

    @drkknits Not sure. It’s porny all right, but never as kinky as you think it’ll get. I think its popularity is interesting though.

    @drkknits I’m interested in what my favourite ivory tower feminist academic has to say about it. πŸ™‚

    @randomknits Hm. Actually, they probably can. The writing is explicit, but most of the scenarios aren’t that exotic. Rated R, definitely.

    @Illdrinn I’ll join you in the queue!

    @drkknits Well, this is interesting. It actually started as a Twilight fanfic, and you can tell. But no vampires. Ana > Bella, I’d say.

    @drkknits Though she’s a Bella clone at first. Not sure I’ll read all 3. It’s essentially just a romance novel. My brain might fall out.

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    Start of the Vivid Festival! Sydney Harbour in stunning lights.
    Start of the Vivid Festival! Sydney Harbour in stunning lights.

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    All up, we were 6 weeks and 2 days without a working kitchen. Original HN salesman said it would be “three weeks.” *sigh*

    @Alacaeriel Nice! Damn, that’s so much faster than ours. I’m impressed…

    @Alacaeriel Washing up in bathroom. Paleo diet no problem; meat & veg easy to cook w/ hot plate and microwave!

    Well, shit. Only big burner on induction cooktop works. Sparky has wired it up wrong. But @dancingman got it right before!

    @dancingman !! That would be fantastic. And if it’s the electrician’s stuff-up, we can bill him for you. Happy to cook you dinner too!!

    @dancingman You free at all on the weekend? We can work around your schedule…

    Sorry coworkers – no cookies tomorrow. Spent the whole night moving fridge, cleaning, and unpacking kitchen. Monday I promise!

    @knitness Because mine would be better!! πŸ™‚

    @chewxy Yeah, it’s a thing I do. Want to thank them for being flexible during the renovation. πŸ™‚

    Interesting. This morning all induction burners are back to working. Can’t reproduce failure. Maybe overheating? It’s a mystery.

    RT @mpesce: .@Jason asks “What Now… Yahoo?” // cc @the_snook

    Taking a four-month old to a hatted restaurant and then bitching? No sympathy from me. Get a babysitter. You are the problem.

    @redambition On the Herald. Claiming restaurant told them to leave. Only seats left were at the bar! What idiots.

  • Call Me Maybe

    Call Me Maybe – THE SUPERCUT. This is awesome. I am such a sucker for catchy songs.

  • 13 Untapped ’90s Fashion Trends

    13 Untapped ’90s Fashion Trends – Oh good grief. I still sport an embarrassing number of these on a near daily basis.

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    Subjecting the entire office to “Call Me Maybe.” Suddenly I’m in a very good mood. πŸ™‚

    Wow. 50 Shades of Grey got real embarrassing to read on the bus *real fast*.

    @imdominating My coworker and I wanted to see what the fuss was about. I used a gift cert, so didn’t pay actual $. πŸ™‚

    @knitness Pretty much!!

    The plumber is here… 45 minutes early! We’re going to have a working sink and dishwasher within a few hours!

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    @drkknits I think he died when a cave bear ate him, so you do what you need to. πŸ™‚

    Sparky is here and things are being connected. We may actually get to use our cooktop and oven tonight!!

    @aimee_maree I did for a while too. It’s like an MC Escher suburb.

    @Alacaeriel I do not understand why contractors can’t communicate or be places on time. Commiserations!

    Power points and under-cabinet lighting and functioning appliances? It’s like a dream come true!

    @Buttontreelane It’s gorgeous! You did an amazing job.

    @eileenDCoE Aren’t they vego? ARE YOU BECOMING A MELBOURNE HIPPIE?

    @that_alison Very cute! Did you dye your fingertips blue like we did? πŸ™‚

    RT @that_alison: Bake-off entry part one. (HT @web_goddess about many years ago)