Just your average Friday afternoon.
Month: May 2012
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Photo post
Turtleneck and dark sunnies. I am European royalty incognito… -
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Went for a sort of funky librarian look today. #colouredtightsprotest http://t.co/cqaYTnTB
Well, I’m supposed to go to Sydney Drupal meetup tonight… but I suspect instead I’m going to grow old and die on this bus. #trafficsucks
Ratio of women to men: 3-20ish. Better than I expected, frankly. (@ Drupal Sydney Meetup) http://t.co/58QGP4wj
Swag. #drupal #meetup http://t.co/GRdNSH4P
@blakkat Good question… *looks around the room*
I had a surprisingly good time at the Drupal User Group tonight. Learned some stuff, met some people, had a beer. Nice.
@randomknits π Commiserations on whatever it is…
I should know better than to engage anti-Apple trolls before I’ve has my coffee.
Turtleneck and dark sunnies. I am European royalty incognito… http://t.co/Nn19BVkI
@richbuggy No, I’m calling person who thinks that anyone who doesn’t build their own PC is “mindless sheeple” a troll. It’s a lame argument.
I think anyone who buys a jumper in a shop instead of spending 3+ wks knitting their own is an idiot hipster suckered by marketing. #sarcasm
Photo post
Went for a sort of funky librarian look today. #colouredtightsprotest -
Bicycle Repair: Keep it Quiet
Bicycle Repair: Keep it Quiet. A guide to tracking down mysterious noises from your bicycle. Very useful! (Thanks Snook.)
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FINALLY A KITCHEN UPDATE: Benchtop is due to be installed on Monday. Final fix for plumbing electrical on Tuesday. Less than a week left!!
@drkknits @witty_knitter Yes. Very, very tired of having a beautiful new red kitchen and not being able to actually use the thing.
For god’s sake. Precision Sourcing keep spamming me with PHP developer roles despite me telling them repeatedly I DON’T DO THAT ANYMORE.
HealthWatch: Going βPaleoβ Means Cutting Out Common Items From Diet Β« CBS San Francisco http://t.co/wKxcJKHA via @CBSSF (cc @drkknits)
@aimee_maree I am actually currently sewing together a bunch of old t-shirts into a quilt. Didn’t think of trying a skirt instead!
@msgusset Sorry, was training out in the sunshine! π
First personal training session in many months. I’m gonna be sore tomorrow…
@AusVintageGrrl Lovely! Looks very vintage cool with your specs. π
@Alegrya A lot of cyclists are cocks for a lot of reasons. My peeves are riding on the footpath and running red lights. Makes us look bad!
@VenessaHunt Not that you or I would know anything about such things…!
It’s impossible to enjoy a quieter week at work when I know weeks of intense busy-ness are right around the corner.
@drkknits Was tempted to make a PC joke, but I can’t complete the analogy. man a stall:person a stall::research fellow:research …?
RT @neilhimself: Here @scalzi explains why in the US being a Straight White Male is the lowest difficulty setting in the game of life: h …
@shanea Same here! But Ygritte still gets her catchphase, for which I cheered. π
Note to self: Just because SOME PEOPLE are still awake raiding on Azeroth, you don’t have to stay up too. GO TO BED ALREADY.
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The other lesson from today’s Twitter hackery: don’t use the same password for Twitter that you use for other things – especially email!
@drkknits !! That sucks. Hang in there. Lots of good stuff on the horizon, right?
@randomknits @twelveeyes KICKSTARTER! π
Waving hello at @aimee_maree, who I have evidently been following on Twitter for some time, but only just realised is sitting 20 feet away!
Come on board! You’d get to work with me! π http://t.co/kpGy58qJ
Awww, Blizzard is giving free Diablo to Aussies who got burned by GAME! http://t.co/SBTBQIBK Less bitter about Snook’s WoW addiction now. π
@lemon_lime Aw, should’ve told me you were going there! Just down the hill from our office. π
@redambition On iPhone it saves a copy to the Photos app.
RT @RealTonyStark: If you’re dating a nerd you’re about to start competing for their love with Diablo 3.
Good luck.
@redambition Ah, not sure then. It used to save regardless of whether you shared, but now I think it only does when you share. Bummer.
@aimee_maree Bah. I already go to bed alone twice a week on WoW raid nights. Really hoping he doesn’t get hooked on this one…
@aimee_maree I read ’em all last year. It was like a death march. But I got through. You want me to bring the first one to work?
Game of Thrones and the last of the goon bag. Good night. (I totes cheered when Ygritte finally said her catchphrase.)
@aimee_maree Which is interesting, because I found it the most boring book. They have made some really good plot changes.
@aimee_maree Yep. Major changes in just about all storylines. Nothing that will alter canon, I think, but enough to keep me guessing.
@redambition Aww, but now we can’t follow you! ARE YOU TAKING NEKKID PHOTOS?
@aimee_maree I’m sure it’ll still hit major plot points. But they’re eliding lotsa plot, combining characters, making motivations explicit.
@redambition Bleurgh. I don’t regularly check either of those places. π
@monnsqueak @Steph_Philbrick Hence the #colouredtightsprotest yesterday. Maybe it needs to be a recurring thing!
Wow. Give @aimee_maree overview of disorganised project; get lovely French sweet in return. I could get used to this! http://t.co/UPONOhaY
Reading Speed Test
Reading Speed Test. Oh, interesting! Have a go; it only takes a minute.As soon as I saw the questions, I cursed. I read very fast, but I suck at retaining the little details. (The Internet has turned me into a skimmer.) I scored 612 wpm, which is 145% faster than the national average. However, I only got 2/3 of the questions right. As I expected, the Snook scored slower than me but he got them all correct.
Amish kids = less allergies
Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study. Ooh, neat! They even specify that the study was done in northern Indiana. I never had allergies growing up there as a kid. Granted, I didn’t hang out in barns or drink raw cow’s milk, but I was still in the same general environment. It was only when I moved to Sydney that I developed a wicked bad dust allergy…
Hello Kitty Liberty of London Tana Lawn
Hello Kitty Liberty of London Tana Lawn. SQUEE! But my sources tell me nobody in Australia is going to be carrying it. I wish I could get my hands on some…!