Month: May 2012

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    Blue tights, motorcycle boots, and homemade shirt. Hells yeah.  #colouredtightsprotest
    Blue tights, motorcycle boots, and homemade shirt. Hells yeah. #colouredtightsprotest

    Edited to add: The tights “protest” was a reaction to some of my friends on Twitter to this article about sexist corporate fashion prescriptivists. We’re all wearing coloured tights today in response. 🙂

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    Looking forward to this event on Thursday and learning more about the capabilities of Drupal!

    They can pry my red tights off my cold, dead legs! Right, ladies?

    HOLY CRAP. Hello Kitty Liberty Tana Lawn. @randomknits – are you guys getting this? WANT.

    @twelveeyes Beyond covet? So far I made a top out of it. @randomknits has made a whole dress, I believe…

    @randomknits @twelveeyes Bloody hell. $33/yd in the US. Hm. I wonder if Mom can get her hands on some before she comes to visit…

    @miss_reecie It’s okay! I fell for it too. Did they get your password, or was it an app that did it?

    Haha – just got an offer to buy the damn IKEA chair… from someone in Texas. “Where’s Sydney?” she asks. “Can you ship?” Whoops.

    @GeorgieKnits Woohoo! This movement is gonna take off, I can feel it.

    Oh dear. I think @SandraHW is hacked too!

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @witty_knitter @SandraHW I clicked the link from Reecie and signed in, but changed my pass almost immediately.

    @redambition @miss_reecie @SandraHW @witty_knitter Yep. Don’t click the link, or if you do (and log in), change your password.

    Blue tights, motorcycle boots, and homemade shirt. Hells yeah. #colouredtightsprotest

  • 6 Simple Ways to Avoid Burnout

    6 Simple Ways to Avoid Burnout – I haven’t been getting much sleep or exercise. No wonder I feel exhausted.

  • Cathedral Flora Quilt Blocks

    Cathedral Flora Quilt Blocks

    May MetaQuilter blocks: Cathedral Flora. LOVED doing these.

    These were the May block for my MetaQuilter quilting group. The designer Melissa chose some great fabrics, and she pointed us to a detailed tutorial explaining exactly how to put them together. I had admired cathedral window quilt blocks in the past but figured they were probably really difficult. Turns out that bias is magic, baby! I LOVED doing these! I used my trusty Uhu glue stick to aid in the initial triangle placement, and after that everything came together perfectly. My patchwork skills are improving nicely and I’m finding it much easier to get my seams to line up.

    I’m now 5-for-5 on my MetaQuilter blocks! I have to say though, I was disappointed when the organiser sent out an email offering amnesty to the apparently several people who haven’t been sending their blocks back. That sucks. I understand that life happens, but why would you sign up for a group that involves people paying money to send you lots of fabric and then not follow through? Gah. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing falls apart before we get to my month (which is scheduled to be December)…

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    Another completed sewing project! Tova Top in vintage cotton. Not sure it’s me…

    May MetaQuilter blocks: Cathedral Flora. LOVED doing these.

    Blog post on the Tova Top, if anybody wants to know about the sizing issues I ran into:

    @1funkyknitwit I love that you have jumped right into tweeting! I knew you’d take to it like a FUNKY duck to water! 😛

    @randomknits Woo!

  • Tova Top

    Another completed sewing project! Tova Top in vintage cotton. Not sure it's me...Another completed sewing project! Tova Top in vintage cotton. Not sure it’s me…

    Commenter Mel recently recommended I check out the Tova Top/Dress pattern. It’s a downloadable PDF, so on a whim I bought it. As soon as I did I started to second guess it. It’s really much more of Fiona’s style than my own. But what the heck – I should branch out, right? Last weekend I convinced the Snook to go on a bike ride with me to the Sydney Fabric-a-brac for some fabric stash acquisition. I was looking for something interesting to make the Tova, and I settled on this blue vintage cotton. I got 1.7m for $7, which was just enough to make the shirt. The project was very quick to put together, starting Saturday night and finishing Sunday morning.

    It was interesting to sew from a non-Colette pattern, since that’s what I’ve been using so much lately. The markings were different and I kept forgetting/missing them. The instructions are relatively easy to follow though. I had been worried about setting in the sleeves, but I breezed through that. The hardest part was actually attaching the front inset pieces, which require you to pin and sew on three 90-degree sides of a square (with the bottom also involving gathers). Yeah, I swore a bit through that part. But overall in terms of technical skill, I feel like I’m coming along leaps and bounds. This is definitely the best constructed garment I’ve made yet.

    That said, I knew when I tried it on halfway through that there were going to be sizing issues. I made the largest size – which is a 14 – but I think it’s definitely intended for a more slender, boyish figure. It’s quite tight around my hips, which made me glad I didn’t go straight to the dress. (If I do that, I’ll definitely be adding in some width there.) I could also use some more width across the shoulders. I feel like if I crossed my arms tightly, I could pop a seam! And along with that, maybe a bit more depth in the armhole.

    So not a total win, but definitely a wearable muslin. It’s totally in the “post-modern Laura Ingalls meets Japanese minimalism” vibe that I was going for. (Whether I can work that into my wardrobe is another question.) And I’ve got some good solid pointers for how to adjust the size on my next one. On to the next challenge!

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    In their first – and let’s be honest, probably last – public appearance: my prize-winning Rhiannon socks!

    I almost accidentally sat at the judges’ table. Horrors.

    @monnsqueak They’re a bit impractical, and I don’t think they’ll wear super well. (100% wool.)

    Let the grilling of the Easter Show judges commence!

    “Well, are you talking ‘traditional’ or ‘authentic’?” Like a red rag to a bull…

    Well, probably not *red*, because it wouldn’t show up the stitches well enough.

    @redambition Platitudes & hot air (to me, anyway). My takeaway is that you should knit everything in cream to make easier for them to see.

    @witty_knitter TBH, other people seem to have gotten more out of it. My view seems to be uncommon.

    Basically, just confirmed that the things I value in knitting are not the things judges value. Not a big surprise there.

    @drkknits You are evolving. I mostly remain a spiteful, snarky thing in my heart of hearts. I know your way is better.

    @mudsurfer That’s pretty much been my strategy. I’m not going to change what I’m doing to suit some outdated idea of what is “appropriate.”

    @randomknits @witty_knitter Unwritten rules: must do short rows and three-needle cast off on shoulders. Must use steeks in fairisle.

    @witty_knitter They actually said if you cast off in traditional stairstep fashion and sew with back stitch, you will not get a ribbon.

    Interesting to learn that brewing judges have actual path. There’s a judging certificate. It’s not just waiting for special tap on shoulder.

    @witty_knitter In KGNSW, the path is: do certificates & enter shows and if you’re good, we might notice you. That was literally the answer.

    @SallyPompom @witty_knitter Not a reflection on IC organisers or excellent facilitating by @knitdra, of course!

    RT @TelegraphFood: Egg breakfast ‘could help you lose weight’

    RT @Grantland33: Community continues to not be cancelled, by @amosbarshad // HOORAY! (cc @kunaal84 @the_snook)

  • Photo post

    In their first - and let's be honest, probably last - public appearance: my prize-winning Rhiannon socks!
    In their first – and let’s be honest, probably last – public appearance: my prize-winning Rhiannon socks!

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    This is why I am very very glad my job at Sitback doesn’t involve “Internet Marketing”: That crap is soul-destroying.

    @squozen This is happening in Australia too. Both Rodd and I have worked for companies that did this stuff. (We don’t anymore.)

    @squozen It’s just as bad here. Google “geekversity”. Aussie tabloid shows ran regular segments pimping them to “battlers”.

    It’s been a very aggravating day so far.

    Joomla developers – what would your rates be for, say, 5 hours of retainer work per month? I may have an opportunity…

    @redambition Dr Chin? I just saw him the other day. Told him you were my friend! I was like, “She’s had a shocker of a year. FIX HER.”