Month: May 2012

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    Woohoo! First official #garage2012 sale: $7 worth of knitting wool. I’m offering a free lesson as an added bonus. 🙂

    @jenwburn It finished at $530K. Neighbours are all very happy. Apparently it sold in the $300’s in 2005, so quite an increase!

    Sold a book and a tagine in #garage2012! People actually had printouts of their route. Such a great idea for the community!

    @jenwburn Very true. Just talked to seller though and she is *very* happy!

    @stufromoz Are you there? Can you check if they have any of the Karlstad armchairs in stock? They were all sold out last week.

    @chrisgander Google “garage sale trail”. It’s an event the City puts on where you can register your garage sale on a website.

    I’m spruiking my #garage2012 sale. This is amusing the hell out of the neighbours. But hey – I’ve made $15!

    I have been sitting out in front of the house for two hours. And for that entire time, Dr Amy Jones has been meowing pitifully at the door.

    @chrisgander I’m having one! I tweeted a pic earlier. World’s Smallest. 🙂 But I’ve made $15!

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    Manning the world's tiniest garage sale.  #garage2012
    Manning the world’s tiniest garage sale. #garage2012

  • If Apple Designed a Bike Light, It Would Look Like This | Wired Design

    If Apple Designed a Bike Light, It Would Look Like This | Wired Design – Aww, what will the Brooklyn bike hipsters think up next? This is very cool. Too bad it’s only for the rear light.

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    Having a tour. (@ Subaru Docklands)

    All I could think was that @kunaal84 would *kill* for this office. @ Overlooking the MCG

    Waiting for the plane home… (@ Qantas Club – MEL Domestic)

    @Yarna_ Yeah, meeting finished a little early so client was able to get our flight bumped up.

    …And back. (@ T3 Qantas Domestic Terminal w/ 2 others)

    @kunaal84 The crime is that the office belonged to a Scotsman who I’m pretty sure doesn’t even like cricket. Nice view though!

    @kunaal84 Clearly, I should’ve been on Skype today. I expect a full debrief. 🙂

    RT @gizo: “@jchutchins: Just remember: There’s one of these inside every house cat.”

    This actually made me uncomf …

    @knitdra Haha – love it!

    Day trip to Melbs went very well! I was stressed last night, but the meeting went great. The travel aspect was a fun novelty too.

    @squozen I’m also sucking down some fine cask red. To Friday!

    RT @wired: If Apple Designed a Bike Light, It Would Look Like This

    Manning the world’s tiniest garage sale. #garage2012 @ Moorgate St, Chippendale

    @stufromoz Nope. Just on the sidewalk.

    Eavesdropping on auction down the street. In our building, 1 bdr, 1 car. Holy crap. Up to $530K.

    Bodes well for us with 3 bdr and 2 car spaces. 🙂

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    All I could think was that  @kunaal84  would *kill* for this office.
    All I could think was that @kunaal84 would *kill* for this office.

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    All booked in for my business trip tomorrow. How excitement!

    @witty_knitter Melbourne. Client pretty much insisted I come down there for a single meeting! My first interstate day trip.

    @witty_knitter I am sure the novelty will wear off very quickly, but for now I feel very professional!

    It amused me to wear a homemade dress to work when Sydney Fashion Week is happening just @ Walsh Bay Wharf

    @redambition I was actually frantically trying to finish new skirt this morning so I could wear it. Very Project Runway. Gave up though. 🙂

    RT @Donaldo98: May the fourth be with you.

    Showered, dressed, caffeinated, packed, and in the cab on time. Let’s do this, Melbourne.

    @knitterjp @redambition I concur. At this point, we may be talking animal sacrifice. Somebody has cursed you, I think. 🙁

    I’m at T3 Qantas Domestic Terminal (Mascot, NSW) w/ 3 others

    @crumpet Just a day trip for work. No free time, I’m afraid. 🙁

    I could get used to this. 🙂 (@ Qantas Club)

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    It amused me to wear a homemade dress to work when Sydney Fashion Week is happening just a few blocks away!
    It amused me to wear a homemade dress to work when Sydney Fashion Week is happening just a few blocks away!

  • Giant Crocheted Lions

    Giant crocheted lions created as part of the UK’s “Cultural Olympiad”. THAT’S INSANE. I can’t believe she did it by hand! I’d like to see more photos of the creation process.

    Also, she got HALF A MILLION POUNDS for that. Clearly, my aversion to crochet is misplaced. (Link courtesy of my Mom.)

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    Is “doyley” an actual spelling? Are there any, ahem, trained archivists who can verify? Because to me, that looks funny.

    @imdominating Huh. Dictionary lists it as a valid alternative spelling. Just spotted it in a report from a supposed expert and wondered. 🙂

    @Kat13v It was in the Archives committee report I just received. I just thought it looked funny. 🙂

    Congrats to @MargotPalk on the best @KnitGuildNSW newsletter I’ve ever seen. Well done!

    @lifeasdaddy Yeah, I found it in a dictionary as an archaic alternate spelling. Weird that someone I know still uses it.

    @sixandahalfst Excellent. I’m hoping to go so will look for you!

    @sixandahalfst I am in fabric-stash-acquisition mode. Got a big new tub from IKEA to put it in and everything. Stand back! 🙂

    @drkknits Hahahaha… That was pretty much my reaction too. Too bad all of the other Baratheon bastards are dead! (No Edric Storm on show?)

    @Kat13v I should check it out on a lunch hour (or several). But will I only ever see noon then?

    My ability to get 431 and 433 bus drivers to stop at Broadway seems to be inversely proportional to the length of my skirt. Funny that.