Month: June 2012

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    @merrinmez Those. Are. FANTASTIC!

    I always think I’m going to be conservative at the stylist. And then I change my mind as soon as I’m in the chair. Purple streaks? WHY NOT.

    The purple streaks didn’t actually take. I suspect my Mom telepathically sabotaged the enterprise. #stillblonde

    RT @elizabethdanger: Please RT this if you are or know a female programmer in the US. Proving a point here. // My Mom is one!

    @stufromoz I know. My normal stylist has done it before. But she’s on vacation, and the stand-in wasn’t very good. πŸ™

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    Discussed with osteo the possibility of having a PRP injection for my tendonitis. Anybody had one in Australia? Get good results?

    @drkknits It’s interesting, huh? I invited you to be an “ally”.

    @shanea Once I can run again, I’ll have to go the other direction and we can high-five as we pass each other! πŸ™‚

    @VenessaHunt We have one and we use it all the time! They’re awesome. πŸ™‚

    Well surprise, surprise. Helicopter parent is overly defensive and hostile when confronted. I should’ve nuked the post on Day 1.

    @drkknits ??

    @drkknits Ah. I thought it might be that. Hopefully soon you will be able to focus on the loveliness of what you had, rather than be sad. πŸ™

    @SydneyOsteo Thanks. Been dealing with this for 5 months now. Recommendation for PRP was from my osteo at City Clinic in CBD.

    @SydneyOsteo My GP and osteo both reluctant to give cortisone, which my research backs up. PRP sounds great, but still pretty new?

    @redambition Aus Knitters board on Rav. Entitled parent asking for help with topics for a 20yo’s essay. Most people were nice & helped.

    @kat13v Sent you a FB message. I got a sick Snook on my hands! πŸ™

    I feel like Sick Snook is going to be very shortly joined by Sick Kris.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Ooh, neat! I did wonder! Did you do the scarf too?

    @RoseRed_Shoes Ha! Just checked your Rav. Nice one. πŸ™‚

    @RoseRed_Shoes I actually “liked” it when they posted a pic on FB yesterday!

    @RoseRed_Shoes It’s got 41 likes on FB! They posted a special message about it because of all the interest. πŸ™‚

    The thread is now dead. It is a Dead Thread.

    Missed the Wagner concert last night in favour of sleeping for 11 hours.

    @blakkat Ear plugs are your friend. I also roll Rodd onto his side like 4 times a night.

    @twelveeyes I know. Snook and I are both fighting off a cold though. We were just too wiped out. πŸ™

    Attention @RoseRed_Shoes: Either you or I need to make these for next weekend.

  • Women Who Rock – #50 Alanis Morissette

    Women Who Rock – #50 Alanis Morissette
    The other day I stumbled across Rolling Stone’s list “Women Who Rock: The 50 Greatest Albums of All Time“. On a whim, I decided that I’m going to listen though the whole list. (Well, as much of it as I can access on Spotify, anyway.) I kicked off today with #50: Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill. I don’t think I’ve actually listened to this since college, when (confession) I pretty much had it memorised. In fact, freshman year I went on a road trip to Michigan to see Alanis in concert. Listening to these songs reminds me of who I was back then. They’re very much of that time period, aren’t they? I feel the need to put on some flannel…

  • “Obamacare”

    Somebody Reddit says, “Please explain Obamacare to me like I’m a 5-year-old.” And somebody did. I definitely remember reading through it (especially if you think you’re against it). Also, I was really, really happy and proud to wake up and see the Supreme Court decision. I highly recommend that all the conservatives who are frothing at the mouth over this move to another Western democracy without universal health care. OH WAIT, THERE ISN’T ONE.

  • Photo post

    Zucchini bread. Co-workers: you can thank me in the morning.
    Zucchini bread. Co-workers: you can thank me in the morning.

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    We used to try to keep our web pages under 40KB. Now these stupid “parallax scrolling” sites make you download 5MB for a home page!

    @chewxy Toyota has one that’s 23+ MB. Takes ages on a desktop; won’t load on mobile at all. It’s just ridiculous.

    Zucchini bread. Co-workers: you can thank me in the morning. @ Chippendale

    @imdominating According to FB my Mom made 12(!) loaves yesterday, so I got inspired. πŸ™‚

  • Birds With Arms

    Birds With Arms – This is pretty much my nightmare, right here.

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    @drkknits Talk to @kunaal84. I suppose at least his LDR is with a flight attendant, which helps.

    @drkknits Well, hello Dr. Fancy Pants! πŸ™‚

    @kcarruthers *hand up* I did.

    Very annoyed with @threadless. Wanted to get shirts shipped to Mom so she can bring next month. But billing & delivery country must same. πŸ™

    I have ordered @threadless shirts from Oz to be sent to Mom in USA before. Must be new policy. That sucks. No $$ from me, then.

    @astroboysoup @threadless Hilariously, I found a loophole. I just paid with PayPal (using my Aussie CC) and it worked just fine!

  • Spoiled Rotton

    Spoiled Rotten
    This morning over breakfast I saw another post on Ravelry from a parent asking for paper topic ideas for their (high school aged) child. Seriously? It’s great that she’s involved in her kid’s schoolwork, but I just find it mind-boggling that these people (and there have been a few) post on Internet forums asking for this stuff. I couldn’t decide if I should be proud or indignant that my parents never went to such lengths to help me out with my homework. And then I read this article at lunch about how American kids are spoiled rotten and grow into “adultescents” who are incapable of taking care of themselves. Really? This actually happens? I think it’s probably unfair to label it as an American issue; there are no doubt parents in Australia and other places who behave similarly. Nor do I think all US parents are like that; I know that Staci and Nat aren’t raising their kids that way. Even with those caveats, the article rankles. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!? I was getting dressed and doing my own homework and, hell, washing the dishes when I was in grade school. If I’d demanded my parents to untie my shoes for me, they probably would’ve laughed in my face. I guess the old “It builds character” excuse for doing chores really is accurate. So thanks, Mom and Dad, for making me do the dishes and start the washing machine and rake the leaves in the yard and decide my own essay topics. I’ve grown into a more capable adult that most of the kids in the article will.