Month: June 2012

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    Nathan had to be That Guy. The one who orients the 24
    Nathan had to be That Guy. The one who orients the 24″ widescreen monitor vertically so he can see 200 lines of code at once.

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    @1funkyknitwit Super cute!

    Ooh. I have a new follower: @smark31. Is that who I think it is? 🙂

    @smark31 I knew we’d tempt you in eventually! As with anything, it’s what you make of it. Let me know if you have any questions… 🙂

    @mayorofnewtown Service from Next Byte has been pretty hit-and-miss over the years. They need competition, I think.

    RT @imdominating: Thing I learned today: Wormtongue was the voice of Chucky. Just in case you didn’t think he was creepy enough. #themor …

    @janiematts The real Apple whores spotted the DA at Broadway months ago. 😛

    I have to say, @Sitback knows how to keep staff happy. I love my NEW GIANT MONITOR!

    Looking forward to tonight’s @GGDSydney event. Thanks to Atlassian for hosting!

    @astroboysoup I know… I don’t think I can. Drupal group last week, #IIBA mixer last night, then GGD… Too many social engagements! 🙂

    @FlavourCrusader The revamped Duck Inn in Chippo (formerly Duck & Swan) is great! New chef is fantastic.

    @VenessaHunt Neat! I need a bigger seat to do that; mine is too little.

    Just spotted @mikeefreedom sailing down Clarence St on his fixie!

    Pasta at #GGDSydney smells too good! I’m trying not to ruin my dinner later…

    Note to self: try out for pomodoro timing!

    Very cool to meet @nabeelahali tonight, who evidently knows my buddy @henrytapia!

    @henrytapia @nabeelahali Damn! I was being Hermione up the front. Wondered if you were around.

    Started #GGDSyd feeling like Kristy Nofriends; finished talking to loads of people. Perhaps due to all the pear cider. Thanks, Atlassian!

    Confessed to @pyko tonight at #GGDSyd that I still use HTML tables for layout. She only slightly cringed.

    Fascinating preso from Deborah tonight at #GGDSyd on teaching computer skills to seniors. Very relevant to my experience with @KnitGuildNSW!

    @Yarna_ @witty_knitter Heh. Definitely wasn’t referring to you! But wasn’t being snarky; it was good to get tips on how older folks learn.

    @Yarna_ @witty_knitter Actually asked about volunteering with but seems they prefer teachers to be 50+. I can get that.

    @VenessaHunt Whoa – big step indeed! Congrats. 🙂

    Questions from parents about their kid’s homework are weird. I never asked my parents to help me find a paper topic. (Valedictorian, baby.)

    @mikeefreedom I was on foot last night, heading over to Atlassian for a geek girl meetup. But I’m riding again, trying to build up!

    @Opheli8 We prepaid for a year of HCF several weeks ago.

    @Opheli8 I saw a news article about it a while back. That’s where we got the idea. But HCF also sent us a letter suggesting it too.

    @Alegrya @Opheli8 This is where we got the idea:

    @mikeefreedom Yep. Seeing osteo now about my neverending knee issue, and he’s confident we can fix it up!

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    Reason #319 I love working in the Rocks: business meetings that involve pork pies in front of the fireplace at the Lord Nelson.

    Finally got to meet the elusive @brown_note at tonight’s #IIBA event in Sydney!

    Very excited to see @YonixBA demo at #IIBA Sydney event tonight. Can’t wait to try it out…

    Nearly forgot: this is the other vintage dress I got on the weekend. I like it!

    @RoseRed_Shoes Yes, indeedy! Pockets! It’s very comfy. I expect it would look even better with a belt tho.

    @drkknits We found an AWESOME retro shop in Chippo with amazing clothes and furniture. Balatro Sydney. LOVE IT.

    @redambition I quit the day after Zynga bought them. Apparently millions followed suit.

    @venks79 @kunaal84 I really, really hope you forwarded that to all@. Some folks haven’t quite grasped that point. 🙂

    RT @venks79: Embrace change. Learn to let go // So guilt-tripping resigning employees isn’t recommended mgmt tactic? 🙂

    @venks79 I’m not seething about it on a daily basis. But when someone shows you their true colours, you remember that!

    RT @shanea: New phrase for the week, Drama Llama. Courtesy of @web_goddess. // Some people just attract the crazy.

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    Nearly forgot: this is the other vintage dress I got on the weekend. I like it!
    Nearly forgot: this is the other vintage dress I got on the weekend. I like it!

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    Whoa. Sylar and Jonathan Groff are a couple? How did I not know this? AWESOME.

    @mrs_sockvictim Made it home no dramas! Main road is a lot shorter & faster. 🙂

    Nothing like finishing off a big spec at ten to midnight on Sunday… *yawn*

    RT @TMZ: Alex Trebek — Hospitalized After Heart Attack // What is “Get well soon, Alex!”?

    Donating blood! (@ Red Cross Blood Donor Centre Town Hall)

    Mmm, hot choc and raisin roast. Giving blood earns one a Free Carb Pass, I always feel.

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    Woohoo! Guild Camp 2013 venue has been decided. Stay tuned…

    @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes I wasn’t going to dress up, but then I found the PERFECT dress!

    @misswired @the_snook @pixel8ted Hmm… Probably not; we’ve been recently. Happy to go if you need our cards to get in tho!

    @knitabulous Thank you! That was the pleasantest Exec meeting I have EVER attended. 🙂 cc @merrinmez @witty_knitter @ClareLouise1308

    Going to a 1970’s themed party. I LOVE THIS DRESS.

    @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes Where are you all? It’s all parents & kids here!

    What do you take to a classy 70’s party? Rosé, of course!

    @PortugueseChook Rodd looked for that one! They didn’t have it. 🙂

    @Yarna_ @randomknits Hey! Just because a person HAPPENS to be stirring the fondue when a giant CRACK rings out…

    Have left 70’s party in search of poutine. Hopefully we can get a seat at the bar at @Hartsyard!

    @brown_note I can put you up, if you’re not allergic to cats. 🙂

    @brown_note That makes me sound like a crazy cat lady. We have 2 cats and a spare room. And I’m going to IIBA mixer Monday night.

    @brown_note Excellent. Will look for you there. Our place is in Chippendale, so daily close to Exhibition Centre.

    Contemplating a mountain of poutine. HELLZ YEAH. @ Hartsyard

    @randomknits Life-changing. Poutine, oyster po’boys, and duck rillettes with foie gras. With beer. So full. Very satisfied.

    @randomknits Worth a trip sometime. They were booked out but we got seats at bar after a short wait. Have to go back for the fried chicken!

    @jannism Hot.

    @jannism I have recently become aware of my own shameful addiction to One Direction. I covet the mug.

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    Contemplating a mountain of poutine. HELLZ YEAH.
    Contemplating a mountain of poutine. HELLZ YEAH.

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    What do you take to a classy 70's party? Rosé, of course!

    What do you take to a classy 70’s party? Rosé, of course!

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    Going to a 1970's themed party. I LOVE THIS DRESS.
    Going to a 1970’s themed party. I LOVE THIS DRESS.