Nathan had to be That Guy. The one who orients the 24″ widescreen monitor vertically so he can see 200 lines of code at once.
Month: June 2012
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@1funkyknitwit Super cute!
Ooh. I have a new follower: @smark31. Is that who I think it is? 🙂
@smark31 I knew we’d tempt you in eventually! As with anything, it’s what you make of it. Let me know if you have any questions… 🙂
@mayorofnewtown Service from Next Byte has been pretty hit-and-miss over the years. They need competition, I think.
RT @imdominating: Thing I learned today: Wormtongue was the voice of Chucky. Just in case you didn’t think he was creepy enough. #themor …
@janiematts The real Apple whores spotted the DA at Broadway months ago. 😛
I have to say, @Sitback knows how to keep staff happy. I love my NEW GIANT MONITOR!
Looking forward to tonight’s @GGDSydney event. Thanks to Atlassian for hosting!
@astroboysoup I know… I don’t think I can. Drupal group last week, #IIBA mixer last night, then GGD… Too many social engagements! 🙂
@FlavourCrusader The revamped Duck Inn in Chippo (formerly Duck & Swan) is great! New chef is fantastic.
@VenessaHunt Neat! I need a bigger seat to do that; mine is too little.
Just spotted @mikeefreedom sailing down Clarence St on his fixie!
Pasta at #GGDSydney smells too good! I’m trying not to ruin my dinner later…
Note to self: try out for pomodoro timing!
Very cool to meet @nabeelahali tonight, who evidently knows my buddy @henrytapia!
@henrytapia @nabeelahali Damn! I was being Hermione up the front. Wondered if you were around.
Started #GGDSyd feeling like Kristy Nofriends; finished talking to loads of people. Perhaps due to all the pear cider. Thanks, Atlassian!
Confessed to @pyko tonight at #GGDSyd that I still use HTML tables for layout. She only slightly cringed.
Fascinating preso from Deborah tonight at #GGDSyd on teaching computer skills to seniors. Very relevant to my experience with @KnitGuildNSW!
@Yarna_ @witty_knitter Heh. Definitely wasn’t referring to you! But wasn’t being snarky; it was good to get tips on how older folks learn.
@Yarna_ @witty_knitter Actually asked about volunteering with but seems they prefer teachers to be 50+. I can get that.
@VenessaHunt Whoa – big step indeed! Congrats. 🙂
Questions from parents about their kid’s homework are weird. I never asked my parents to help me find a paper topic. (Valedictorian, baby.)
@mikeefreedom I was on foot last night, heading over to Atlassian for a geek girl meetup. But I’m riding again, trying to build up!
@Opheli8 We prepaid for a year of HCF several weeks ago.
@Opheli8 I saw a news article about it a while back. That’s where we got the idea. But HCF also sent us a letter suggesting it too.
@Alegrya @Opheli8 This is where we got the idea:
@mikeefreedom Yep. Seeing osteo now about my neverending knee issue, and he’s confident we can fix it up!
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Reason #319 I love working in the Rocks: business meetings that involve pork pies in front of the fireplace at the Lord Nelson.
Finally got to meet the elusive @brown_note at tonight’s #IIBA event in Sydney!
Very excited to see @YonixBA demo at #IIBA Sydney event tonight. Can’t wait to try it out…
Nearly forgot: this is the other vintage dress I got on the weekend. I like it!
@RoseRed_Shoes Yes, indeedy! Pockets! It’s very comfy. I expect it would look even better with a belt tho.
@drkknits We found an AWESOME retro shop in Chippo with amazing clothes and furniture. Balatro Sydney. LOVE IT.
@redambition I quit the day after Zynga bought them. Apparently millions followed suit.
@venks79 @kunaal84 I really, really hope you forwarded that to all@. Some folks haven’t quite grasped that point. 🙂
RT @venks79: Embrace change. Learn to let go // So guilt-tripping resigning employees isn’t recommended mgmt tactic? 🙂
@venks79 I’m not seething about it on a daily basis. But when someone shows you their true colours, you remember that!
RT @shanea: New phrase for the week, Drama Llama. Courtesy of @web_goddess. // Some people just attract the crazy.
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Nearly forgot: this is the other vintage dress I got on the weekend. I like it! -
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Whoa. Sylar and Jonathan Groff are a couple? How did I not know this? AWESOME.
@mrs_sockvictim Made it home no dramas! Main road is a lot shorter & faster. 🙂
Nothing like finishing off a big spec at ten to midnight on Sunday… *yawn*
RT @TMZ: Alex Trebek — Hospitalized After Heart Attack // What is “Get well soon, Alex!”?
Donating blood! (@ Red Cross Blood Donor Centre Town Hall)
Mmm, hot choc and raisin roast. Giving blood earns one a Free Carb Pass, I always feel.
Oh, Tobias. You blowhard!
David Cross – Tobias Fünke Plush. That is BRILLIANT.
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Woohoo! Guild Camp 2013 venue has been decided. Stay tuned…
@mrs_sockvictim @randomknits @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes I wasn’t going to dress up, but then I found the PERFECT dress!
@misswired @the_snook @pixel8ted Hmm… Probably not; we’ve been recently. Happy to go if you need our cards to get in tho!
@knitabulous Thank you! That was the pleasantest Exec meeting I have EVER attended. 🙂 cc @merrinmez @witty_knitter @ClareLouise1308
Going to a 1970’s themed party. I LOVE THIS DRESS.
@mrs_sockvictim @randomknits @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes Where are you all? It’s all parents & kids here!
What do you take to a classy 70’s party? Rosé, of course!
@PortugueseChook Rodd looked for that one! They didn’t have it. 🙂
@Yarna_ @randomknits Hey! Just because a person HAPPENS to be stirring the fondue when a giant CRACK rings out…
Have left 70’s party in search of poutine. Hopefully we can get a seat at the bar at @Hartsyard!
@brown_note I can put you up, if you’re not allergic to cats. 🙂
@brown_note That makes me sound like a crazy cat lady. We have 2 cats and a spare room. And I’m going to IIBA mixer Monday night.
@brown_note Excellent. Will look for you there. Our place is in Chippendale, so daily close to Exhibition Centre.
Contemplating a mountain of poutine. HELLZ YEAH. @ Hartsyard
@randomknits Life-changing. Poutine, oyster po’boys, and duck rillettes with foie gras. With beer. So full. Very satisfied.
@randomknits Worth a trip sometime. They were booked out but we got seats at bar after a short wait. Have to go back for the fried chicken!
@jannism Hot.
@jannism I have recently become aware of my own shameful addiction to One Direction. I covet the mug.
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Contemplating a mountain of poutine. HELLZ YEAH. -
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What do you take to a classy 70’s party? Rosé, of course!
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Going to a 1970’s themed party. I LOVE THIS DRESS.