Month: June 2012

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    Sometimes my job has perks, like getting to drive a brand new secret unreleased sports @ Sitback Solutions

    VROOM! Had my go driving the sports car. No, I didn’t crash it. 🙂

    @squozen The former. We do a lot of things for Subaru. 🙂

    @lemon_lime Wow. That’s shocking. Did you see that one of Sandusky’s adopted kids is going to testify he was abused? My jaw fell open.

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    Sometimes my job has perks, like getting to drive a brand new secret unreleased sports car. :)
    Sometimes my job has perks, like getting to drive a brand new secret unreleased sports car. 🙂

  • GMail Hippies

    According to this research, Gmail users are more energy conscious than Yahoo Mail users. Awesome. Also, “Yahoo users tend to lounge around in pajamas at home and enjoy sweet snacks; Gmail folks, on the other hand, are more likely to lounge in jeans and prefer salty snacks.” The Snook commented to me: “You like to lounge in pyjamas and eat salty snacks. Way to break the mould!” Yep. Iconoclast, right here.

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    My kitchen asploded in schmoopy tonight.
    My kitchen asploded in schmoopy tonight.

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    @chrisgander Yeah, it’s frustrating. Haven’t been to Spudds in months! I’ve got from lots of training to very little.

    Accidentally listened to a One Direction song – and damn, that’s catchy. Okay, if I were 11yo, I can see where I’d be ALL OVER THAT.

    @drkknits As long as he’s not, like, sending you pictures of his junk. As the kids say. 😛

    @imdominating I am loving this. Feel free to recommend more pop songs in the same vein. 🙂

    Rainbow lorikeets on our balcony today! @ Sitback Solutions

    Who’s at the Drupal User Group? @kunaal84 and I may be a few minutes late…

    Going to developer-focused events is a great way to remind myself why I’m not a developer anymore.

    My kitchen asploded in schmoopy tonight. @ Moorgate St, Chippendale

    @imdominating Actually not for us! My co-worker Kiel is marrying his girlfriend Renee. 🙂

    Friday morning fueled by sugar cookies and One Direction. I’m kind of 13.

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    Rainbow lorikeets on our balcony today!
    Rainbow lorikeets on our balcony today!

  • Ravelympics

    This morning’s outrage lighting up my Twitter feed: US Olympics Committee sends Cease-and-Desist letter to Ravelry over use of the term “Ravelympics”. The Ravelympics – like the “Tour de Fleece” – is a fun community (non-profit) event where thousands of knitters around the world challenge themselves to finish an item in a set timeframe. Whatever, I get that they have to protect their trademark. But I find it really insulting that the letter says that knitters are somehow denigrating the achievements of the athletes by using the word. Bullshit. No one is actually comparing themselves to an Olympic athlete. This is all about corporate control. I had been considering taking part and watching a lot of the Games, but screw that. I’m on board with the boycott.

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    @drkknits I’m too scared. This sounds like the start to a True Crime novel where you end up in the East River!

    @drkknits What happens in Baltimore stays in Baltimore, eh?

    @RoseRed_Shoes The amusing thing is that I actually know somebody who has that and has built it!

    @drkknits Well, that’s ODD.

    Sugar cookies are my damn Everest, I swear. These are okay, but a little too brown.

    RT @MayaKnits: Is your feed drowning in #ravelympics tweets? This is why: Utterly disgraceful move @USOlympic

    Woohoo @the_snook! @Mark_Sisson says mead and maple syrup are back on the #primal menu (in moderation, of course).

    My 2nd osteo appt this morning. He helped my shoulder last week; let’s see if he can finally sort out my knee so I can RUN!

    @chrisgander Nah, Rodd and I made the decision not to do it this year. I haven’t been able to run for months. May need an injection. 🙁

    Dear @USOlympic, thanks to your treatment of the “#Ravelympics”, I shall boycott this year’s games. No TV, no merchandise. That is all.

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    Sugar cookies are my damn Everest, I swear. These are okay, but a little too brown.
    Sugar cookies are my damn Everest, I swear. These are okay, but a little too brown.