Holy levitating Slinky! – That’s pretty cool.
Month: June 2012
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@Offbeatceremony Some of our friends actually got married in the Cathedral Cave there.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits You mock, but bacon and peanut butter (in the context of PANCAKES) is one of life’s great pleasures. 🙂
My fancy-pants pull-out rubbish bins! http://t.co/c7woHq6c
@codepo8 I may start calling them the Awesome Bins. “Snook, could you empty the Awesome Bins? Awesome.”
Got request to buy “text ads” on my Dahl site. Actually wanted me to sneaky link words to URLs to juice PageRank. This is why I hate “SEO”.
Spotted just now on a shelf in our office kitchen. Wait, what?! @ Sitback Solutions http://t.co/uhmob4g9
@knitness Not the Debbie Bliss jumper??!
@imdominating Some crazies bashed a 60yo security guard to death two days ago at the shopping center where we get our groceries. Savages.
@knitness Oh, I was like, DAMN NESS IS FAST! 🙂
@randomknits Rodd’s mum lent me his grandma’s fox fur for a costume party once. Officially I was disgusted, but man, so soft and warm.
RT @AnnaJMcDougall: This is honestly 1 of the funniest things I’ve ever read. Had me in stitches on train! Read it! You won’t regret it! …
@JennaPrice I’ll see your “webinar” and raise you a “mobisode.” *shudder*
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Spotted just now on a shelf in our office kitchen. Wait, what?! -
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WTF. Security guard at Broadway got bashed to death like 2 hours after we were there last night. http://t.co/FYT37Npp
@drkknits Knitting? You’re doing it wrong. 🙂
@drkknits I don’t mean your knitting is wrong. Simply that your original statement does not compute. 🙂
@1funkyknitwit You can head over to my house if you finish yours! 🙂
@sixandahalfst I hope not. I used a regular old UHU stick to stick down the panes on my Cathedral Windows blocks recently.
Ivan received his new Retina MacBook Pro today at work. The box is sitting beside him. He is torturing us all by not opening it.
Having a Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon kind of day. Apparently every new website this year is going to use “parallax scrolling,” I swear.
RT @Sitback: Some self promotion, with a bit of help from Google. http://t.co/Qo8uy6j7 // Awww, I miss Karen!
@tinkabel He got up early and bought the minute they were announced!
RT @sesamestreet: Cookie Monster: Me just met you. Dis is crazy. But me love cookies! Gimme, maybe?
My fancy rubbish bins are finally going in! Very exciting.
Dammit. Dishwasher panel is slightly too big. So they’ve got to order a new one. We won’t be 100% finished just yet…
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Caffeine and sugar. Bliss. (@ Berry Famous Donut Van) [pic]: http://t.co/xdKtcrwA
The Big Potato in Robertson is quite literally the crappiest Big Thing I’ve ever seen. @ The Big Potato! http://t.co/FOa0HdII
@RoseRed_Shoes That’s exactly what I said. GIANT POO!
Knitters: what’s the name of that nice pub where we had lunch on the way to Wollongong Camp last year? Who was there: @Yarna_, @knitterjp?
@knitterjp Thanks. We found it, but it was really packed! Skipped in favor of just coming home. 🙂
Did somebody say “crocheted steeks”? HELLZ YEAH. IT WAS ME. http://t.co/Qpe1ihie
RT @tammybutow: The video is now online! Thanks for supporting the Role Models Are Important project. We got over 100 photos in 2 wks! h …
@tammybutow Absolutely love it, and thrilled to be part of it. I want to be friends with all those amazing women!
RT @MiaFarrow: Tax deductions for Romney family’s dressage horse exceeded the average American income http://t.co/cW2NWeRE
via @mathowie
Role Models Are Important: the video is up! Very excited to be part of this project with the women of @Sitback. http://t.co/zqJlcjnl
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The Big Potato in Robertson is quite literally the crappiest Big Thing I’ve ever seen. -
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First potential knit camp venue visited. Nice but rustic, a working farm. Some accessibility issues. Not sure for the older ladies…
@missamanda It’s not til September 2013. You can totally come to Knit Camp. 🙂
@missamanda Since I am organising it, I will publicise all the deets once I have them. Just trying to settle on venue now!
Lunch in an old country pub on a rainy day. I like the fireplace. (@ George IV Inn) [pic]: http://t.co/SuxJ2uO7
Mr Snook tries to ignore the giant wooden emu staring at his burger. @ George IV Inn http://t.co/VOvX31ke
Knitters – is Wool Addiction in Bowral worth a side trip?
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Mr Snook tries to ignore the giant wooden emu staring at his burger. -
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Listening to Triple J’s “Top 100 of 1993” playlist on Spotify. I honestly think that’s pretty much the era when music stopped for me.
@squozen I suppose. But I genuinely seem to prefer the older stuff. So I think I only like new stuff in the same style as the old stuff.
@squozen It’s just my normal Facebook name: Kristine Howard.
@squozen Gotcha.
On the other hand, the brain cells devoted to remembering Stone Temple Pilot lyrics might have been put to better use somehow, I feel.
@squozen @the_snook I have a strange fondness for music that sounds like it was composed by computers.
Hey @Ezzles – there was another knitter at @hartsyard last night that wasn’t you?! http://t.co/30wETpJn
You make me wanna Shoop.
@knitdra @randomknits WAAAAAAAAANT!
@knitdra @randomknits I’m not gonna sew in the kitchen! 🙂
@Hartsyard For poutine, I’d knit your duck a whole jumper! 🙂
Planning an Expotition with Mr Snook. No, not to the North Pole. Just to Bundanoon, Jamberoo, and Berry. How exotic.
@heathergracious Haha, yes, well aware. There are no plans to control the action, as it were, on this trip. 🙂
@shanea Awesome! Congrats.
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@Anthony_Mills Ha. Actually, it was a really good thing he did. The one we had didn’t actually fit. 🙂
Confession: I mostly watch Once Upon a Time just to covet Jennifer Morrison’s succession of awesome leather jackets.
Shiny, shiny mirrored backsplash. SURFACES, DARLING! SURFACES! (It’ll be messy again within a day, I guarantee.) http://t.co/67M7D7Ek
@richbuggy Most time people talk about calories, they’re talking about kilocalories. Perhaps that’s your problem?
On my way to osteo to see if he can do something about my buggered shoulder. Constant stabbing pain is wrecking me.
@mrs_sockvictim That’s right near me!
@creativemercury Nah, just strained something and then aggravated it with a bad night’s sleep. Hopefully massage will help.
@venks79 Ringleader and Socialite? 🙂
@VenessaHunt Before I clicked it I predicted my feet would hurt just looking at them. And they did. But still awesome!
@drkknits Woohoo! I’m always packing up til the last minute. Impressed with your Hermione-like organisational skills. 🙂
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I’m pretty sure those damn beagles at the airport will sniff your luggage if you bring in Peeps. PEEPS = THE DEVIL.
@drkknits Nah, don’t worry. I had a couple things but Mom’s already put them on her list. Makes her feel needed. 🙂
RT @LettersOfNote: Love this. Actress Aisha Tyler responds to the abuse she received after hosting Ubisoft’s press conference at E3: htt …
Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies for @konvict67 tomorrow… @ Chippendale http://t.co/Zg2BEUTi
Paper Dolls is off the needles! Now to slice it up the front and add some buttons… http://t.co/lhFu2FHe
@drkknits @knitterjp Not really. Been working on it for months! Once it was joined up, yoke went pretty fast…
@drkknits @knitterjp But that was for the cream. I was mostly done with the green and brown at that point.
@knitterjp @drkknits You have Pregnancy Memory. 🙂 The body section was done since before the Show. I’ve had the sleeves at 3-4 Guild mtgs.
@knitterjp @drkknits Was a pretty boring knit for 90% of it, I’ll admit!
RT @ESQFood: Mushroom beer: now a thing. http://t.co/pLLoeEoX @MikkellerBeer @AviaryCocktails
@drkknits Have a wonderful trip! We’ll miss you…