Month: June 2012

  • Photo post

    Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies for  @konvict67  tomorrow...
    Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies for @konvict67 tomorrow…

  • Disney = Awesome

    If you need to restore your faith in humanity, read this series of blog posts about how DisneyWorld cast members went above and beyond for an autistic boy who loved the Snow White ride that recently closed. *sniffle*

  • Why cyclists should never pay rego

    Why cyclists should never pay rego – Frankly, I’d be happy to pay rego if it would shut up the anti-cyclists! But I also agree with every single point in this opinion piece.

  • The Dream Team

    The Dream Will Never Die: An Oral History of the Dream Team – I sent this link to my Dad yesterday, but it’s too good not to share. I always wondered how that came about and how the coaches were able to manage those egos!

  • In Their Own Words: “Study Drugs” –

    In Their Own Words: “Study Drugs” – – Truthfully, some of those descriptions of the effects of Adderall make me want to take it NOW. I could be super productive and successful at work! My house could be clean! I’d get everything on my To Do list done! I’m not seeing much downside there.

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    Super excited to see that Sydney FoodConnect has added a veg-only box. Never again will mandarins sit mouldering on the counter!

    @redambition Three cheers for Dr Chin!

    @mikeefreedom Nope. Specs to write, my friend! πŸ™‚

    Confirmation from the Snook: the backsplash is EN ROUTE TO THE HOUSE! The final piece of the kitchen will be put in TODAY!

  • Photo post

    The artist at work. (Okay, I now totally love the chalkboard wall.)
    The artist at work. (Okay, I now totally love the chalkboard wall.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @chrisgander None of the above. πŸ™‚

    @johnallsopp Thanks. It’s not a tech book; related a niche topic I have a website on. Advice welcome if you have time! Pls DM your address.

    @Lindsey___Smith Hello! Just realised you were the Lindsey who emailed me this morning. Very intrigued by your email!

    @laimelde @janiematts Thanks, ladies! I’ve got a couple leads to investigate now. πŸ™‚

    @tammybutow @cool_your_jets Congratulations!!

    Successful first test of the chalkboard wall! #hipsters

    The artist at work. (Okay, I now totally love the chalkboard wall.)

    RT @Rellarc79: β€œ@stephwit: And this, friends, is why punctuation is important:” via @Petronella

    RT @old_sound: “The guys at the hipster store don’t tell you fixes don’t stop. So I will. Fixies don’t stop. Stop sign? Fixie don’t care.”

    @tinkabel Ooh. I would. But just depends. I have crap eyes and I sit in front of a computer all day, so better resolution worth it to me.

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    Somehow massively injured my neck/shoulders last night – IN MY SLEEP. Barely able to turn my head all day long today. It sucks.

    RT @lif_au: Unsocialize Lets You Open Social Reader Links Without Facebook Crapware – // cc @the_snook

    @janiematts Ohmygod! On your bike or on foot? That sucks. I hope you’re okay…

    @randomknits You need GUMBOOTS!

    I have been approached about the possibility of writing a book. I’m not sure what questions to ask. Can anybody recommend a literary agent?