RT @LaughingSquid: Miniature Body Parts Jewelry http://t.co/pAIpLrar// I literally went “AHHHHHH!!!!”
Spent the whole entire day knitting fairisle and catching up on TV. Just the day of relaxation I needed… http://t.co/p7Q0yHsH
RT @LaughingSquid: Miniature Body Parts Jewelry http://t.co/pAIpLrar// I literally went “AHHHHHH!!!!”
Spent the whole entire day knitting fairisle and catching up on TV. Just the day of relaxation I needed… http://t.co/p7Q0yHsH
Did some embroidery tonight. Feeling like quite the Renaissance woman!
Ridiculously over-styled for a Knitters Guild meeting. I blame @1funkyknitwit. http://t.co/nbysaYfU
It begins. http://t.co/xgsOdx7o
First coat on chalkboard wall is complete! That is one giant, matte, light-sucking black wall… http://t.co/wshaCFmI
@Alacaeriel Pretty much!
@chrishodgkins I think you’ve been hacked. You just sent me a dodgy DM.
Did some embroidery tonight. Feeling like quite the Renaissance woman! http://t.co/BwRnd3Kn
@redambition Still a long way to go! Adding some embellishment to a t-shirt/memory quilt I’m making. 🙂
@redambition Understandable. You have had a shocker run lately. Hope things get calm and restful and healthy for you!
@handmethepanda The Starks are incredibly stupid. Arya is the only one with any sense, and even she does dumb shit.
Ridiculously over-styled for a Knitters Guild meeting. I blame @1funkyknitwit .
RT @Sitback: Subaru Active is live http://t.co/H36W1x25 // Woo! Congrats to the @Sitback team who worked on this. Great job!
Today I learned you don’t have to have a beard – or even be a guy – to be an insufferable neckbeard.
I can’t believe I blogged about inspiring women in IT and forgot the most important one! Sorry, Mom. 🙂 http://t.co/bflCNNTi
FoodConnect box had Jerusalem artichokes this week. They were tasty but problematic. We learned today their nickname is “fartichokes.” Yep.
@mrs_sockvictim Very groovy. Make your eyes look BLUE!
@mygola Please stop spamming me!
@drkknits Call Me Maybe is the greatest song. So peppy and catchy, always makes me dance. Sometimes I am very simple.
@drkknits Also, there are heaps of funny covers. Just watched the Jimmy Fallon one, which is very good!
Sorry Mom!
After he read my post about inspiring women in I.T., the Snook said to me, “You know, you forgot one.” “Which one?” “Your MOM, you ding dong!”
Oh good grief. I’m so sorry, Mom! He’s totally, 100% right. I may not have known any card-carrying IBM computer programmers when I was growing up, but Mom was the reason we always had a computer in the house. I remember the first actual computer we got – an Atari 800XL that plugged into the television – and waiting for Mom to patiently type in hundreds of lines from a BASIC program in a computer magazine to create an animated picture. When we finally got a computer with a hard drive, Mom was the one who taught me the importance of parking the heads. Mom was the one who worked her way up from the factory floor at an RV manufacturer into a proper engineer and then into the I.T. department. Mom is the reason I can drop phrases like “AS400” and “green screens”. Mom got me a summer job in college doing the website for the RV company, which put me on the path to the career I have now. Mom knows way more about tech support and hardware than I do, and sometimes she and Rodd geek out in a way that’s even over my head.
It’s ridiculous that I could forget how influential she was. Where I am strident and political about women in I.T., Mom just quietly made herself a career doing stuff she enjoyed and took care of her family as best she could. And while YouTube videos and initiatives and mentoring programs are great, nothing beats having a supportive parent who encourages kids to pursue their interests. So thanks to my wonderful clever Mom for showing me the way! (And those of you with kids – you should do the same for yours!)
@TheBACoach It was philosophical. I was arguing that UX for a new project should not be dictated by capabilities of dev’s framework.
@TheBACoach They were taking pragmatic (but lazy) approach to not waste time designing things that are too difficult to achieve.
Planning trip to Southern Highlands to check out proposed camp venues. Any last minute suggestions of great conference venues there?
@that_alison Heh. Considering it’s the knitters guild and not an actual corporate, budget is on the lower side. But thank you!
@twelveeyes Hm. I’m not experienced enough to know! I mostly use cheap fabric right now since I’m still learning anyway.
@twelveeyes Other than a Liberty top, don’t think I’ve spent more than $30 on any project. My muslins are normal fabric – just cheap!
@twelveeyes That sounds pretty good! None of the things I’ve made have used more than 3 meters, I think.
Approaching total burnout. Juggling 5 work projects (6th starting Tuesday), Guild stuff, kitchen stuff, no exercise, stomach hurts, BLEURGH!
RT @idsharman: Overheard: SHIT I CAN’T MAKE UP: Convo between my 7year-old students today – (Names have been altered… http://t.co/2zyk6hRQ
“…Most patterns are written to be knit flat & sewn together afterwards. This is because most publishers think you’re an idiot.” Too harsh?
@drkknits “This is mostly because pattern makers think you’re an idiot.” Better?
@drkknits My Guild leaflets are very colloquial and shit. Obviously. (cc @RoseRed_Shoes, since her name’s goin’ on this too…)
@janiematts Good point. I’ll put that in. (You’re coming to Guild tomorrow, right?)
@janiematts Yep, 11am!
@RoseRed_Shoes Hm. Not what I meant! Just that they think you find two dimensions easier than three.
@RoseRed_Shoes But why do you think *most* patterns are written that way? Not for portability.
@RoseRed_Shoes How about: “This is because most pattern publishers think knitters are scared of circular needles. (Also, they’re lazy.)”
@mrs_sockvictim @rosered_shoes Interesting. It’s called “piecework” for a reason, isn’t it? Because you were paid by the piece?
@web_goddess OR! “This is because most pattern publishers think you’re not very clever. (Also, they’re lazy.)” So no calling people idiots.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I am tempted to leave it in and let Jane object on the day. GOOD COP BAD COP KNITTERS!
@RoseRed_Shoes Mostly because I’m trying in my Hermione way to make a leaflet that will be educational AND entertaining. Perhaps too much.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I take it that means you’ll also object to my statement “Sewing things together sucks.” ?
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes The provocativeness of my leaflet writing is directly proportional to my alcohol intake. Just to clarify.
@RoseRed_Shoes Okay. Boring and non-confrontational it is. No offense to anyone given. 🙁
@witty_knitter Leaflet for Guild Topic on Saturday. It was a misguided attempt to be humorous and folksy.
I didn’t say that you should never knit flat! Or that people who knit flat are stupid! Gahhhhh. Writer fail.
@steven_noble Oh dear god, is it credited to me? Sounds like something I wrote in uni. 🙂
Crossed like 14 things off my To Do list but it’s never enough. (But @drkknits? 100cm exactly. Suck it.)
Seven work emails while I was moaning about pointless Guild stuff. Is it the 3-day weekend yet?
@jannism I will never not laugh at those. That always crack me up.
RT @pamelafox: I decided that everytime I’m asked to speak at a conference, I’ll also suggest a few other speakers… that happen to be …
@devvyleys It’s good to hear you’re back – in all the ways!
Best of luck to @kunaal84 heading to his first big on-site @Sitback client meeting! 🙂
@kunaal84 Just sent massive list of wireframe questions and CCed you. Anything you can hit in the meeting would be GREAT.
Oh my. I can buy Justin Bieber Babushka Nesting Dolls for my own home. This is truly the best of all possible worlds. http://t.co/VWu7yFJM
@RoseRed_Shoes Be careful. You’re giving me and @drkknits all kinds of gift ideas…
@randomknits YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY.
Had my first real argument with the devs! Can’t believe it took five months.
Just got an ANZ phishing email. Never click links in strange banking emails, kids! Never ever. This one nearly fooled me.
@traceyh Usually Gmail is good about catching them, but this one got through!
Sad hipster at the bus stop on a cold rainy night. @ Harbour View Hotel http://t.co/nVgk4eAF
@BendalongMorgan Not a coat! It’s a big 80’s style jumper that I knitted. 🙂
I made a beautiful, tasty thing tonight. #ratatouille http://t.co/STwa23pP
Inspiring Women in I.T.
On Twitter recently I saw Tammy Butow talking about a new project she’s launched to highlight female role models in I.T. Tammy’s project is affiliated with Go Girl, an I.T. career showcase for high school girls. Her idea is to collect photos of women with I.T. careers and compile them into a video to inspire the students. When I was in high school, I thought computer programmers were just guys in neckties who worked at IBM. I don’t remember any girls in the Computer Club, and I certainly didn’t join myself. I briefly considered a dual CS major in college but chickened out for fear I wasn’t smart enough. I had no idea that one day I’d know lots of cool, smart, funky women who work in I.T. with jobs like “Programmer,” “Game Designer,” “User Experience Director,” “Project Manager,” and even “Business Systems Analyst.” (That last one is actually ME!)
So anyway, this is an issue I feel pretty strongly about. I don’t want my nieces growing up to think that computers aren’t something girls work with. So I gathered up all the women in the office yesterday morning and corralled them into a photograph. (There are actually more than five, but this is all I could round up on short notice.) I present to you the inspiring women of Sitback!
From left to right, that’s Lindsey (Project Manager), Alison (Group Account Manager), me (Business Systems Analyst + GEEK!), Leanne (User Experience Director), and Elly (Producer). Woo! Go women of Sitback! Thanks to Kunaal for the photograph!
Updated to add: I can’t believe I forgot to mention the most inspiring woman in I.T. I know!
I realised the other day that my automatic blog posting from Instagram and Twitter was broken. Sorry about that. My web host changed some settings and suddenly my scripts stopped working. I managed to get through to tech support today though and the Snook gave some very welcome assistance. It ain’t much, but your trickle of Kris-news will continue…