Month: June 2012

  • Ratatouille


    I made a beautiful, tasty thing tonight.  #ratatouille
    I made a beautiful, tasty thing tonight. #ratatouille

    This is Smitten Kitchen’s ratatouille, and it’s a beautiful thing! Usually we just chunk everything up and throw in a pot, so spending the time to meticulously slice all the veg was an effort. I used a rather large eggplant (cut in two so the slices were half-moons), a big zucchini, and a big red capsicum. This version is also baked rather than cooked on the stove. The Snook was skeptical of all the work, but he was converted when I served it up. Oh! And I put some creamy goat’s cheese on top, as the recipe suggests. PERFECTION. That just takes it right over the top…

  • Photo post

    Sad hipster at the bus stop on a cold rainy night.
    Sad hipster at the bus stop on a cold rainy night.

  • Coffee Drinks: A Visual Glossary | Serious Eats: Drinks

    Coffee Drinks: A Visual Glossary | Serious Eats: Drinks – I was amused that the last slide shows the Australian lattรฉ and the flat white. However, no mention of the fact that cappuccinos here are always covered in cocoa powder? (I don’t drink them.)

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    We had scary awful wet stormy flood weather a year ago too… except it was a week later, and I was RUNNING A MARATHON IN IT. #memories

    @tammybutow The inspiring women of @Sitback! Lindsey, Alison, me, Leanne, and Elly.

    @tammybutow Emailed you a big one too!

    @shanea Good luck! (“Online gaming” sounds like horse racing or Zynga.) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rockin’ the 60s eyeliner for the first time in public!

    @drkknits It’s all the photos I post of myself, isn’t it? I am the most self-absorbed Facebooker EVER. I am aware of this. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drkknits Damn. Was hoping you were silly enough to include your phone number so I could spam you all day.

    Whoa. @hartsyard looks gooooood. POUTINE IN SYDNEY? Pretzel ice cream? I must go to there.

    RT @sunriseon7: Venus! We see you!! #Venus_Transit Pic:

    RT @BarackObama: Every GOP senator just voted against helping women get #EqualPay for equal work. // What frigginโ€™ jerks.

  • How to determine fabric content

    How to determine fabric content – Very cool. I’d heard of doing a “burn test” but didn’t know exactly how to go about it. Good to know.

  • Priscilla Chan

    Judging Priscilla Chan: Why People Won’t Stop. Great article about how the media seem to be frustrated by Mark Zuckerberg’s wife’s refusal to put on the princess act for them. Good for her.

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    Stupid rustic hipster benches at the Fine Food Store! Snagged my black tights and now I’ve got a hole. I guess it’s punk rock.

    Ha! If I was ever tempted to put those stupid “My Family” stickers on a car, I’d definitely get a cavewoman: #paleo

    @squozen I’m pretty sure that one exists. XKCD did it as a joke, but I saw online that they made the $$ sticker. I like that one too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    50 Shades of Grey… read by Gilbert Gottfried. SO WRONG. I have tears from laughing. (And yes, that’s the real text.)

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Dammit! Serves me right for passing on the tights. ALWAYS GET THE TIGHTS!

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Haha, nope. I stupidly said I didn’t need any. That’s why I was asking if the order had been placed! ๐Ÿ™‚

    RT @tammybutow: Are you a woman in Australia working with technology? Would love your photo and info by June 15!

    Persuading my female coworkers at @Sitback that we should send through pics for @tammybutow’s Women Role Models in IT project…

    @tammybutow You want individual pics, or should we do as a group? That might be fun. Think I can get maybe 4 of us together?

  • Cave People

    Ha. If I was ever going to put those stupid “My Family” stickers on a car, I’d definitely get a cavewoman for myself. Paleo FTW!

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    Top 8 Most Common Reactions to Grain-Free Diet & How to Respond: Ha. I’ve seen several of those right here on Twitter!

    @drkknits I mostly don’t care what other people eat, except when it is CARROT CAKE, and they are TAUNTING ME WITH IT. ๐Ÿ˜›

    So far we’ve sanded and primed all the new wall bits! No more raw concrete render…

    As usual we overthink things by a million. Painting is much easier than I thought. It’s looking good! First coat done.

    @eileenDCoE Hee! I stopped after just the first one. You know it actually started as a Twilight fanfic?

    RT @eileenDCoE: bloggin about a dirty book:

    Spending the weekend painting my kitchen is the most middle-class, bourgeois thing Iโ€™ve ever done. And it looks great! Suck it, hippies.

    RT @phoebegoh: GovHack 2012 awards via @itnews_au

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    I finally got my hands on a liquid eyeliner pen. LOOK OUT WORLD. @ Chippendale