Month: July 2012

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    Lunch stop. (@ twelve miles hlll rest area)

    Enjoying the #ggdsydney atmosphere with my Mom! A little nervous about speaking though…

    So full. Great food at #ggdsydney! (And thanks to @Sitback for sponsoring!)

    Had an AWESOME time at #ggdsydney tonight. Glad my talk went over so well! Thanks to the GGD team at Google for hosting!

    @blakkat Thank you!! Will add some more links and post on shortly!

    The slides for my #ggdsydney talk on “Knitting Geekery” are here! –

    @catehstn Thank you! I was a bit worried it was going to be a “novelty” topic, but I’m glad it had general interest. 🙂

    RT @GGDSydney: Last talk about crazy kniting nerdery-great night at google #ggdsydney // That was me. 🙂

    RT @blakkat: Plane fight #ggdsydney // The green blur on the right is me, probably hitting someone in the eye.

    @toastman I know, I know. I’m just kind of over the whole charity squares thing. They’re so boring to knit!

    @blakkat They’re here!

    @kattjayne Yay! Glad you liked it. Come to a Knitters Guild meeting – happy to teach you to knit! 🙂

    For anyone at #ggdsydney who wants to learn to knit, please check out and book here:

    @venks79 @kunaal84 I had to return Bayswater rental car. Just passed Alex sailing down William St on his skateboard. 🙂

    @codepo8 I already use it for a different shared password. Always fun when I ask @the_snook to log in for me…

    @drkknits Damn. After last night, I realised how much I miss public speaking. Swap you for a while? 🙂

    @venks79 @kunaal84 Enjoying time with my family. Back at work (and more importantly, on Skype) on Monday. 🙂

  • Knitting Geekery

    Knitting Geekery
    I’m still technically on vacation so I don’t want to spend too much time in front of a computer, but I had to tell you how AWESOME it was at Girl Geek Sydney tonight. I was worried that my talk on “geeky knitting” was a bit too twee and non-technical, but everybody seemed to love it! I got to go last and I do feel like the evening ended on a high note. And having my Mom there made it all the more special!

    Thanks to everyone who left lovely comments on Twitter and elsewhere. And huge thanks to the members of the Australian Knitters group on Rav who helped with suggestions. My slides are downloadable here with annotations for each example. (I’ve tried to credit each one I used, but please let me know if I missed any.) And feel free to leave a comment with any questions!

    Knitting Geekery

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    We finally found some big ‘roos in Southwest Rocks!

    @FlavourCrusader Hm. Swagman’s Cafe has a nice outdoor area out the back. Or one of the pubs?

    Lunch (@ The Herritage Cafe)

    @FlavourCrusader There’s a nice Japanese place – Nakashima? – just off Argyle. Very good food.

    The Cool Dudes Club looking for whales at Smoky Cape Lighthouse. @ Smoky Cape Lighthouse

    U-Pick hydroponic strawberries FTW. (@ Ricardoes Tomatoes) [pic]:

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    The Cool Dudes Club looking for whales at Smoky Cape Lighthouse.
    The Cool Dudes Club looking for whales at Smoky Cape Lighthouse.

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    Honey latté at The Honey Place in Urunga. @ The Honey Place

    Playing catch with dolphins. @ Pet Porpoise Pool

    Who’s up for a chocolate-coated frozen banana on a stick? @ Big Banana

    There’s only so much contradiction a person can take, really.

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    Who's up for a chocolate-coated frozen banana on a stick?
    Who’s up for a chocolate-coated frozen banana on a stick?

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    Playing catch with dolphins.
    Playing catch with dolphins.

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    Honey latté at The Honey Place in Urunga.

    Honey latté at The Honey Place in Urunga.

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    Morning tour of the Snook homestead. (I’m going to wring the rooster’s neck.)

    Me and Mom after a lovely lunch in Nambucca Heads @ V-Wall

    24 hours now with mother AND mother-in-law. I have not had nearly enough wine to cope.

    @stufromoz They are getting along disturbingly well. I’m just having sensory overload. Too many people talking at once. All day.

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    Me and Mom after a lovely lunch in Nambucca Heads
    Me and Mom after a lovely lunch in Nambucca Heads