Month: July 2012

  • Photo post

    I made  @barbercraig85  a Union Jack cheesecake for his last Friday at  @sitback .
    I made @barbercraig85 a Union Jack cheesecake for his last Friday at @sitback .

    Edited to add: The recipe for the cheesecake is here, if anybody is interested. It’s a no-bake cheesecake, which mightily offended the Snook at first. But it’s a deliberate choice; if you baked the cheesecake the top likely wouldn’t be as white. It’s very quick and simple to make, and everybody loved it. I used frozen berries and they worked just fine.

  • Seven.

    Dear Snook: Seven. It’s okay to have SEVEN.

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    Eating my lunch. Co-worker: “Ohhhh, so THAT’S meatloaf!” Me: “Uh, what? Yeah.” Turns out Irish people only know meatloaf from American TV.

    I checked Twitter wondering how @knitterjp’s labour is going and hoping she’s doing okay… only to see her talking about wool. Typical! 🙂

    @drkknits @knitterjp I would also like you both to know that I am still pushing “Seven” for other friends’ babies too. Right, @avechoco?

    @knitterjp @drkknits Did you even suggest it to @talclark? MAYBE HE LIKES IT! MAYBE HE’D LOVE A SON NAMED SEVEN, HUH?

    @lachlanhardy The Backsliders are playing the Vanguard in a few months, I think.

    Dear Sydney: please send me your ideas for free/cheap family-friendly activities I can do with my visitors next week…

    @Opheli8 Ah, that’s on Sunday. Good idea, but we’ll be up the coast at Coffs for the weekend.

    @voicework Ooh, bonus points because I haven’t done either of those! Off to the google… Thanks! 🙂

    @3rd_Gen_ At the knitting shop: “So do you just get to knit all day long?” Me: “Do you have any fucking idea how retail actually works?”

    RT @venessapaech: Women athletes fly economy to the #Olympics, while men get business class: #wtf

    Celebrating. It was a very good day. (@ Abercrombie Hotel)

    RT @flavorpill: The most awesome cats in art history

  • Donald J. Sobol dies: Author wrote popular “Encylopedia Brown” series – The Washington Post

    Donald J. Sobol dies: Author wrote popular “Encylopedia Brown” series – The Washington Post – Oh no! I loved these books, and some of the things I learned from them stick with me today. (Like the fact that a gold brick would weigh 300lbs, and a word with three double letters in a row is ‘bookkeeper.’) I also loved that Leroy’s best friend and bodyguard was Sally, a smart but tough girl who punched out the town bully, Bugs Meany. This grown-up Sally salutes you, Donald J. Sobol.

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    @redambition You got pipped to the post by @knitness! Already organised to go with her Saturday arvo. Sorry… Next time?

    Whenever I do patchwork I end up swearing like Yosemite Sam. I made 4 mini-blocks tonight and NONE of them line up properly! RAZZAFRAZZA…

    RT @bonappetit: Summer love! @momomilkbar Crack Pie & cold brew coffee together in our top …

  • Caitlin Moran

    “They Don’t Make Feminists This Outrageous Anymore” – Slate article about Caitlin Moran and her book How to Be a Woman. I read the article and immediately bought the book on Kindle. Looking forward to reading it next week on vacation!

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    Sexy Jane Austen? How lame. True fans bought a copy of “Mr Darcy Takes a Wife” YEARS ago. #bandwagon

    @randomknits Those eyes! She looks like a damn anime character.

    @mrs_sockvictim Very cool! I’m going to ride my bike so I’ll go right past. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim What? I just rode past and I didn’t see any horses! 🙂

  • Paper Dolls

    Paper DollsI should properly document this one, huh? The pattern is Kate Davies’s Paper Dolls, which is a short-sleeved pullover with a fairisle yoke. Since I can’t do anything simply, I decided to convert it to a cardigan. I bought the main wool (green Rowan Felted Tweed) nearly three years ago at the Wool Inn in Penrith. The brown and cream contrast colours are Grignasco Tango from Fiona. I went up a size or two to get some ease through the body. I still knitted it in the round, adding a 6-stitch steek up the middle (and making that the start of all rounds). For the sleeves, I simply made up the increases making sure I finished on the right number of stitches for the yoke pattern repeat. When it was done, I did a crochet steek with hand-stitching for extra reinforcement. Then I cut it open. I had originally intended to put a button band on it, but once I tried it on I realised it wanted to be a jacket with a zip. So that’s what I did! I did an i-cord edging along the fronts and then hand-sewed in a zipper. I love it! (More photos over on Ravelry.)

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    You can buy the new Subaru BRZ sports car online:… and I helped build it! Really proud to see this project live.

    @squozen You selecting a pickup location? I know it works; lots of people have actually ordered the car so far.

    @squozen Site still getting hammered. They’re working on it, apparently.

    @cdeagle I got to drive one a couple weeks ago as a pre-launch perk. 🙂

    @chrisgander Seriously? That parallax thing? I thought it was the worst UI EVER. That page is 20+MB! You can’t even load it on a mobile!

    @SMinney I’m the Business Analyst. I wrote the functional spec that the developers and QA worked from to build the site.

    @SMinney While deployment is obviously having some teething problems today, I’m very happy with my role on it and how it’s being received!

    Subaru sells out of new BRZ online in less than 3 hours: WOOOO! Some issues, yeah, but overall IT WORKED!

    This time next week my Mom will be here! (These visits take on more meaning when you live thousands of miles apart.) #excited

    I finally wrote a big blog post with ALL of the photos from our kitchen renovation. And now I will shut up about it. 🙂

    @knitterjp Geraldine gave me a couple! Said Quiltsmith was a can’t-miss. 🙂

    RT @_trendspotter: It is official: #Yahoo! Appoints Marissa Mayer Chief Executive Officer –

    Anybody want to go to Costco on Sunday? Bonus tightarse points if you can drive. (cc @mrs_sockvictim @knitness @toastman)

    @gilmae @randomknits You mock, but having 10kg of laundry powder and 4L of shampoo gives one a great feeling of security. 🙂

    @redambition Cool, let me know. We have carpet cleaners coming Sat. morn but could go any other time.

    @knitness Carpet cleaners are in Saturday morning. Could do the afternoon though once they finish?

    @knitness @grobinson6000 If you guys provide the wheels, we’ll get you in the door! (Can you fit four ppl plus, you know, lots of TP?) 🙂

    @knitness Awesome. Costco is open til 6:30. How about say 1:30? Gives time for lunch first. You wanna check with George first?

    @knitness @grobinson6000 Current specials are here if you want to see:

    @knitness Brilliant. Okay, Saturday at 1:30 then! You want to swing by us or shall we walk over to you?

    @merrinmez @witty_knitter I am a trend spotter! I called the bunting trend back in January. 🙂 STYLEMAKER, RIGHT HERE.

  • Cake it to the Limit

    If you are not reading Cake It to the Limit, you should be. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I need to make some crazy cakes.