If you follow me at all on Facebook, you’re probably sick of hearing about the damn kitchen. I don’t blame you! But not everybody’s on Facebook, so it’s time to do a big photo round-up for everybody else. We kicked off the renovation at the end of January and it’s only just now finished. Big thanks go to both of our employers, who were really accommodating about letting us work from home on days where we had contractors in. While most of the work was done by others, we had to do a lot of packing, cleaning, painting, cleaning, unpacking, and more cleaning ourselves. We were without a kitchen for a total six weeks, and I never want to go through that again in my life. If you want to see all the details, just go here. And now for the glorious Before and After…
Month: July 2012
New Subaru BRZ
New Subaru BRZ
The big day has finally arrived, and I can now spill the beans. For the past several months at Sitback I’ve been working on a top secret new project: the launch of the Subaru BRZ sportscar, which is – we think – the first new car the world to be sold exclusively online. It’s been amazing to work on such a high-profile, top-secret project. I am not a Car Person, and I knew very little about the automotive industry when I started. I’ve had the opportunity to learn a LOT about how cars are sold and financed in Australia. I wrote hundreds of pages of documentation and got to attend meetings with high-level stakeholders (including a day trip to Melbourne just for a meeting!). A couple of weeks ago we demoed the site to the Subaru top brass, and as a special treat they brought the car for us to check out. I even got to drive it. It was pretty sweet! And then today was the big launch. These things never go smoothly, and it was tense through the afternoon. I had no idea what kind of reception the site was going to have. I hoped that maybe we’d get a couple people to place orders? Instead we sold out! What a crazy, crazy rush. I got to see this project alive and doing what it’s supposed to. Subaru got heaps of publicity for their new launch. And less than 200 lucky people actually got to order the car. Looks like everybody’s kicked a goal… 🙂 -
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@milner1982 I’ve been to Paju the restaurant in Sydney, if that’s what you mean!
@milner1982 Unfortunately I can’t help – I’ve never been there! But the restaurant is excellent if you ever find yourself in Sydney. 🙂
With the final painting touch-ups done, it’s time for the Veuve Clicquot. Kitchen is finished! http://t.co/JwVNGPqO
I made a thing. Tomorrow is a very big day at work. http://t.co/ADSkwXAm
@gusseting No-Bake Chocolate-Coated Peanut Butter Corn Flake Bars. 🙂
@gusseting Yep!!
@eileenDCoE We both said: Wooooooow!
Congrats to Subaru and the @Sitback team on the launch of the New BRZ! http://t.co/fTtkpAZ9
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I made a thing. Tomorrow is a very big day at work.Edited to add: If anyone wants the recipe, these are No Bake Crispy Corn Flake Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. And it was only the Snook and social decorum that kept me from eating the entire batch myself, they were THAT GOOD.
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With the final painting touch-ups done, it’s time for the Veuve Clicquot. Kitchen is finished! -
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The cat is out of the bag! This is the Subaru sportscar I got to drive recently. 🙂 http://t.co/XcQ6uqBx
First attempt at hanging new screen door was a schmozzle. Now on the phone to father-in-law to see if it can be unbuggered.
Game of Thrones new cast: http://t.co/B1PuxJMT. DIANA RIGG IS PLAYING THE QUEEN OF THORNS?! *dies of awesomeness* (cc @drkknits @kunaal84)
@crumpet The queue for the toilets is the worst part of any race. Stay strong and kick some ass!
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@randomknits I’m waiting on a heap of parcels, but I know exactly where they are: in my Mom’s suitcase! 🙂 (Only 10 days to go…)
Been wrestling with the worst client ever for several weeks now. I am one very demoralised BA.
I am really, really looking forward to my vacation. One more week.
4 = the number of beers it takes to erase a Hell Week
@toastman What if you are a fat chick? Is there a multiplicative factor?
This evening’s drunken revelry brought to you by Costco’s Bulgogi Beef Jerky, aka Best. Thing. Ever. http://t.co/4T9gzmLQ
@toastman I may know/be someone who had a sexy dream about S.Hawking after that film.
@toastman You wanna go this weekend? We’ve been talking about it. Split the GoGet cost?
@toastman Right now there’s a coupon. $7 for 250g. There are other flavours. My friend brought me some bags, but I need more.
@misswired I think it’s yummy, but then, I’m a Korean Garlic Eater.
@toastman Sunday is perfect. Opens at 10am. Early is better.
@toastman Also, 60 rolls of TP for $24. WOOHOO.
@gusseting Fitness? Hahahaha.
RT @usweekly: #MichelleWilliams says she’s totally down to reunite with her #DawsonsCreek pals. http://t.co/ACu32nYu // JOEY + PACEY 4EVA!
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I wonder if you can find ukulele tabs for Taylor Swift songs. (I’m never gonna get to 1000 followers like this, am I?)
@chrisgander Got my niece Computer Engineer Barbie last year. Looks like this year it’ll be President Barbie! (I am the PROGRESSIVE AUNTIE.)
@chrisgander They have Architect Barbie, I believe. But man, Plumber or Electrician Barbie would rule too!
@knitdra Hahaha. I thought it was going to say Hermione at first!
RT @bonappetit: In which @asytsma regards the undiminishable majesty of @kraftsingles http://t.co/SVHxAgF2
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Heh. @drkknits just publicly named @knitterjp’s baby in the Knitters Guild minutes. THERE’S NO BACKING OUT NOW. 😛
@knitterjp @drkknits Oh, me you and little LINUS SEVEN know it!
@drkknits @knitterjp Jack is so ridiculously overused right now. What is this, 1997? I guarantee there will be like 5 Jacks in his kindy.
@knitterjp @drkknits Unfortunately we agreed that boy children would be Snooks, and “Seven Snook” sounds ridiculous. Hence I bequeath you 7!
@drkknits @knitterjp Jack Clark? What is he, a comic book character? Also sounds like chicken clucking,& you know how I feel about chickens.
@drkknits @knitterjp No, I just like naming things. I have lots of cat names that I will never use too. 😛
@knitterjp @drkknits @the_snook No, the Seven is just from Seinfeld. The older I get, the more I identify with George Costanza.
RT @lif_au: Google Maps Adds Cycling Routes In Australia – http://t.co/yk6PpTC2 // Excellent! (cc @shanea)
Broke out the Cheesylove vest today. One of first garments I knitted! http://t.co/IJtByPCe
@Ezzles I feel your pain. I loved being red, but not the maintenance and red pillowcases and red hats. 🙁
@imdominating @Lackadazy Take pics, the pair of you! I am still getting conversational mileage here from last year’s Khal Drogo!
@aaronistic @brandnetworks Ah, but something tells me I probably wouldn’t get waffle-y goodness if I telecommuted from Sydney. 🙁
@jasony Ooh, thanks for the tip! Will install this today.
@Opheli8 Oddly, I liked Tara a lot more in past 1-2 eps than I ever have. She just needs to stop whinging and take up with fangbanger Hoyt.
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Broke out the Cheesylove vest today. One of first garments I knitted!