Month: July 2012

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    @sewweekly I’ve got a potential “Make this Look” for you! I MUST make Kiki’s dress for summer… Any suggestions?

    @witty_knitter Not all athletes are lucky enough to have body shape/appearance that gets sponsorships.

    @witty_knitter It’s a lovely ideal, but if you stick with that, the only Olympic athletes will be the independently wealthy.

    @witty_knitter Unless you’re saying the government should pay them a living wage?

    @witty_knitter So the guy in the article is lying? Says non-medalists will be left out-of-pocket.

    @arwenamin @witty_knitter TBH I feel less sympathy for swimmers than I do for those athletes in less popular sports.

    @witty_knitter Yeah, but students gotta eat too! If students/athletes don’t earn a living wage, then only the wealthy have that opportunity.

    @AusVintageGrrl Really? I want to slap mothers all the time. 😛

    @AusVintageGrrl Granted, I want to slap most people most of the time. #misanthropy

    Ugh. I shouldn’t watch helmet-cam videos of cyclists getting hit by stupid car drivers.

    @toastman Just got handed a flyer for Big AWU campaign against Woolworths/Caltex…

    RT @GolfDigestMag: FYI: Daughters across America play free golf this week. (Yes, really.) |

    RT @bonappetit: Cookie Monster remixes “Call Me Maybe,” reminds us why @sesamestreet is still the best thing on TV #genius …

  • Paint Chip Wall

    The question is: How many paint chips could I conceivably steal from Bunnings?

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    WHY do I bring roast chicken to work for my lunch? I feel like a disgusting Morlock picking over a carcass at my desk.

    RT @venks79: Joining NewsLifeMedia as Technology Manager end of July! Excited about the road ahead! // CONGRATS, VENKY!

    @GeorgieKnits Ooh, nice!

    @blakkat So I hear you’re back in the neighbourhood for a while! We should meet up sometime. I’m up next to the Harbourview. 🙂

    It turns out there *is* a limit to how much banana pudding a person can eat in 24 hours.

    Wow. @amandapalmer’s new video is amazing. Too bad it’s too cold to sleep in the buff in Sydney right now…

    A judge said the Galaxy Tab was too uncool to be confused with the iPad. I’ll admit I laughed and laughed. Talk about a Pyrrhic victory.

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    @1funkyknitwit What time should I expect you, O Divine Funky One?

    Paper Dolls finished! World’s fastest, bodgiest zipper installed with 20min to spare…

    All the best parties have BUNTING.

    It’s @knitterjp and the Amazing Purple Blanket!

    RT @randomknits: Baby shower layer cake! // 6 layers of purple cake, and I ate it. #sugarcoma

    @astroboysoup Nah, tho most of these folks are in it. This is just @knitterjp’s baby shower. 🙂

    Most people picked my baby photo at the shower pretty easily…


    I have been in a cake coma all evening. Nothing got done. “SNOOKUMS, THE CAKE MADE ME SAD. WHY DOES IT HURT MY BELLY?” He is unsympathetic.

    RT @flipgaming: These Are The 40 Most Powerful People In Video Games // One woman. ONE. *sigh*

    @shanea Did I mention my brother-in-law worked on that? My only Hollywood connection.

    RT @thekitchn: Small Cool Kitchens 2012 – open for entry! Enter your little kitchen for a chance to win…

    I really hope @kunaal84 is hungry for some banana pudding today, as I have heaps left over…

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    Most people picked my baby photo at the shower pretty easily...
    Most people picked my baby photo at the shower pretty easily…

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    Paper Dolls finished! World's fastest, bodgiest zipper installed with 20min to spare...
    Paper Dolls finished! World’s fastest, bodgiest zipper installed with 20min to spare…

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    @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Ah, we were there on Thursday night. Doing some feline-related IKEA hacking right now!

    @kristinrohan Thank you! Just rang them for a quote. 🙂

    Finally – the kitchen is DONE! Before: Concept: Finished:

    @Alegrya It’s happened so slowly it’s hard to remember what a big transformation it is! But yes, very happy in the end. 🙂

    It’s really happening, @RoseRed_Shoes. Components are ready to be assembled in the morning!

    Testing it out before Mom’s visit! Japchae and mandu to start… (@ Paju BBQ Korean Restaurant) [pic]:

    Dolsot bibimbap FTW. I wish you could hear the sound it makes! @ Paju BBQ Korean Restaurant

    Good ol’ fashioned American banana pudding chilling in the fridge. Man, it tastes REALLY sweet. Has Australia changed my taste buds?

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    Dolsot bibimbap FTW. I wish you could hear the sound it makes!
    Dolsot bibimbap FTW. I wish you could hear the sound it makes!

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    @3rd_Gen_ Yeah, that’s a good way to look at it. I’ve still got three, which is more than a lot of folks. I need to call them more. 🙂

    Email from student: “I’m writing a paper on Dahl’s contribution to children’s lit. Can you spell it all out for me? And it’s due in 2 days.”

    @witty_knitter I told her I wrote one on the same topic in uni, and it took a lot longer than 2 days and no, I wouldn’t send it to her. 🙂

    @witty_knitter @zephyrama @handmethepanda Did I mention it was from a YEAR 12 STUDENT? *rolls eyes* The mind boggles.

    Hm. Will have to make a trip to Lincraft on the way home for a ZIPPER if I’m going to wear my cardigan to a CERTAIN SOCIAL EVENT on Sunday.

    @Soma377 DONKEGIN. Did we discuss how effed up it is that I live, you know, where that movie was from? Except not, really.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp Seriously. I got tired last week replacing like 350ml of blood. A whole person? I don’t know how you’re conscious.

    @drkknits They sell all kinds of crap I wouldn’t wear. 😛

    @drkknits Lucky for you, I can chalk this whole button-mania up to some sort of VIRAL INDUCED DELIRIUM.

    @drkknits I mean, am I also wearing a small triangle shawl in this fantasy of yours? Because that ain’t happening either, sister!

    Three cheers for hand-knit cardigans with zippers! (Suck it @drkknits.)

    Hey @andrewvalder, your Twitter has been hacked. You just sent me the “terrible rumors” DM. Change your password!

    @mrs_sockvictim No way. Ain’t delicate. It’s all TWEEDY!

    This has been kind of a crap week. Kinda hoping it’s gonna balance out soon. (Beer helps.)

    @Opheli8 IT’S DONE! Need to do a final documentation this weekend. So that’s a good thing, definitely. 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes @mrs_sockvictim They’re not dolls. They’re badass SKELETONS.

    RT @DanielleWarby: REALLY interesting look at sports sponsorship: Sarah Robles (@roblympian), USA’s Strongest Woman & Body Image Act …

    Can anybody in the Inner West recommend a good carpet cleaner? Otherwise I’m gonna pick one totally at random…

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    Three cheers for hand-knit cardigans with zippers! (Suck it  @drkknits .)
    Three cheers for hand-knit cardigans with zippers! (Suck it @drkknits .)