Month: July 2012

  • Goodbye, Grandpa Hubert

    Goodbye, Grandpa Hubert
    My Grandpa died yesterday. I only found out he was in the hospital the day before. This is the first grandparent I’ve lost. These things always suck, but man does it suck when you’re far from your family. I talked to my Dad this morning and he said he doesn’t want me to worry about getting there for the funeral. Obviously I want to be there, but it’s hard on such short notice.

    You want to know something weird? The obituary is online – and I just realised that Grandpa Hubert had the same birthday as me. I never knew that in my whole life. How did I not know that? It’s such a neat connection. I wish I’d known. I’d have made sure to call him on it.

    Edited to add: Mom’s just confirmed that the date is wrong there. His birthday was March 16, the day after mine. I’m a little disappointed, but it makes more sense that I didn’t know!

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    Does wearing my glasses make me grumpy? Or do I only elect to wear my glasses on days when I’m already feeling grumpy? #chickenandegg

    @GeorgieKnits Ooh, pretty!

    Finally got the news. Just lost my first grandparent.

    Thank you everyone. I wasn’t super close to him. My thoughts right now are with Dad and how he’s taking it. Wish I was there for him.

    @acatinatree Well, the ex-Geekdom employee I know had no problem at all with your description of the place. If anything, you held back. 🙂

    @mikeefreedom Thanks. Sorry I haven’t replied to your emails; I did see them. Just been flat out lately and now distracted.

    @acatinatree Oh man, I totally forgot about that. My 15 minutes of Mumbrella fame!

    Listening to completely incongruous pop music. That’s better.

    Wishing I could give hugs to all my family back home on this sad, cold night. The cat will have to do.

    Just did the most perfect parallel park of my life. That one’s for you, Grandpa Hubert.

    @drkknits *wolf whistle* !!

    Talked to my Dad. He doesn’t want me to worry about flying home for the funeral (which is in 48hrs). He sounds better than I expected tho.

    @witty_knitter Not sure – early 70’s? My Dad’s the eldest, and I think they had him young. And then my parents had me young.

    My Grandpa’s obituary is online. He was 76.

  • Photo post

    Wishing I could give hugs to all my family back home on this sad, cold night. The cat will have to do.
    Wishing I could give hugs to all my family back home on this sad, cold night. The cat will have to do.

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    Thanks everybody. It’s my Grandpa. I’m getting updates from my family. It sucks.

    @mrs_sockvictim Thank you. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

    Looks to be confirmed: I am giving a lightning talk on “Knitting Geekery” at the next @GGDSydney event. Excitement!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @mrs_sockvictim For us Yanks it’s easy – it’s the 4th of July! The birth of our country and the birth of Miss Fee!

    Either somebody in this office is a Prince fan, or @drkknits has hacked into the server and is sending me a message.

    Dear @toastman. This is for you.

    @imdominating Ha. I guessed who it was before I even clicked the link. 🙂

    Front of bus has lots of informative posters about avoiding spread of flu. Back of bus has woman who’s been coughing and sniffling non-stop.

  • A Bush Christening

    At a party recently, the topic of “baptism” came up and, out of nowhere, the Snook started reciting “A Bush Christening” by Banjo Paterson. (He does weird things like that.) It’s a very cute poem, and I’m tickled to learn the location actually does exist!

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    @jdcb42 Here you go!

    @MrAndyPuppy You serious? A sub-30 minute 10K? That’s crazy fast!

    RT @StylelistHome: What this blogger learned from her home renovation // HA. This is like, the opposite of what we did.

    @MrAndyPuppy Shouldn’t have told me. I thought you were FAST! 🙂 (Did I see that you’re in Oz now? Here for a visit?)

    Congrats @kunaal84 on being officially announced in his new role as Technical Manager today!

    @kunaal84 @rajsingh2505 You’d think a Technical Manager could work out how to sync his work email to his iPhone… 🙂

    The absolute worst part of being an expat is getting an email overnight that a family member is in the hospital and doing really poorly. 🙁

  • Women Who Rock – #44 Siouxsie and the Banshees

    Women Who Rock – #44 Siouxsie and the Banshees
    Siouxsie and the Banshees’s Once Upon a Time is #44 on RS’s list of Greatest Albums from “Women Who Rock.” I don’t think I had ever heard any of these songs before. It’s not really my thing, but I like the rhythms. The “Christine” song freaked me out when I heard my own name being repeated.

  • Women Who Rock – #45 Taylor Swift

    Women Who Rock – #45 Taylor Swift
    Taylor Swift’s Speak Now is #45 on RS’s list of Greatest Albums from “Women Who Rock.” While I’m sure there are those rolling their eyes, I really like Taylor Swift. She’s a pretty, pretty princess, she plays the guitar, and she writes catchy songs about liking boys. There’s nothing wrong with that!

  • Women Who Rock – #46 Salt-n-Pepa

    Women Who Rock – #46 Salt-n-Pepa
    Salt-n-Pepa’s Hot, Cool and Vicious is #46 on RS’s list of Greatest Albums from “Women Who Rock.” Unfortunately Spotify doesn’t have it available, so instead I listened to their Greatest Hits compilation. I wasn’t a huge hip-hop fan in high school, but I did like SNP. (I remember vastly preferring them to the annoying TLC, who many girls in my class liked.) I had the CD singles for “Shoop” and “Whatta Man” pretty much memorised. I liked their sense of humour and their politics. “Let’s Talk About Sex” is just such a perfect bit of early 90’s music and activism, isn’t it?

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    @drkknits Either ask your doc or beg a chemist. It’s got codeine in it so they control it pretty strictly!

    @randomknits The answer is always “4”. How many balls to make a scarf? How many squares in a ball? What size needles? “Four.” For everything

    @drkknits Who?

    @twelveeyes @randomknits Something I started saying on day 2 at the wool shop in order to preserve my sanity!

    @drkknits @smark31 Hahahahaha… She’s been here lurking since last week. 🙂

    @twelveeyes @randomknits No. Those customers are usually pretty dumb and they don’t really know what they’re asking anyway!

    @drkknits @smark31 Awww, you should let her get acclimated in her own time! I’m trying not to scare her away! 🙂

    @smark31 I was actually wondering: Has all this interest in “50 Shades of Grey” (erotica) led to increased traffic to your blog?!

    Butternut Squash Soup with Star Anise and Ginger Prawns.

    @astroboysoup Yep! Really yummy. 🙂

    @drkknits @astroboysoup Very easy to make. Recipe is here:

    @stufromoz I had a crush on him in high school, therefore his being gay was an inevitability. 🙂

    RT @crikey_news: Labor’s carbon tax fantasy and the myth of the rational voter, by @bernardkeane