Goodbye, Grandpa Hubert
My Grandpa died yesterday. I only found out he was in the hospital the day before. This is the first grandparent I’ve lost. These things always suck, but man does it suck when you’re far from your family. I talked to my Dad this morning and he said he doesn’t want me to worry about getting there for the funeral. Obviously I want to be there, but it’s hard on such short notice.
You want to know something weird? The obituary is online – and I just realised that Grandpa Hubert had the same birthday as me. I never knew that in my whole life. How did I not know that? It’s such a neat connection. I wish I’d known. I’d have made sure to call him on it.
Edited to add: Mom’s just confirmed that the date is wrong there. His birthday was March 16, the day after mine. I’m a little disappointed, but it makes more sense that I didn’t know!