Month: August 2012

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    The Pub With No Chips, aka the saddest pub in Sydney. @ Captain Cook Hotel

    My first alcohol in 3 weeks – a special indulgence for the Snook’s Yahoo leaving-do. (@ Captain Cook Hotel)

    @hexsteph Itโ€™s awesome. Are you on the ground floor or upstairs? Leia on the chain is better from the floor. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @blakkat Oh no, lost phone?! Wondered if weโ€™d see you at the Captain Cook tonight. Sounds like a crap nightโ€ฆ

    @stufromoz Congratulations! I can see youโ€™re well past the milestone by now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    How excitement. Found a random Amazon charge on my CC yest, confirmed its fraudulent. Anybody else hacked recently? #vigilance

  • Photo post

    The Pub With No Chips, aka the saddest pub in Sydney.
    The Pub With No Chips, aka the saddest pub in Sydney.

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    Mad props to @the_snook, who is being all Manly Smurf and getting the garden sorted out during his vacation days. PHWOAR.

    Just chipped in to @knitness’s @pozible project Femme Locale You should too!

    OH at work: “Samsung have opened a new store by the Apple Store!” “What does it look like?” “Just like the Apple Store.” “Of course.”

    @that_alison They charge a LOT for Threadless though?! I always order direct from them…

    RT @GGDSydney: September GGD Meetup registrations open! Come join us ๐Ÿ™‚ // Booked in! Thanks @Atlassian for hosting!

    I am really liking this whole “having a house-husband” thing. A girl could get used to this…

    @aimee_maree @vk5fj @fabpot My Mom wrote AS400 code in the 90โ€™s – and got me my first web dev job!

    DEAR GOD. New Samsung store has disturbing spuikers on George St dressed in blue all-over body stockings, like the Greendale Human Being.

    @knitness Not in my house! Love a beard. As Flashheart says, gives me something to HANG ON TO! WOOF!

    @devvyleys It looked like it was fully over their whole head, from what I could see from the bus!

    RT @tinybuddha: “Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” ~Robert H. Schuller

    @knitdra A better person than me would commiserate. But as you have guessed, HERMIONE IS LAUGHING! #karma

  • I miss my bike.

    “Bike haters parked in the Jurassic” – Sing it! Car drivers who are anti-cyclist are idiots. Every person cycling is one less car clogging up the road, one less parking space taken up at your destination, one less consumer to drive up the cost of petrol. It’s willful stupidity.

  • F**k You!

    F**k You! Scarf – Heh. I do enjoy a bit of illusion knitting.

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    @VenessaHunt Congratulations! Can’t wait to hear details. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @toastman *blush* *giggle* Yeah, that would work on me.

    @witty_knitter You mean it sounds like my new living room! MUST. GO.

  • DJ Poophead

    Oh man. We need this cat scratch turntable. Petey would make an AWESOME DJ!

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    @imdominating I do the same thing when folks visit Sydney. (HINT HINT COME SEE OPERA HOUSE HINT)

    Am I listening to @amandapalmer’s “Want it Back” over and over on repeat because I’m in a better mood? Or did it CAUSE the better mood?

    @knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @smark31 Awwwww!!

    @imdominating Oh good grief. The hobbit has a hobbit baby? And he thinks you care?

    @twelveeyes What’s the occasion for the outfit? Are you going to a costume party or some sort of Historical Pedant’s Ball? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jervis Bay Territory

    Today I learned that the ACT actually has a separate bit on the sea: Jervis Bay Territory. I had no idea.