Month: August 2012

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    @acatinatree Yes. Did you see new hipster cafe opened on Shepherd yest? “House Specialty Coffee roasters.” Milk crates to sit on. *shudder*

    @GeorgieKnits @randomknits Confession: I started a jumper last night and didn’t swatch. But I feel like I know my tension with this wool!

    Every time this stupid Audi ad on Spotify says “infotainment” without irony, I die a little inside.

    @randomknits SHIRT DRESS? I long for a shirt dress! I say yes, it’ll be beautiful.

    @gilmae I discovered last night that Campbelltown has one of only THREE Sizzlers in all of NSW. I am tempted to visit now.

    @gilmae I’m not seeking kitsch! I am seeking a GIANT-ASS SALAD BAR. 😛

    Hacked all my homemade skirts into minis yesterday. Much better. #fluorohipster

    @dhgarske Hey, when you’re on this side of 35, above the knee counts. 🙂

    Dude, it has a LASER??!

    @drkknits Oh man. You just gave me a craving for a bag of Lay’s thin barbecue potato chips. *drool* I can smell the bag RIGHT NOW.

    @drkknits They have to be fresh, I will concede. Stale bbq-flavoured anything is the Worst.

    @steven_noble Yes. Whenever co-workers ask me (as a Yank) for one to put in, I just tell them that. They always go, “DUH! THAT’S AWESOME!”

    @twelveeyes But… I’m pretty sure that’s what my transgender friend took and she got all hairy and beardy?

    @twelveeyes Oh wait. Reading back through your tweets for context. Didn’t realise you were talking about the Pill.

    @twelveeyes I just saw your single tweet that it was a myth that T made women get hairy. Just pointing out that I’ve seen it happen!

    @twelveeyes But that’s a totally different situation to what your talk is about, it seems…

    Damn. Misread a news headline as “anti-legging protestors” and thought, “Where do I join that group!?”

    @toastman o_O I see what you did there.

    RT @GOPunplugged: While condoms and the pill are morally unacceptable, the rhythm method and forcible rape are reliable, effective forms …

    @thezedmiester Mine too! I remember reading Sassy in the 90’s when he took some girl to her high school prom. TOTES DREAMY.

    As for me, I’m listening to The Smiths entire back catalog. So that tells you where my head’s at today.

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    Hacked all my homemade skirts into minis yesterday. Much better. #fluorohipster
    Hacked all my homemade skirts into minis yesterday. Much better. #fluorohipster

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    “Why yes, I am warming mah feets.”

    @randomknits Jealous! I just washed fabric last night for blouse, skirt, and dress. Haven’t selected patterns yet tho.

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    "Why yes, I am warming mah feets."
    "Why yes, I am warming mah feets."

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    @drkknits Just blogged about two weeks of eating clean… and my first thought there was: MUST EAT ALLL THE CAAAAAKES.

    Why yes, I am writing a website specification at home on a Saturday night for a volunteer project. *sigh*

  • Whole30 for August

    The Snook and I haven’t been eating well for the past few months. Winter arrived, and the best of intentions go out the window in the face of cold and stress. We were drinking too much wine, and we were eating too many carbs. Then my family arrived for a two week visit, and of course we went a little crazy with food then. Cookies, bread, ice cream, you name it. By the time August arrived, we both agreed we needed a change.

    Enter the Whole30. The idea is that you commit to a month of clean, primal eating: no alcohol, no grains, no sugar, no dairy, no legumes. You eat good protein, good fats, and plenty of fruit and veg. If it sounds hardcore, that’s because it is. I actually like that part. I especially like the “tough love” section from the website:

    It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard. You won’t get any coddling, and you won’t get any sympathy for your “struggles.” YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE not to complete the program as written. It’s only thirty days, and it’s for the most important health cause on earth – the only physical body you will ever have in this lifetime.

    So the day after the family left, we started. It’s been two weeks now and we’re both staying strong. We’ve given up grains and sugar before, but never to this extreme. The biggest changes have been using ghee to scramble our eggs for breakfast, and switching to coconut milk in my coffee. Other than that we just build our meals around good protein and whatever vegetables are in season. This week we’re having stuffed chicken breasts, pork belly, prawns, steak, and lamb curry. It’s not hippie food and it’s not faked-up, pre-prepared “low-carb” crap either. It feels good. I don’t wake up hungry, and I don’t get the 3pm slump at work anymore. We both took a few days for our digestive system to adjust to the change, but I think we’re on track now. I even managed to make cookies for work last week and neither of us were tempted to have one!

    Our only “cheat” has been in weighing ourselves. Yes, I know we’re not supposed to, but I was dying to quantify the results. We were definitely both looking and feeling less bloated. Turns out the Snook has dropped over 4kg, and I’ve lost about 3kg! (Granted, a lot of that was water we’d retained from the vacation carb-fest.) All without feeling hungry, and without doing any extra exercise either. You know, when this month is over I don’t think we’re going to change much. This is the kind of food that makes us both feel healthy.

  • Look at Notre Dame’s new helmet by Adidas

    Look at Notre Dame’s new helmet by Adidas – Fancy. But… does this mean the student managers don’t get to paint them gold anymore?

  • Sydney’s Hippest Suburbs – SMH

    Sydney’s Hippest Suburbs – SMH – Hahahaha… Not only is Chippendale on the list, they include quotes from a resident and photos of her on Abercrombie next to that stupid cafe that’s never open when we go by. Also, given that we are 36-37, married, and home owners, we are apparently the least hip people in the suburb (going by the statistics). Nice.

    When we were starting to think about buying 5 years ago, my friend Bridget urged us to consider Redfern. She and her husband were big into the property market, and she said the ‘Fern was going to go off. Looks like she was right!

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    Sydney’s Girl Geek Dinner // This was so much fun. Now I’ve caught the presenting bug! #ggdsyd

    Today: Dress by Heartbreaker. Grey tights from @welovecolors. Hand knitted scarf.

    @drkknits Well, you guys said grey goes with everything. I was testing that.

    Off to the Insular Peninsula for a client meeting. I wonder if @randomknits is working? Probably no time for a wool fondle… 🙁

    @codepo8 They’re MOTORCYCLE boots that I wear to kick web developers in the butt. 🙂

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp Has anyone admitted to a gross pattern-reading error yet? Or is that still my domain?

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    Today: Dress by Heartbreaker. Grey tights from @welovecolors. Hand knitted scarf.
    Today: Dress by Heartbreaker. Grey tights from @welovecolors. Hand knitted scarf.