Month: September 2012

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    It’s currently 93F in Sydney, and these poor Oktoberfest bastards are in lederhosen. @ Löwenbräu Keller

    @mrs_sockvictim You need a visa for New Zealand??!

    @mrs_sockvictim CHINA?! Wow!

    @indefensible I had a client interview with charity 2 days ago where they said how effective chuggers are. Won’t disappear anytime soon. 🙁

    @mrs_sockvictim So no knitting Monday? When do you go?

    @aimee_maree I recently gave (Mac) Gimp another go and I am finally converted. Does what I need it to do without too much hassle.

    The nutter on the mobility scooter blaring ‘Ring of Fire’ is keeping pace with my bus. #fml

    @aimee_maree Yes, I’ll never pay/pirate PS again. Two blog posts:

    Long carb-filled week + discussion of antacid led pharmacist to ask me when the bub was due. In front of @kunaal84. HORROR. #pretzelbaby

    @kunaal84 Most of the time I love my Korean pot belly. Comes with the territory, I guess!

    @drkknits Totes preggo. Curse of the pot belly. All my water weight goes right to my navel!

    Congrats to @TimBags and Stef on their wedding anniversary! Hope they have a fantastic time at @momofuku Seiobo tonight… #jealous

    RT @Salon: It’s not Mitt Romney’s wealth that makes him unpopular — it’s his snobbish elitism via @sallykohn

    @TimBags So how was it? Still in post-@momofuku coma? I want photos!

    @VenessaHunt Congrats again! Incidentally, I had like 3 of your previous coworkers send me that. I’m like, I SAW IT ALREADY ON FB DUH. 🙂

    Making my SINGLE LADY GROCERY LIST for the week. Wow. Shopping for one is a challenge, but I’m buying a lot less!

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    It's currently 93F in Sydney, and these poor Oktoberfest bastards are in lederhosen.
    It’s currently 93F in Sydney, and these poor Oktoberfest bastards are in lederhosen.

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    RT @indefensible: Mylife is so child-free that I just heard a crying baby and wondered whose fucking ringtone it was.

    RT @GirlEmpowerment: “Mom, I’m Fat:” One Mother’s Inspired Response to Her 7 Year Old // Beautiful.

    RT @jkraybill: Software tip: whenever you have to do testing involving images, use this image. It makes testing go faster. …

    My turn to cook: Jägerschnitzel, sweet potato mash, and broccolini.

    The Snook’s ‘town hall’ style company meeting today included an actual live appearance by PSY doing the gangnam dance. Not kidding.

    @stufromoz Yup.

    The Whitlams’ “Buy Now Pay Later” makes me tear up every single time.

    I love it when a dev says, “Do you know much about symlinks?” and I get to impress them with the fact that I do. #hermione

    My Mom and I look similar enough that even iPhoto gets us mixed up.

    @kattjayne Heh. I’ve seen Amanda play a couple times in Sydney, and I have a bunch of her albums. 🙂

    Congrats to @venks79 on his new role at Yahoo7. All the coolest people work in the Rocks! 🙂

    @jasony Well, it was live in the Korean office and streamed to theirs. Still… 🙂

    Shocking news to wake up to. I’m so sorry for the Meagher family. Also enraged that women – myself included – now feel less safe in city.

    @missamanda Whoa. That’s… not cool.

    It’s #walktowork day, and I’m stuck in a cab on a way to a client meeting. Three days ago I had never even heard of Naremburn.

  • Did Blowing into Nintendo Cartridges Really Help? – Mental Floss

    Did Blowing into Nintendo Cartridges Really Help? – Mental Floss – Huh. They say no. But I say it DEFINITELY made a difference. Also, I am still envious of my friend Steve’s top-loader. I played that a lot senior year of college…

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    My turn to cook: Jägerschnitzel, sweet potato mash, and broccolini.
    My turn to cook: Jägerschnitzel, sweet potato mash, and broccolini.

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    @laimelde Good grief, I walk past that place at least twice a day. Will check it out. Thanks!

    Looking forward to practicing my hemming skillz tonight at Sew Make Create!

    @steven_noble I have a Chrome plugin that lets me annotate, but not with fancy handwriting fonts.

    @steven_noble Ah. I think it’s probably done just with handwriting fonts and special brushes in Photoshop.

    @VenessaHunt Good. I’ve reported 2 companies to ACMA in recent wks for spam act violation. Must have unsubscribe!

    @VenessaHunt Well, that’s better than NOTHING, and then lying to me when I report them. (*cough* GRAYSONLINE *cough*)

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    RT @codemiller: “Are you a girl? The programming world needs you!” #womenintech

    Time to be awesome.

    @lemon_lime Half day client demo and training session on a project that’s been kicking my ass.

    Lessons from client training: The things you worry will be a problem never are. The stuff you thought was fine always becomes an issue.

    @drkknits Thanks. I survived. And no pretzels as a crutch, either!

    Dude. Like 10x I’ve seen pretty girls get on a pre-pay bus without a ticket, act confused and bat their eyes, and score a free ride. FFS.

    Love is: a husband cooking you dinner after a looong day at work, despite the fact that new World of Warcraft expansion launched 2hrs ago…

    Wine did the trick. Finally a decent sleep.

    @drkknits That sucks. Hang in there…

    @jannism I say them correctly, goddamit!

    @laimelde WHERE DID YOU GET IT? I see it in lots of paleo recipes but had no idea of an Australia source…

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    Mr Snook says this will keep me safe should there be any anti-American protests while he's away.
    Mr Snook says this will keep me safe should there be any anti-American protests while he’s away.

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    @missamanda Huh? Sydney looks lovely outside. I can see the harbour from here. Pretty as a postcard. 🙂

    Mr Snook says this will keep me safe should there be any anti-American protests while he’s away.

    Second night of less than 6 hrs sleep. I feel ragged.

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    Anybody know of an online radio stream for the Notre Dame-Michigan game? I can’t find ANY that I can access. 🙁

    SONOFA. This is why Hermione doesn’t knit lace. Commence jokes now…

    @Alegrya Took me more than an hour to tink it back.

    @drkknits Fixed now. Lace is just my NEMESIS.


    @knitterjp @drkknits This is only a 2 row pattern. I’d have to lifeline every other row! It’s just me being stupid.

    @drkknits Heh. Read that yesterday on Flipboard. LOVE HER. (Did I ever tell you I saw her in 7th grade at Disney World?)

    Predictions of insomnia are sadly self-fulfilling. *yawn* I hate today.

    @JennaPrice If you have an iPhone, there’s a great app called Consume that does it. You can also track in Settings -> General -> Usage.

    @lemon_lime This is why an Australian passport is a very good thing to have. 🙂