Month: September 2012

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    RT @Salon: Top 10 dumbest drinking games: // Pleased that Goon of Fortune made list. But the NZ “game” is HILARIOUS.

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    @randomknits Thanks. Still having a fit issue with armholes. Think I need to make them deeper. Any good link suggestions for that?

    @randomknits Well, when I hold my arms out front there’s pulling along back of armholes. Thought it was shoulder width, but compared to…

    @randomknits …other shirts that fit it’s fine. So now wondering if it’s the arm holes rather than overall garment width.

    @knitterjp @randomknits That’s interesting. I added width to back & front this time, but didn’t touch armholes at all.

    @knitterjp @randomknits Those diagrams make my head hurt. Sleeves are complicated! Might be easier to change my arms. 😀

    @knitterjp @randomknits Heh. Except I’m already grading the pattern up because it’s made for skinny minnies!

    That’s three people in our office now with horrible colds of some sort. I am worried my streak of not being sick all year is going to end…

    @Ascasewwen I found a PDF with a Sorbetto sleeve on it last year. I think it was made by Mena from the Sew Weekly…

    Friday, 3pm. I’m really just hanging around for the beer at this point. MOVE, CLOCK.

    @randomknits WOW! I’ve got one, but it’s hidden and most folks don’t see it unless I show them. 🙂

    @twelveeyes I managed to convert the Snook to the Way of the Cardigan, despite his extreme reluctance. It can be done!

    Just got a marketing email from @GraysOnline… with no obvious way to unsubscribe. *sigh* Isn’t the Spam Act supposed to fix this?

    @randomknits Getting mine was fraught, as my roommate @EileenDCoE was hiding one from her mother. So I had to hide mine too!

    Looks like @the_snook is karmawhoring over on the Reddits again…

    Friday afternoon beer, brought to you by the great nation of India. Thanks Baddam! @ Sitback Solutions

    @drkknits @smark31 @knitterjp And @kunaal84 is actually at the match! Keep your eyes peeled for the Indian dude in the stands. 🙂

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    Friday afternoon beer, brought to you by the great nation of India. Thanks Baddam!
    Friday afternoon beer, brought to you by the great nation of India. Thanks Baddam!

  • Ride to Work 2012

    Ride to Work 2012 is scheduled for October 17. I hope my knee is recovered enough that I can participate!

  • Another Tova Top

    Another Tova Top

    I made myself another shirt! It's an altered Tova in cotton eyelet. Very happy with it!

    I made myself another shirt! It’s an altered Tova in cotton eyelet. Very happy with it!

    So this is my second Tova top. The fabric is just some cotton eyelet I picked up at Lincraft a while back. The first one I made had some sizing issues that I tried to correct this time. I added an inch to the center back and top front pieces, and I flared out the bottom a bit too to give some more room around the hips. I also chopped the sleeves off at the elbows. (I forgot to add an inch to the bottom front piece, which means that this one isn’t as gathered at the bust line. That turned out okay, though.) This one definitely fits better through the bust now, but I still feel like my shoulders are constricted when I hold my arms out in front. Could that be the sleeve depth? Should I try and alter that next time? I’ll probably make at least one more so I can keep practicing. It’s a nice blouse to wear to work as well…

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    Sneak peek at the sewing project I just finished! I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow...
    Sneak peek at the sewing project I just finished! I’m going to wear it to work tomorrow…

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    Ow. Anesthetic has worn off, and now my knee feels like it’s been hammered and stuck with needles (which it has).

    Oh Internet, you are the Best. Thing. Ever. (I wouldn’t vote for him even if he did a Chicken Dance.)

    Saw some ladies in gorgeous vintage dresses just now in the Rocks. I think @mrs_sockvictim’s show must be filming nearby again!

    @mrs_sockvictim Are you in the neighbourhood then? *waves out the window* 🙂

    @sthcrft Having taught some older people about the Internet at Knitters Guild meetings — Yes. That’s exactly what they think.

    I will admit to being a foodie hipster wanker. But I submit to you that no one, ever, has used the term “foochebag.”

    @stringy I use Balsamiq mockups. Love it! You can do simple prototypes, but it’s not as interactive as something like Axure.

    Gnawing on a turkey leg at my desk, just like our caveman ancestors used to do. @ Sitback Solutions

    @redambition Yep. They needed them for carving websites into rocks!

    @drkknits @redambition All the caveman hipsters were instagramming their lunches. “TOTES WOOLLY MAMMOTH, LOL.”

    @rainnwilson They had curling irons before electricity. You had to put them in the fire. There’s a scene with one in “Little Women.”

    @drkknits Not for weeks yet! You’ve got to pace your excitement. 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @the_snook DAMMIT. I HADN’T TOLD HIM YET.

    Congratulations @avechoco and welcome to baby Mitchell!!!!!

    @knitterjp No knitting for me tonight. Stupid knee. I’m really limping. Going to head home and drink some medicinal wine, I think.

    @drkknits At my house, we have the type that comes in a box. I’d claim it was “hipster authenticity,” but really we’re just frugal drunks.

    WTF. Too bad I never registered with the Consulate. From now on, I’m Canadian, eh?!

    @witty_knitter @redambition Just updated mine, no dramas. Did it via iTunes though, as I didn’t have space to do over-the-air.

    Sneak peek at the sewing project I just finished! I’m going to wear it to work tomorrow…

    @GOGET Have you been hacked? Got a dodgy DM from your account…

    @randomknits Yep, still trying to get the sizing right. I’ll probably make at least one more. 🙂

    @codepo8 Huh. I didn’t realise that ginger males suffered the stereotype of being feisty and firey as well.

    I made myself another shirt! It’s an altered Tova in cotton eyelet. Very happy with it!

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    Gnawing on a turkey leg at my desk, just like our caveman ancestors used to do.
    Gnawing on a turkey leg at my desk, just like our caveman ancestors used to do.

  • Foochebag? NO. Just no.

    “Foodies are the new hipsters” – That’s fine. I’ll admit to being a foodie hipster wanker; guilty as charged there. But I adamantly deny that anyone anywhere has actually used the term “foochebag.” Just – no.

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    Bionic Kris - better, stronger, faster... (hopefully).
    Bionic Kris – better, stronger, faster… (hopefully).