Month: September 2012

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    @mobilephone_au I don’t think a veneer of “charity” really distracts us from the cynical marketing ploy aspect.

    @TimBags @kunaal84 I’m so excited for you guys! I hope it lives up to the hype I’ve given it. Take pics of anything interesting!!

    The Perils of Successful Crowdfunding // Lots of crowdfunded projects are disorganised and miss deadlines. Yep.

    @acatinatree Hey, Chippo is totes creative! Well, the part that has my house in it is, anyway. 🙂

    @witty_knitter @randomknits Our school had a special program with a nursery so teen moms could finish school. It was sadly popular.

    @randomknits @witty_knitter We did have rudimentary sex ed. But our town was boring & some kids didn’t see a way out. Sex was distraction.

    What’s an Internet company with no Internet? Sadly, this is not a zen koan.

    @catehstn Yep. Apparently since yesterday. It’s all people from companies trying to cash in on free publicity though.

    RT @DeathStarPR: It’s International #TalkLikeAPirateDay. You know, just in case you needed more of a reason to hate everybody today.

    Another look at my stupid knee. Frustrating. (@ The Sports Clinic)

    Bionic Kris – better, stronger, faster… (hopefully).

    RT @CloverMoore: After 24yrs, today I’ll be forced out of NSW Parliament. Proud of my achievements. It’s been an honor to serve the peo …

    @gilmae @randomknits I use Tweetbot on iPhone and iPad, and I really like it.

    RT @corinne_grant: Tony Abbott is a victim? The bullshit meter hits the red zone. My latest Hoopla column.

    Hitchcock double bill from PopcornTax: Would love to go, but man, two movies in a row on a Wednesday? Can’t do it.

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    @imdominating @Justacogitating Well, I haven’t made it yet. Mine might come out all wonky.

    @drkknits I didn’t know it had a name. I just knew it’s the reason why SOME OF US wear shorts under skirts, and others don’t have to. *sigh*

    @gusseting The phrase “digital diva” makes me wince.

    @drkknits Meh. Can’t get too worked up. We should start a FB page for women who appreciate that line along a dude’s groin. You know the one.

    @drkknits If you can’t objectify the occasional hot Swedish vampire, then teh terrorists have truly won.

    @VenessaHunt As long as you’re not working for the Navy or Coast Guard, you should be okay I think. 🙂

    Second time this week the Google Sydney chef has cooked from my weekly meal plan. Reading my emails? This is getting spooky & annoying.

    Great night catching up with @venks79! Just wish @kunaal84 could have joined us. 🙂

    @kunaal84 @venks79 Poo. Sorry about that. 🙁 Hopefully another meet up soon… *fingers crossed*

    RT @ScottRhodie: Ben Folds Five (not bad) with FRAGGLES (AMAZEBALLS!!!)

    @drkknits Rodd pointed out that I don’t pay US tax (since I’m under reciprocal threshold here). I am the 47%! Where’s my handout, huh?

    Just passed the people camping outside Apple Store. I love my iPhone and will probably upgrade eventually, and even I think they’re idiots.

  • Next Restaurant

    Life is good. Last year we got to eat at Momofuku Seiobo, and this year we’re trying out another of the world’s best: Grant Achatz’s Next Restaurant in Chicago. My friend Kel tipped me off on Saturday that tickets were on sale for the next menu, “Keiseki”. (Achatz has pioneered theater-style ticketing where you pre-pay a set fee and everything is included. Each “menu” is specific to a particular time and place. Keiseki, as you might guess, is Japanese.) As we’re going to be there around New Year’s, it was an opportunity I couldn’t refuse. I bit the bullet and bought us two tickets for December 29th at 10pm.

  • Ho-Hum to Wow! in Gimp

    Ho-Hum to Wow! in Gimp – Ahhh, I wondered if the Gimp had access to the LAB color space. Very cool.

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    @drkknits @imdominating Okay, the baby skeleton tank top is kinda cool in a creepy way.

    @drkknits @imdominating And if I wore such things, I’d totally get that bedazzled G-string just to freak the shit out of the Snook. HA!

    @drkknits @imdominating But really, I’d totes just instagram some a little tweed hat and some sneakers. #hipsterbaby #theworldwantstoknow

    @imdominating @drkknits Probably also be a comet in the sky, all Danaerys-style too.

    Looking at Bohus sweater kits from Sweden… but I strongly suspect they do not look good on women with biggish boobs.

    You know, if I wanted to be a total blogging sellout, I could. My PageRank lures in the marketroids like you wouldn’t believe.

    Well, the microwave works again. So today’s not a total loss.

    @redambition When I did my first run a week ago, it kicked in DURING THE RUN.

    Wait. The Mythbusters theme song is arranged by the Dandy Warhols? How did I miss that before?! Is it new? (cc @voicework)

    @voicework Very cool. And since they did the Veronica Mars soundtrack, they’ve done 2 of my favourite shows!

    RT @grantimahara: In which I welcome @Revision3 to our @Discovery family… GANGNAM STYLE. VIDEO

    So proud: my nephew Penn discovered Calvin & Hobbes. I know a little boy who’s getting his own Hobbes for Christmas!

    @sydneyflaneur @witty_knitter @the_snook 500 QUID?! I’m in the wrong line of work. 🙂

  • Wreck-It Ralph

    Totally agree with io9 on this one: the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph looks great! There better be a Ms. Pac-Man cameo in there somewhere…

  • The pandas are coming!

    WoW: Mists of Pandaria
    The big news around these parts, of course, is that the pandas are coming. You know, I have to say, this trailer makes it look awesome. Two races that hate each other land in a strange place, start up their fight, and then discover the locals can kick their butt? It looks cool. I would play that game. Unfortunately though, I’ve played WoW and I know that instead it’s more like, “Kill 47 rats and then take this message somewhere” over and over until I get bored. The Snook is looking forward to it though…

  • “Elegant and Fine”

    “Elegant and Fine” – another short story written from the point of Susan from the Narnia books. Lots of people have trouble with Susan, myself included. And I don’t think it’s Susan’s fault. I can’t find it in the archives, but I’m sure I’ve talked about Neil Gaiman’s “The Problem of Susan” before as well… (Link courtesy of John.)

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    @knitabulous What?! Oh no! Very sorry to have you in the Injured Club. 🙁

    Just learned you aren’t allowed to donate if you’ve had reflux in the past week, and especially not if it kept you aw

    …kept you awake all last night. That sucks.

    @randomknits Snook sometimes finds he is wearing an Invisible Jumper of Egregious Approachability. Perhaps you are today too?

    @rachievaichie Acid in digestive tract can damage it and make more susceptible for bacteria. Fine for me, not for sick folks. 🙁

    Trying to soothe my thwarted sense of volunteerism with a bacon & egg roll. (@ Swagman’s Post Courtyard Cafe)

    Actually just tried to win radio contest for 1st time since high school. That was TOTES Islands in the Stream!

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    WOO. Thank you @kellymcmahon! Managed to score reservations at in Chicago for Dec. 29. CANNOT WAIT.

    I need, like, a Bat-signal of some sort for @drkknits and @imdominating. This is for you:

    FFFFUUUUUUU. Hermione misread the goddamn pattern again, didn’t she.

    @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits Knitted like 75 rows looking at wrong pattern. Not very different, but aim is perfection so I frogged.