Month: September 2012

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    Got a thick non-descript envelope in the post last night; thought it was my new CC. Instead it was from Liberal Party. EEEK! BURN THAT CRAP!

    @steven_noble Yep, Rodd interviewed with them earlier in the year. Disappointed to find out role was in the US. Not looking to leave Syd.

    @drkknits That was legit. I was just listening to a song I thought you’d particularly like. 🙂

    @drkknits Wasn’t sure if you use Spotify or not!

    @drkknits Spotify annoyed me at first; the interface is slightly confusing. But now I like it a lot. Listen to it all day at work.

    @drkknits If you can’t get it, this is the video for the song: Don’t, like, cry or anything. 🙂

    @drkknits They Might Be Giants do really nice cover version too, but I am partial to the original. My friend @spycoredotnet knows the band!

    RT @imdominating: “Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” <— That. Rig …

    @drkknits @imdominating That’s my cousin. You’d get along. She prefers R.Pattz to our hot Swedish Viking, which is weird I’ll admit.

    @imdominating @drkknits I think our brains all went to the same place. Right? Right.

    @imdominating @drkknits OH HELLZ YEAH.

    Okay, Aine and I are planning a Rocks lunchtime knitting session in the sun tomorrow. Anybody want to join us? @blakkat?

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @redambition I’ll add that to the list of 45 million other projects I’ve got to do. 😛

    @drkknits @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes Except I still have to embroider my cat heads on this quilt. Yes, seriously. And then a bicycle.

    @drkknits @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes Yes. It’s going to be magnificent.

    @drkknits @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes I never said it was going to be classy. Magnificent, yes. Classy, definitely not. 😛

    @crumpet Ooh. Exhibition? Did I miss this? Where I can see crumpart in Sydney??

    @squozen @crumpet o_O

    @crumpet Sure! You’re welcome to crash at our place if you need. The 15th is also the next Knitters Guild meeting if you want to join us…

    @crumpet Oh, durrr. I read “the next weekend” as next weekend. Regardless, guest room offer stands. 🙂

    @crumpet @knitterjp Ooh! We’ll be sure to tell everybody about it at the Guild meeting then.

    There’s only one post, but already is pretty damn awesome. I laughed at the “soup cans”.

    Does anyone know if @shopify offer discounts for non-profits?

    @knitterjp You have redefined the uncomfortableness of a tweet too! DO NOT WANT, JP!

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp I’m just suggesting a social covenant whereby we do not allude to cold speculums or things that are even worse!

    Prince Philip Wears a Kilt — Totally Flashes His Penis // Best headline ever. Cc @the_snook

    @knitterjp @witty_knitter But you triggered my imagination!!

    WTF is happening in the CBD. Stuck near Martin Place for 10min now. Can hear loud noises and cheering?

    Hm. Finally moving. Couldn’t see anything at Martin Place. Was it something at Establishment?

    Prepping for the next embroidery. I’m kind of a genius. #magnificent #notclassy

    Simon Callow is doing ads for crappy McCain frozen foods? REVEREND BEEBE, HOW COULD YOU. (I assume this is an only-in-Oz thing, @jannism?)

    RT @runnersworld: .@PaulRyanVP’s critics (and defenders) are missing the point, @markremy writes:

    Got “Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy” on my knee. Happily, I can start running again!!

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    Prepping for the next embroidery. I'm kind of a genius. #magnificent #notclassy
    Prepping for the next embroidery. I’m kind of a genius. #magnificent #notclassy

  • GIMP 2.8

    Since I’ve been using the new Mac-native GIMP 2.8, the only major annoyance has been the fact that Save and Export are now separate functions. Save can only save GIMP .xcf files, and for anything else you have to export (and click through extra dialogs). HOWEVER – today I found out how to fix this! Check out this article and follow the instructions for reassigning the CMD-S keyboard shortcut. Voila! My workflow is restored. (The stuff about the new single-window mode is great too. I set that up as soon as I figured it out. Love it.)

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    @ReverseGarbage We’ve still got all of it! Would love to give it to you guys. You can email me at kris.howard at gmail to work out details.

    @ReverseGarbage Husband Rodd just replied to you on Gumtree, I believe! 🙂

    @twelveeyes Hey, I went #nostockings too! Maybe we can start a new trend…

    @Illdrinn Snook’s coming to Mtn View for a couple weeks next month. Will he get in trouble if he puts WoW on his Goog laptop? 🙂

    @imdominating Can I get one and pick it up in December? 🙂

    @imdominating I can PayPal you if you like. Just let me know!

    @Illdrinn Yep, he’s in there. Rodd Snook. Don’t think he knew about the internal WoW group!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp @randomknits I was always partial to Prairie Dawn…

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @randomknits Prairie Dawn is pretty much the Muppet Hermione, now that you mention it…

    Introduction time at #ggdsyd. Lots of newbies tonight – including @gadgetgirl70!

    Very happy to see more BA’s represented at tonight’s #ggdsyd!

    Listening to @jocranford talk about test-driven development at #ggdsyd…

    I’ve only worked at one place that mandated a certain % of test code coverage. Unfortunately we were using Joomla, so… massive fail. #ggdsyd

    This is why I love #ggdsyd: the slide illustrating paid programming shows two women coders. 🙂

    @unlikelylibrary @gadgetgirl70 What?! When did you change Twitter names?!

    Gahhh. That should’ve been PAIR programming. #ggdsyd

    Accessibility benefits everyone. I *hate* watching online video. I want transcripts! Fast readers unite! #ggdsyd

    Marriage is: both of you doing a double-take at the same thing at the same time, knowing exactly what the other is thinking. #psychicsnook

    @sarahtp @pyko So why do so few sites provide them? I think it’s because pre-roll ads are so valuable. Deliberately user-hostile. #ggdsyd

    RT @pyko: Huge turn out for #ggdsyd! // That’s MAH HEAD in the lower-right! (Note to self: get roots done.)

    @chrispytweets @sarahtp @pyko Tell it to the SMH and their giant page takeover ads and auto-playing videos. 🙁

    @amyecroft Great to meet you tonight! Librarians named Amy are some of the best. 🙂

    @caitlinmoran This is why you’re my hero. KA-POW!

    @mikeefreedom I’m glad somebody’s in a good mood. Just steer clear of us grouchy insomniacs. 🙁

    @mikeefreedom I will in a bit. Right now I’m mainlining carbs.

    Insomnia is evil. It’s like The Game. As soon as you think about it, you’ve lost. *yawn*

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    Let’s say I needed to cover someone in body paint. How much would I need? Where to get in Sydney? What’s the best type? Any suggestions?

    @toastman Grams is a weight. Body paint, as I understand it, is sold by volume. Is ghee 1g/mL?

    @toastman Then you fail at helpfulness!

    @drkknits It’s the time of year when a young girl’s mind turns to cosplay…

    @jacobmollstam WHOA – that’s a lot! Others were telling me a lot less?? Are you talking like liquid latex?

    @twelveeyes @KTunravels @sharre I don’t know anyone who goes “carb-free” though. No major diets advocate it. Veggies = plenty of carbs!

    @twelveeyes @KTunravels @sharre But as far as “low-carb” goes, there’s a fair amount of overlap with gluten free.

    @twelveeyes @KTunravels @sharre Subbing for pasta: ribbons of zucchini! Very yummy. And whizzed up cauliflower is great rice/couscous sub.

    @drkknits Ooh, so glad to hear it! Yay!

    @KTunravels @twelveeyes @sharre I actually made a beautiful faux pasta dish with zucchini on the weekend:

    Note to self: you really should start every day with exuberant South Korean dance music. #gangnamstyle

    @henrytapia I’m bringing @the_snook over to your office tonight for GGD. You gonna be around?

    A teacher emailed to ask if I would post her class’s Roald Dahl letters on my site and then individually reply to all 75 of them. Uh, no.

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    Another embroidery finished. This quilt is gonna be awesome.

    @drkknits Technically 3 more to fill…

    @kattjayne Where do you work? I’ve been thinking about a lunchtime group in the Rocks. Also talking to shop about evening group in Chippo…

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    Another embroidery finished. This quilt is gonna be awesome.
    Another embroidery finished. This quilt is gonna be awesome.

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    Lunch: Zucchini Ribbon “Pasta” with Fried Egg & Pecorino. Recipe here:

    More embroidery is happening…

    Dinner tonight: @nomnompaleo’s Big-O Bacon Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries, and Crunchy Radish Salad. #paleo

    RT @runnersworld: UPDATE: @PaulRyanVP confirms his one marathon was a 4:01:25… // Lied about a PR? What an ass.

    RT @lif_au: Lift For iPhone Helps You Master Seinfeld’s Productivity Method – // I’ve been trying this out myself.

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    Dinner tonight: @nomnompaleo's Big-O Bacon Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries, and Crunchy Radish Salad. #paleo
    Dinner tonight: @nomnompaleo’s Big-O Bacon Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries, and Crunchy Radish Salad. #paleo

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    More embroidery is happening...
    More embroidery is happening…