Month: October 2012

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    @knitterjp @drkknits Every time I do an invisible zip, I refer to the Colette tutorial. Really good!

    RT @imdominating: Our offspring would have the best teeth @Team_Barrowman // CAN I BE A BRIDESMAID??!

    Many thanks to Fernando for bringing me a special Mexican lolly!

    RT @xutraa: It begins #sewvember // Love it!

    I blogged about #Sewvember, if you want to publicly commit to joining us! SEW ALL THE THINGS.

    @grassisleena @xutraa I don’t think it’s any sort of “official” thing. So it’s up to us to define it! Sewvember is what you make of it…

    @drkknits Is your pincushion a PEAR? Because that is TOTES ADORBZ.

    @redambition I would be happy to take some fat quarters off your hands! Looking for saturated colours for my patchwork hexagon quilt. 🙂

    @redambition Lightweight! I had like 30 to sift through. 😛

    @redambition Ahh, nevermind then!

    Frocktober #22. The very last one! A black wrap dress to wrap it up.

    @drkknits Great job! Aren’t they fun?

    @drkknits Mine never seem to go perfectly smoothly. You may have gotten some stitches too close to the coils? Otherwise c’est la vie.

    @zephyrama What if they were cookies that she’d made? I’ve been bringing in treats for my office all week!

    @zephyrama Party pooper. 😛

    @drkknits I can never remember. Whenever I have a tension issue, I refer to this article:

    @drkknits But importantly, that dial only controls the top thread. For the bottom thread, there’s usually a screw on the bobbin case.

    @zephyrama So when my Mexican friend offered me a Day of the Dead lolly today, I should’ve turned him down because it’s not my culture?

    In addition to Halloween, I also celebrate Bastille Day, Robbie Burns Day, and pretty much any holiday that involves special food. Why not?

    @indefensible Yes, definitely. (Spoken as one of the admittedly rare females who likes it when all the dudes look like Magnum PI.)

    @twelveeyes Ooh, post photos!

    @gilmae Unlike homemade pumpkin treats?

    Heading home to hopefully meet trick-or-treaters! I get Freedom Points for every Aussie I convert to be an obese capitalist Yank, you know.

    @gilmae But the marketroids will commercialise everything. Don’t throw the Zombie baby out with the bath water!

    RT @shonias: In a country whose pop culture consists of about 60-80% US TV/music/movies, this antipathy for “American” Halloween is bizarre.

    RT @shonias: If you’re not so into the lollies stuff, just enjoy the dress-ups, tell spooky stories – hell give out healthy snacks, but …

    @AusVintageGrrl And involving fun with makeup doesn’t hurt either, I suspect! 🙂

    Balloons on my front gate, mask on my face, lollies at the ready. Happy Halloween!

    @pixel8ted @redambition I spoke to pro recently who said if I’m not planning on selling items, I don’t need one. Zigzag good enough for me!

    @redambition @pixel8ted Some have an overcast, which sews seam and binds at the same time? But I just do plain zigzag on my edges.

    I carved my jack-o-lantern! Still no trick or treaters tho. Candy is looking tempting…

    RT @pedestrienne: @The_Ausmerican Is there any hol in Australia that’s purely secular & all about kids having a good time? I think n …

    @redambition @pixel8ted I saw @RoseRed_Shoes’s machine do it, but hers might be fancy!

    Trick-or-treaters! It’s @kielmarlow and whenitrainsitpours. They’re grownups, so I gave them booze.

    @aunty_toots @redambition @rosered_shoes @pixel8ted I’ve got one of those, actually! But my quilt is done with English paper piecing. 🙂

    @redambition @manaboutnewtown We did that in the U.S., so I don’t think it’s specific to Australia!

    @manaboutnewtown @redambition I spent a week in Mexico and we drank a lot of Coronas, but mostly because we were scared of the water.

    @manaboutnewtown @redambition Unfortunately I can’t remember if actual Mexicans put the lemon in. I can ask coworkers tomorrow!

    Switched up Halloween playlist for Tegan & Sara, which I suspected I might like. Holy crap. New favouritest group ever.

    @manaboutnewtown @redambition I’m not sure brushing our teeth in it was necessary, but hey – nobody got sick!

    @pixel8ted @aunty_toots @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes I’m in an online quoting group and learning heaps. Thinking of starting one in Sydney…

    @web_goddess @pixel8ted @aunty_toots @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes Quoting? Durrrr. Quilting. Syd group to start in 2013, I think.

    @tashj You were the Frida?! I saw you on Twitter. Well done! Such an awesome costume.

    @tashj We went as Lindsay and Tobias from Arrested Development. Not many people recognised though. 🙁

    RT @acosmos: Stupid sexy Flanders

    RT @threadsmagazine: How to Sew a Basic Kick Pleat… // Perfect for #sewvember! (Cc @drkknits)

    @kcm74 Ha! We’re flying AirNZ via Auckand when we go home at Christmas. Will watch out for it. 🙂

    @randomknits Unofficial? That’s totally official! Great way to kick off #sewvember!

    Loud protest against CommBank in front of Sydney Hilton today…

    Kicking off #sewvember with the Washi dress I made last month!

    @pauleyphillips Awww, thanks! 🙂

    @knitness The colour at Lincraft was “Chilli”. 🙂

  • Photo post

    Balloons on my front gate, mask on my face, lollies at the ready. Happy Halloween!
    Balloons on my front gate, mask on my face, lollies at the ready. Happy Halloween!

  • Photo post

    Many thanks to Fernando for bringing me a special Mexican lolly!
    Many thanks to Fernando for bringing me a special Mexican lolly!

  • Sewvember

    A few days ago, crumpet tweeted a link to Late Night Stitch Club. The site is one person’s personal project to sew every day in November. I replied to crumpet (and Kylie and JP) that I’d been toying with a similar idea… and maybe we could call it “Sewvember”? The idea was a big hit.

    So what’s Sewvember? For me, I’m going to commit to sewing four pieces of clothing in November. That’s one a week! And I’m going to wear my own homemade creations whenever I can. Let’s bust some fabric stash and refresh our wardrobes, everyone! Feel free to join us and use the #sewvember hash tag for discussions.

    Happy sewing!

  • Hattifattener MIttens

    Hattifattener Mittens – OH WOW. Must make those! And then I’ll have to get myself a barometer! (Also on Rav.)

  • Photo post

    Happy Halloween! I brought some googly-eyed friends to work.
    Happy Halloween! I brought some googly-eyed friends to work.

  • Tinkering Monkey » The Lost Woodman

    Tinkering Monkey » The Lost Woodman – AMAZING Halloween costume. The next person who snots that Halloween is just an excuse for rampant American consumerism is gonna get this link shoved in their face.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Frocktober #21. Super Spy Dress! “The wolf howls at midnight…”

    @randomknits LOVE IT.

    Last night’s hot Epsom Salts bath and 9 hours of sleep mostly fixed my back, thank goodness. I’m still stiff, but no spasms today.

    @redambition @knitterjp @drkknits It’s a movement we came up with! Commit to sewing things in November and wearing them. 🙂

    @traveller0112 It can’t hurt. Also be sure to have two glasses of wine and some chocolate. That may have helped with my cure. 🙂

    @redambition @pixel8ted Wait, you guys know each other too?

    RT @redditflipboard: Jon Snow, is that you? My buddy NAILED IT. [r/pics] #reddit #flipboard

    RT @Salon: Mitt compares hurricane relief to cleaning up “rubbish & paper products” from a football field, ignores FEMA questions ht …

    RT @forbes: Disney buying Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, says Star Wars Ep 7 slated for release in 2015. // Whaaaaa?!

    Just got my first delivery from @TempleWebster! Excellent hallway runner.

    @knitterjp I saw that @ebertchicago and @neilhimself both liked it, which was all I needed to hear!

    @susiegii What’s nice?

    @imdominating Actually most of those comments are AWESOME. 🙂

    @3rd_Gen_ I’m not sure where it comes from, but it drives me nuts.

    Happy Halloween! I brought some googly-eyed friends to work. @ Sitback Solutions


    @aimee_maree You’re talking about the series that had the singing space whales, right? o_O

    RT @GGDSydney: Next GGD meet up at Atlassian will be on Tue Nov 13. Exciting speaker list lined up – keep your diaries free! More detail …

    NO WAY. Just looked closer at my absentee ballot and realised I get to vote against that asshat Mourdock!

    RT @GirlEmpowerment: We’re a culture not a costume! // Heh. You know Hermione would do that, too.

    @justalex75 The “For” argument is great, and exactly what I’ve been saying. The comments are ridiculous though.

    @pinkcatknits Not actually a carpet! It’s a woven PVC/poly mat so I don’t have to worry about the cats destroying it. 🙂