Month: October 2012

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    @drkknits I saw that link and expected it to be an actual work-out-if-you-want-kids thing. Instead it’s just effing stupid.

    I really, really need to make myself a HIPSTER DEER DRESS, right? Universe, you need to enable that.

    BIRDS on BALLS, people. BALLS! (cc @RoseRed_Shoes, @drkknits)

    @randomknits Yeah, I shortened mine quite a bit too!

    @lemon_lime @drkknits My uterus clenches every time Mitt Romney mentions women. Does that count? (cc @imdominating @Justacogitating)

    @drkknits @lemon_lime I don’t mine the peanut butter part so much, given that at my house it’s me who’s smearing it.

    @redambition Sewing is the new zombies/owls/fedoras/bunting. You will be assimilated.

    @randomknits LOVE IT. So impressed with how you used the border print! It’s stunning.

    I’m actually really upset that @_Shuffs_ squished a zookeeper. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. Poor lady zookeeper, and poor Mr Shuffles!

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: @redambition Wait, sewing is now a hipster thing? #FML 😉 // Only if you refer to your garments as “artisanal”.

    @drkknits Oh no.

    @AusVintageGrrl Oh, sweet, thanks! Let me know next time you’re heading over to Broadway and I’ll come meet you. 🙂

    @drkknits Oh no. Oh no. I’m so sorry…

    RT @manaboutnewtown: Interesting read on the topic of cyclists running red lights via // I smugly obey red lights.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Or an ice cold Mars bar, maybe?

    Beers with @eileendcoe! (@ Pumphouse Bar & Restaurant)

    @drkknits @redambition Yes, mine beeps to say it’s turning off. It’s fucking annoying when you’re sewing. I got it at Kmart, IIRC.

    RT @brittanieshey: ERMAHGERD! // Some great last minute Halloween costume ideas there!!

    @handmethepanda what? I thought they were going gangbusters?

    Great night having dinner and hanging out with @eileenDCoE and her Melbs buddies…

    Breakfast with @eileendcoe! (@ Toby’s Estate) [pic]:


    Justin Bieber Duck Tape – My brain is just exploding from the awesomeness. Who thought of this? Why? It’s so wonderfully random. It’s like surrealist art. I want some.

  • Guide me home shoes

    Guide me home shoes – Wow. You upload your desired GPS coordinates to your shoes, and then little lights on them direct you to that point. That is so neat. (Why does it seem like the universe wants me to learn to make shoes?)

  • Photo post

    Frocktober #13. You gotta love a dress where the collar sticks out past the shoulders. #vintage
    Frocktober #13. You gotta love a dress where the collar sticks out past the shoulders. #vintage

  • The Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project

    The Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project – This is amazing. A fan (with help) is building a full-sized Millennium Falcon.

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    @AusVintageGrrl @zephyrama How does that work? You got a link to a tutorial or anything?

    @zephyrama @AusVintageGrrl Ahhh, I get you. Useful tip – thanks!

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp Those are useful! I suck at growing veg and I’m scared of chickens. You’re IN.

    @drkknits @Gidgetknits @randomknits @knitterjp I guess you’re gonna have to be the Laura Roslin. Which civil liberties shall you cut first?

    @knitterjp @gidgetknits @drkknits @randomknits I have looked at before. But again, Chicken Fear.

    @drkknits @Gidgetknits @randomknits @knitterjp I love that we’re talking about a Zombie Apocalypse, and you’re stuck on who to hook up with.

    @TMBGAustralia Was just reading the FB page to see if any tour dates had been announced. Saw you guys in Syd in 2001 and it was AWESOME!

    @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @randomknits Corsets would inhibit my ability to kick zombie ass. This isn’t STEAMPUNK, you hipster!

    @jezfletcher A personal favourite. Saw it back in college when doing my film degree. Melanie Lynskey is amazing…

    @zephyrama Oh no! Not good?

    Wee nip of whisky + hot shower + old book finally did the trick. Sleep and I are friends again! Except now I don’t want to get up…

    @drkknits I’m so sorry that happened. It’s good you spotted the ticks when you did! I hope puppy is better soon…

    Frocktober #13. You gotta love a dress where the collar sticks out past the shoulders. #vintage

    @that_alison Old Vogue! Used to be in Chippo but recently moved to Marrickville:

    @zephyrama @RoseRed_Shoes I think it was actually homemade too, judging by zigzagging on seams instead of overlocking!

  • Colette Hazel

    Colette Hazel

    Frocktober #12 - this is @ColettePatterns Hazel I sewed last weekend! #ifeelpretty
    Frocktober #12 – this is @ColettePatterns Hazel I sewed last weekend! #ifeelpretty

    Edited to add: And here’s my third finished dress! I actually managed the whole thing – from cutting to finished – in a single day. The pattern is Hazel by Colette. The fabric is some cotton that I picked up at Lincraft during their sale. (No matter how much I iron it, it looks wrinkly. I think it just wants to be wrinkly.) I didn’t bother with a muslin; I just went for the size based on my bust. Unfortunately I think that was a bit too big, as I ended up having to go back and take in the bodice side seams a bit. Next time I’ll do a smaller size. I had been nervous about the diagonal bodice seams, but they turned out pretty easy. The zipper insertion was fairly painless too. Pretty cute, huh? The only negative is that the strap placement made it difficult to find a bra to wear with it. I ended up going with one with “clear” straps so they’re less visible. Still, I think I’ll definitely make another of these. I’ve got a border print calling to me…

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    @drkknits Don’t suppose you’d lend me those? I’m a sucker for English history.

    @mrs_sockvictim Welcome back!

    @miftik @domalessio Aus is doing pretty well, though a lot of it is on the back of the mining boom. IT is going strong tho, in my experience

    @miftik I’d probably have to, like, adopt you though. 😛

    @knitdra @drkknits I have to say, references to political strategy and V. Woolf may have put me off. I like ACTION and PLOTS!

    Working from home but cats aren’t bothering me. Apparently I kept them awake all night too.

    RT @Center4Fiction: Best tweet of the night: RT @sblackmoore: You know who else has binders full of women? Serial killers.

    @BarackObama Would like to donate, but form doesn’t seem to allow American expats living abroad to contribute!

    Received 2 phone calls and an email from @RedCrossAU in the past 24 hours. I donated to them, but geez, they are pursuing me hard. 🙁

    @Ezzles Damn, we’ll miss you! Have fun with your move though… Hope it goes smoothly!

    I have gotten sign-off from @the_snook on the Halloween menu. What, like you don’t project manager your social gatherings?!

    @drkknits @the_snook There is most definitely a spreadsheet. I have Halloween spreadsheets going back 5+ years. Such a dork.

    @drkknits I’m going to start assigning your name to tasks on it. You’ll see.

    Tripping on camera in front of everybody is my nightmare. Hugs, Julia.

    .@jose9 Haha, nice. I should totally institute daily standups and a burn-down chart.


    @zephyrama You are hard.core. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

    @redambition I sewed some sequins for mine, and it nearly killed me.

    @zephyrama Won’t get my Gertie book til Sunday. Looking forward to it!

    @randomknits I bought 3.5m, so at least I’ve got enough left to do a top. 🙂

    @randomknits Obviously my Lace Incompetence has infected you.

    @drkknits Nice one!

    Finally wearing Hazel today. Seams are itching me. I think I need to start investigating how to “fully line” things. #sensitiveskin

    Frocktober #12 – this is @ColettePatterns Hazel I sewed last weekend! #ifeelpretty

    @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits Whoa. $2800 for a pair of shoes?!

    @randomknits @knitterjp @drkknits This is a very important skill for Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness. I’m definitely tempted.

    @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp Obviously we only need one of us each to have these skills within the commune. Specialisation!

    @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp I hate to break it to you, but Ivory Tower Academic is not a role we need in the commune.

    @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp Now, Butter Churner or Kangaroo Butcher? Those we need. Get on that. 😛

    New headphones + Spotify’s “90’s” radio station = Kris in protective (and hopefully productive) cocoon.

    @zephyrama I know about those. It’s mainly the one joining the gathered shirt to bodice. Can you still French seam that?

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp Only once food, clothes, and shelter are taken care of. Any additional skills? 🙂

    @zephyrama Oh, that’s a good idea! Might try that then. Thanks.

  • Checking In

    I’m still here. It’s been a weird week. The first week of the Snook’s trip was difficult, then I hit my stride in the second. Then this week is back to being difficult. I’m having some terrible insomnia, and I’m really looking forward to him getting home on Sunday.

    Last weekend was full of social engagements. Friday night I went to my first Sydney Kings game at the Entertainment Centre. You know what? It was awesome! Everybody likes to crap on the NBL for being junior league compared to the NBA, but I still thought it was great. My boss scored us fantastic seats in a courtside corporate box, which just happened to be right next to the one Lara Bingle was in. Celeb spotting! We were also right behind Timomatic. My colleague Tim goes to a lot of the games so was able to fill me in some of the subtle differences between the NBA. (I had not realised, for instance, that in Australian basketball the key is SQUARE rather than rectangular!) Sydney ended up winning in a nailbiter, and I cheered myself hoarse. I definitely think I’ll go back to another game sometime.

    Saturday was a Knitters Guild meeting, and then lunch with some of my friends. Kylie came over to spend the night again, and we went out to dinner that night at Hart’s Yard. ZOMG, HIPSTER GLUTTON PARADISE. We had duck rillettes, poutine, fried chicken with biscuits and gravy, and the peanut butter banana split for dessert. I also had the Hart’s Yard Manhattan as an aperitif: bacon-infused Jack Daniel’s, sweet vermouth, bitters, and maple syrup. It also had a candied piece of bacon as a garnish. (Hey, when in Rome, drink like the hipsters do. Or something.) It was surprisingly good! But yeah, we stuffed ourselves. Such a great feast.

    Sunday I woke up and listened to the second half of the Notre Dame game. Talk about THRILLING. I had to call my Dad three times during that overtime! I was dancing a jig in the living room. GO IRISH! A few hours later, I had several girls over for a sewing party. The whole house was taken over and we made a great big mess and ate treats and drank box wine and it was a lot of fun. And I made myself another new dress! (I’ll show it off as soon as I can figure out what bra is suitable to wear with it…)

    Monday I actually had as a “day off in lieu”, and all I wanted to do was sit quietly and relax. I got a massage, I cleaned the kitchen, I worked on my knitting. It was nice to be alone after 48 hours of constant socialising.

    And now, here I am, drinking wine in the hopes it’ll help me sleep. Trying not to think about all the stuff I need to get done at work tomorrow. Looking forward to a visit from Eileen on Friday. And of course, counting the minutes til my Snookums gets home…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    1) AUS 2) IT business analyst 3) Yep, both free gov Medicare and $300/mo private covered by husband’s job #InsurancePoll (cc @amandapalmer)

    @knitterjp Love the Karlstad!

    @zephyrama When I put a cardigan over mine, it suddenly took on a very maternity look.

    @zephyrama @randomknits Discovered today that I can’t wear my new Hazel out yet, as not a single bra works with its strap placement.

    @drkknits I think the cartoons reload every refresh, as none of the ones I see are knitting related!

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits Hahaha, @gemma747 beat you to it. You’re both procrastinating. 🙂

    STOP. THE. PRESSES. This requires a complete Halloween costume re-think. I could be SEXY CORN??! (cc @the_snook)

    @DrMiaow We don’t tend to go for scary costumes. In the US there’s not such an emphasis on that.

    @randomknits And Rodd could be a SEXY FARMER. Isn’t this brilliant? But then I’d have to devise some cardboard tractor outfit for the cat…

    Just watched Petey Cat stick his head in a water glass and drink. The water glass I keep beside the bed and drink from myself. HURL!

    @blakepup Knitting’s been in a boom cycle for nearly 10 years now. I know lots of public transport knitters – including myself. 🙂

    @Rellarc79 Sewing machine to the rescue!

    RT @brainpicker: Oh wow. The population of Russia 1500-2000, visualized in a crocheted scarf

    @cdeagle Yep. In fact, I know someone who is using it in his job at Google…