Congrats to @kunaal84 on his Buck’s Night, which I am in no way bitter about being excluded from.
Month: October 2012
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Frocktober #9. I defy this crappy, grey, wintry weather. DEFY IT! -
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Office playlist today has gone from Vanilla Ice to Richard Marx. Coworkers are now eyeing me suspiciously.
@randomknits Very pretty!
Frocktober #8. It’s the gumboots that really pull the outfit together.
Another relaxing lunch with the @Sitback knitters!
@drkknits Congratulations! And it’s nearly the weekend, YAY!
RT @DanielleWarby: OMG Kittens in the city! Best. RT @RachaelLonergan: KITTENS KITTENS KITTENS
@knitterjp @drkknits Ahh, I was hoping you were going. @kunaal84 and I were thinking of trying to fight our way into Topshop/man.
@knitterjp @drkknits And then I thought I’d go to knitting and drink beer and eat pizza, aka HAVE THE BEST NIGHT EVER.
@AusVintageGrrl What’s going on? You all right?
@drkknits @knitterjp I used to have it, but I think I gave my copy to @EileenDCoE… It’s *so* good.
@drkknits @knitterjp SUCH A BOOK SNOB. But if I don’t drink too much beer tonight, I think I can manage that. 🙂
Fought my way into TopMan to have a sticky beak with @kunaal84. I think @the_snook might need a lobster shirt.
I just joined the Bowling Club. My first ever Aussie Club membership! (@ Bowlers Club)
@drkknits @arwenamin @Gidgetknits You don’t know ‘clunker’ yet. Wait for the Woman King. *dry heave*
@drkknits @arwenamin @Gidgetknits Robot Threesomes never end well.
@drkknits To bastardise JFK, we do not do Frocktober because it is easy. We choose to do these things because they are hard!
@drkknits Also, my knees are wet.
@toastman Congratulations on your last day. To new adventures!
RT @likeomg: I think I’ll be wearing matte lippy today…
@drkknits Even of I’m the last Frocktober/Cylon in the universe, this Frocktober/Cylon is going to keep her word! (And freeze.)
@drkknits I wish. I’d totes be an Eight if I could have that hair.
@drkknits That line about what you say to seduce a woman? 100% agree.
@drkknits Hilarious, but made me miss @the_snook. He bought me a little glass pumpkin as a present. Isn’t that nice?
@drkknits @the_snook Oh, he would live in squalor without me. No question. But he is appreciative of my organising efforts.
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Frocktober #8. It’s the gumboots that really pull the outfit together. -
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@randomknits Some books I read advocated that. I’ve done it a few times, but other times just tossed it in. Haven’t been screwed yet.
The forces of evil took away my ability to play music through server. So I hijacked speakers and plugged them into my laptop. BOOTY TIME.
@drkknits Slow down! It’s just a presentation. Go for a walk. Have a drink of water. You can do this!
RT @imdominating: And on John’s birthday too. GIMME // Paging @drkknits and @kunaal84…
RT @randomknits: Yep, and 20%…? // Clearly, “sadness.”
@ptinutz I have seen that site before! Very beautiful patterns…
@drkknits NO. NO. It’s all about anticipation, see?
@drkknits You around on Feb 7? Booking Amanda Palmer tickets for Syd.
Just bought @amandapalmer tix for Sydney for me, @the_snook, @drkknits, and @kunaal84. W00000t!
@drkknits Hit it. There are some clunkers coming up, I warn you!
@lemon_lime @drkknits Pre-sale limited to 4 tix! Buy your own now. We got ‘front’ which means unallocated seats. You can join us!
@lemon_lime @drkknits That was my first choice, but it didn’t seem to give the option. Instead it appears we’re DANCING, BABY.
I have a zucchini bread in the oven and a warm cat on my lap. Happy.
@misswired @stufromoz Is that what that is? It’s scaring the shit out of the cats.
Fireworks were apparently part of Verge Festival? Somebody tweeted pic:
@venks79 @rachelbotsman Oh, I wish I could’ve heard her! A friend of mine introduced me to her work earlier this year.
@codepo8 Not only would I sign up to that service, I’d volunteer to be a moderator.
@drkknits Nice one! Doesn’t it feel subversive to wear clothes you made in public and people don’t even know or suspect? #badconsumer
@knitterjp @drkknits I’ve got both of those things!
Washi Dress
Frocktober #7. This is the Washi Dress I made this past weekend!
For those who are interested, this is the Washi Dress. I made mine out of cotton voile. When I went to cut, it occurred to me that the voile was rather sheer. So I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to “underline” it (i.e. use a double-thickness of fabric). I’ve never done that before, so I had to figure it out as I went. It doesn’t help that I’m completely shite at cutting so two pieces never match up perfectly. And of course, I didn’t have quite enough fabric to cut two of every piece so I had to go back to Lincraft for more. It still turned out pretty well! I also got to have my first attempt at shirring, which is like magic. Overall it’s a bit “baby doll” on me, but I think it’s a nice summer dress. Oh, and POCKETS!
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Frocktober #6. Mod superhero.
@knitterjp @drkknits This fabric is some sort of knit though. I’m scared of sewing knits! Haven’t done it yet.
@knitterjp @drkknits I don’t actually know! I’ll have to go to the bathroom and check the label. 🙂
@knitterjp @drkknits I checked this sucker. Polyester/Elastane, baby! This thing won’t biodegrade for 1000 years. 🙂
Just ordered Gertie’s New Book for Better Sewing! I am loving those patterns. Wiggle Dresses and Shirtwaists – yay!
RT @ThePunchHQ: Gillard wins a verbal stoush, and maybe an election too: To use a modern phrase, Tony Abbott just got “owned”. H… http …
@Fiestywenchyone @zephyrama @colespitz I cheated. Snook’s in US for work so sending all kinds of shit to his hotel. Got some Colette too!
Hooray! Just spoke to @gadgetgirl70, who is going to join us at the next sewing party! (cc @drkknits @knitterjp)
@GeorgieKnits @RoseRed_Shoes I won’t get it for 2 weeks yet. Had it sent to Snook in US so have to wait for him to come home 🙂
@drkknits @gadgetgirl70 @knitterjp She’s, like, a proper sewer with lots of experience. So she can help us try-hards! 🙂
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @gadgetgirl70 @knitterjp Are you coming? I thought you were sick!
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @gadgetgirl70 @knitterjp Sweet! Okay, rest up and get better…
@ptinutz More sewing than knitting right now, but still knitting. How have you been? You’ve caught sewing addiction too? 🙂
RT @women_say: Congrats @JuliaGillard for standing up to sexism and misogyny. Retweet to respect what Julia fought for today. http://t.c …
@crumpet Portrait of the Artist as a Sexy Lady!
@aimee_maree When I visited Google, they had free tampons and a shared hair dryer & straightener in the bathroom. That was nice.
@ptinutz So many dresses! I am obsessed with sewing dresses right now. 🙂
Frocktober #7. This is the Washi Dress I made this past weekend!
@drkknits I bought a bunch of “invisible” socks, which makes wearing them with dresses/shorts a lot easier!
@rachievaichie Nah, my first one was the Colette Parfait – which was even harder!
RT @antsimpson: Somewhere in Hollywood Meryl Streep is standing in front of a mirror practicing Julia Gillard’s accent. #auspol
Gender Gap
“Want to earn more in IT? Being a man helps” – Depressing but true, in my experience.
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Frocktober #6. Mod superhero. -
OSU Marching Band
You know I hate to give Ohio State any credit, but this video game-themed halftime show is AMAZING.