Month: October 2012

  • Voyager

    Voyager – a Galaga-style video game made with needle-felted wool. That looks amazing.

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    Mother-in-law SMSed to offer me her collection of 70’s-80’s Burda sewing magazines with patterns. YES, PLS.

    Oh yes, I have control over the office iTunes today. Guess what, coworkers? You’re getting the entire Best of Bootie catalog.

    Frocktober #5. I wore my Docs because I felt like kicking Monday’s ass.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Mine are 11 years old. Got em in London, and still practically brand new! (I should wear them more…)

    @VenessaHunt Hey Ness. I’m trying to remember the name of that annual report people used to send ’round with stats on mobile usage, etc…

    @VenessaHunt Was it the AIMIA one? Is that what I’m thinking of? I figured you’re the best person to ask… 🙂

    @VenessaHunt Awesome. Thank you!

    RT @JennaPrice: I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore. #destroythejoint #iamwoman

    I’ve known @JennaPrice was awesome for years. So proud that now everybody is learning it too. #destroythejoint

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    Frocktober #5. I wore my Docs because I felt like kicking Monday's ass.
    Frocktober #5. I wore my Docs because I felt like kicking Monday’s ass.

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    Got fabric to fix existing dress… plus make one more. I have officially crossed the line into Stash territory

    @stufromoz It was a good thing I didn’t. Ended up quite ill in my stomach. Something didn’t agree with me. 🙁

    @drkknits @knitterjp Now have material for at least 6 dresses and a couple skirts. Eep!

    If, like @drkknits, you are getting into sewing, I highly recommend the Sew Weekly for inspiration!

    @drkknits @GeorgieKnits Me too. I suspect Pinterest could be a major time suck, so I’ve avoided!

    Very cute border print – I think this one will be a Hazel! (How’s yours going, @zephyrama?)

    Shirring is awesome.

    New dress nearly finished! Just need to hem and finish armholes.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Fit is better than expected. Slightly bodgy around “U”, but not too bad. How long should the skirt be, you think?

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I lengthened pattern 3 inches as it said above the knee for “normal people”. 🙂

    I am such a freakin’ hipster, but I think I might have to buy these wooden owl cross stitch frames and make a necklace.

    Washi Dress is finished! Hemmed to above the knee, because I am a hoochie-mama. Also, POCKETS! Very happy with this.

    @knitdra Very cute!

    @drkknits How very Dear Mr. Henshaw of you.

    @drkknits Yep, it’s one of my faves. Just reminded me of it, because Leigh uses letters as a prompt to work things out in his life.

    @drkknits I went to this one while I was there. Very nice!

    Just discovered that @kunaal84 “never really got into Battlestar Galactica.” o_O What say you, @drkknits?

  • Photo post

    New dress nearly finished! Just need to hem and finish armholes.
    New dress nearly finished! Just need to hem and finish armholes.

  • Rocking Horse Covered in Computer Keys

    Rocking Horse Covered in Computer Keys – I am strangely enamored of this. Mr Snook, do you think we can work this into our decor?

  • Gourd Candles

    It’s decorative gourd season, motherf*ckers! Well, in the Northern Hemisphere anyway. Why not turn them into candles?

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    @drkknits That’s nice! I always think white washes me out so much.

    @drkknits Remember, with a print going in one direction, you usually need more fabric than you do with an either-way design.

    @randomknits @drkknits But I had no idea how forgiving sewing was when I started. I was intimidated thinking you had to do everything right.

    @randomknits @drkknits Only starting to feel confident now I know what “rules” I can discard. 🙂

    @drkknits I have one too. It fell out of my wallet on the street and I snatched it up embarrassed like it was contraband.

    @randomknits @drkknits I think I’m going to do the Washi dress today, but my cotton voile is thin. Should I worry about “underlining” it?

    Starting to see upside to single living. I feel like @imdominating. Why isn’t there a Die Hard marathon on TV RIGHT NOW?!

    @stufromoz I am very tempted! You’ve got extra tickets? Or buy at the door?

    @randomknits @drkknits Quilting with Liberty… The Amish side of me is AGHAST. YOU DON’T DO PATCHWORK WITH FANCY STORE FABRIC!

    @stufromoz Thanks, will keep it in mind! Depends how obsessed I get with today’s sewing adventures. 🙂

    @randomknits @drkknits If you’re usin’ up scraps, then it’s A-OK. AMISH THRIFT FTMFW.

    @drkknits @randomknits It’s because I’ve got a splitting headache from working til 2am last night. Makes me a bit nutty.

    Another upside to singledom: blaring Taylor Swift in the house. Yes, really. Suck it haters.

    @drkknits Haha, that one needs to be a meme with something cute in all caps.

    @drkknits I have lived here for ten years, and that still trips me up at least once a year. Nearly ruined a whole batch of cookies last yr!

    @imdominating I will after. I’m heading out to get mah hair did.

    @drkknits If you get bored with skirts, this was the first top I made:

    @stufromoz I know, but it’s HUGE in AU IT industry. Recruiters contacting me for jobs from there all the time…

    RT @drkknits: Drunk Blondie mix. Yuuuum. // I want to go to there.

    @stufromoz Well, yeah. You have to separate wheat from chaff. I will never respond to Precision Resourcing again, f’rinstance.

    “I’ll have a full head of foils and all your trashiest magazines, please.” #guiltypleasure

    Greetings. I come in peace from Planet Alfoil. @ Travis George Hair Lounge

    Foils are out. In the process, got the best head massage of my life. *yawn* I need a nap.

    End result of the Re-Blondening. Thanks, Travis! @ Travis George Hair Lounge

    @randomknits Is that a Peter Pan collar? How stylish!

    Dear Universe: I require one of these, stat.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Thanks! I am really tempted to chop it all off for summer, but I need it long for Halloween. 🙂

    @drkknits Come on, Roslin does too! I love how she’s always advocating throwing people out airlocks. She rocks.

    Late lunch. (@ Toby’s Estate w/ 2 others) [pic]:

    I am the queen of finding cute, slightly damaged dresses at Target and wrangling a discount. 10% off for a belt loop that takes 2min to fix!

    @ScottRhodie Mine did, and I’m on iOS6. Was your time zone correct?

    Realisation: underlining only the front side of a dress was a stupid decision. Luckily, it’s fixable. Will need more fabric tho.

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    Greetings. I come in peace from Planet Alfoil.
    Greetings. I come in peace from Planet Alfoil.