Month: November 2012

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    Job opportunity: Account Director at Sitback Solutions – Sydney Area, Australia #jobs

    @gilmae Yeah, but the article is about a company that identifies and helps autistic people find jobs suited for them. It’s fascinating.

    Post work drinks! (@ Mercantile Tavern)

    @drkknits I’m 5min away!

    @drkknits Yes, @smark31 will be missed tomorrow. I think perhaps an afternoon visit is in order…

    @TimBags Hahahahaha… #letterpress

    Crap. I suspect I just lost that #letterpress game.

    I am perpetually undone by my need to make funny, rude words #letterpress

    Academic nerdery happening at the Bowlo between @drkknits and @lemon_lime. I’m playing with my phone in the corner like a child.

    @PortugueseChook London? Wait, I thought you were back from there? Or have you moved there and I missed it?!

    @venks79 Haha, nice. Don’t you have a spare??

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    Eating my first ever Chinese salted plum, courtesy of Nathan. *shudder* I gave up not long after.

    Have to cancel ticket to @yow_oz. Disappointed.

    @yow_oz @knitterjp Boo to the client who scheduled a big important meeting that day that can’t be moved. 🙁

    @yow_oz I emailed organiser yesterday to cancel my ticket but haven’t heard back yet. Can you help? Want to make sure another GGD can use it

    @Lisa_Cumes Thank you very much! Will let the lovely folks at @GGDSydney know…

    @yow_oz It’s okay, @Lisa_Cumes sorted it out for me! Thanks…

    This traffic is KILLING ME, BUSTER. I just want to get to @TheDuckInnPub for a beer with the MetaFilter folks!

    I just ousted @suzidafnis as the mayor of The Duck Inn Pub & Kitchen on @foursquare!

    MeFi Meetup! (@ The Duck Inn Pub & Kitchen) [pic]:

    RT @Helen__H: Tips and Tricks on How to Succeed as a Woman in Tech

    I continue to be freaked out by how much the lovely host at @TheDuckInnPub looks EXACTLY like @lemon_lime.

    The Autism Advantage // Fascinating. Autistic people make good software testers. Pretty much knew that, but good read.

    Leading a training session LIKE A BOSS. (@ Optus Centre)

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    Eating my first ever Chinese salted plum, courtesy of Nathan. *shudder* I gave up not long after.
    Eating my first ever Chinese salted plum, courtesy of Nathan. *shudder* I gave up not long after.

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    @MysteryTackleBx Trying to order two subscriptions for family in US, but it won’t let me order since I live in Australia. 🙁

    Really annoyed by sites that won’t let me purchase outside the U.S. I’m not trying to buy super spy stuff – just FISHING LURES. #parochial

    @heathergracious It’s not that; I have family in the US who can send to me. I’m trying to buy something to be sent to THEM and I can’t. 🙁

    @heathergracious Exactly!

    @MysteryTackleBx That would be fantastic. I get that you can’t ship here, that’s fine. Just want to give you some $$! 🙂

    @MysteryTackleBx Thanks! Emailed you.

    Hey @randomknits: WE *clap* ARE NEVER EVER EVER *clap* GETTING BACK TOGETHER… #sharingtheawesome

    @drkknits @randomknits Bwahahahaha. Like Bieber is punishment to ME? I’M CUEING THAT SHIT UP ON SPOTIFY RIGHT NOW.

    @drkknits @randomknits Ugh. I’m totes over Gangnam. You win.

    @randomknits @drkknits I’ve never watched the video! Yay! More Taylor!

    @randomknits @drkknits I need those pajamas. Now.

    @randomknits @drkknits I like Speak Now too. “In a gown shaped like a pastry…”

    @imdominating Sweeeeet. What’s TolkienSleepover? But yeah, book it in! 30th would be PERFECTO.

    @drkknits @randomknits Taylor Swift is making me want to cut my fringe again.

    @randomknits It’s actually been stuck in my head all afternoon too. Rather shot myself in the foot there.

    I am getting CRUSHED at Letterpress by @TimBags. It’s embarrassing.

    In London I developed the habit of drinking G&Ts the size of my head. At least I buy better gin now.

    @TimBags I decided to put myself out of misery. Well played. 🙂

    @TimBags Also, I started off the rematch in style.

    @KTunravels Nothing fancy here, just Gordon’s!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @drkknits Ooh! I like that pattern a LOT!

    @randomknits Rodd is telling me about the ARIAs red carpet at Ent. Centre. He might try to get us a photo of TAYLOR SWIFT on his way home.

    @randomknits “This time, I’m telling you I’m telling you we are never….”

  • Photo post

    In London I developed the habit of drinking G&Ts the size of my head. At least I buy better gin now.
    In London I developed the habit of drinking G&Ts the size of my head. At least I buy better gin now.

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    We had a photoshoot at work today. I’m getting better at this. #retro #glam

    @sthcrft Used to get lots of them at knitting shop. Lots of small biz outsource IT stuff and get tricked into paying!

    @sthcrft The last one I got was like $75 to renew, which is way high. They must get enough suckers to justify it!

    @sthcrft Snail mail seems way more “official” in my experience dealing with non-technical users. I bet uptake is higher than email.

    @Helen__H Ooh. How do I get an email voucher??

    @Helen__H Did you go to the CBD Lincraft? Wondering if they’re running out of stock…

    @Helen__H I’ll have to go after work and take my chances! Needed some quilt batting anyway…

    Well played, @the_snook. Well played. #letterpress

    Heading to Lincrap to try to buy a dressmakers model. I think I shall name her Bernice.

    I got her! Taking Bernice home on. The bus. Thanks to @Helen__H for hooking me up with Super Sekrit Discount. 🙂

    @stufromoz Nope, a Janome. Bernice just popped into my head.

    @redambition Got it! Very excited. No more relying on Snook to pin things out on me. 🙂

    @drkknits @randomknits Yep. One day sale, baby! Gotta get in there.

    @redambition Can you get to Lincraft by 7? They’re $99 today with email voucher…

    @knitterjp @redambition @aunty_toots @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits With email voucher, it was $99! But just for today. You’ve got 20min left!

    @knitterjp @redambition @aunty_toots @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits @drkknits @randomknits They’ve also got JP’s fancy thread box for $29.

    @redambition It’s this foldout carrier-thing that holds a lot of threads and notions. Makes you look like a Super Spy Tailor.

    Finished my Christmas pressie for the Knitters Tea on Saturday. Spoiler: it’s quilted. #sewvember

    @randomknits Downsized pattern too much – I can’t actually get my hand inside it. Ha!

    @randomknits I can still put some goodies in it, I reckon. 🙂

    @Helen__H Plenty of smalls, but only a couple mediums!

  • Photo post

    We had a photoshoot at work today. I'm getting better at this. #retro #glam
    We had a photoshoot at work today. I’m getting better at this. #retro #glam

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    @SandraHW @drkknits Another knitter has caught the sewing bug! 🙂

    @pixel8ted El Cuervo is apparently closed today, so Mexican is cancelled!

    RT @miss_shiny: Biggest laugh all day RT @Thisangelbites @discuit @HoareTom What happens when a primary school class names an emu? http: …


    @mysterytacklebx You’re putting up gift options soon, right? I’ve got family in the US who’d love this. Will I be able to order from AUS?

    Project for Knitters Xmas Tea secret Santa coming along nicely… #sewvember

    @knitterjp @knitdra @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Ha! I was also browsing MS yest to find ideas for Xmas tea project. 🙂

    Two 9am meetings, and I’m still sitting in a bus on George St. Sydney traffic is broken.

    @randomknits The significance of that one is lost on me.

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    Sewing machine, laptop with dodgy Internet stream, LET’S DO THIS. GO IRISH!!

    @crumpet You have a 10yo Janome too?

    @crumpet TOTES TWINS! I have never met anyone with our machine before. It barely exists on the Internet.

    @crumpet Mine just got her first service recently. Bad sewing machine Mommy..,

    @drkknits @knitdra @randomknits I ate! Im only minorly addicted!

    In between shouting at the ND game and stuffing my face with pie, I managed to make an Owl Skirt! #sewvember

    @gilmae No worries!

    @gilmae I think so? I’ve never made one though.

    @catehstn Come on, we had a whole conversation 2 weeks ago that wasn’t about boys! Granted, you left for a booty call… 🙂

    @mpesce I noticed that too. Reads more like a wanky blog post than an article in a major newspaper.