In between shouting at the ND game and stuffing my face with pie, I managed to make an Owl Skirt! #sewvember
Month: November 2012
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Sewing machine, laptop with dodgy Internet stream, LET’S DO THIS. GO IRISH!! -
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Lets go IRISH! Kick USC’s ass! #undefeated -
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Who’s ready for Sewing Thanksgiving? THIS GUY. (I’m a genius.) -
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Negroni body complete! Collar & facings attached, yokes joined. Check out that collar loop! #sewvember
The good news is I figured out how flat felled seams work. The bad news is I did them inside out.
@3rd_Gen_ I considered it, but it turns out I also sewed the sleeve on the wrong side of the body. Ripped.
Negroni has sleeves! Sleeves and flat felled seams! This is SO FUN.
@drkknits Iron on interfacing? Meters and meters. How much you need?
@drkknits I also have some that’s thicker and some that’s thinner. I mean, in terms if stiffness.
Negroni is finished (except for buttons). I made a man’s shirt, and it fits the Snook! #sewvember
@mrs_sockvictim Just throw them on the floor and walk by really fast?
@sprongify Love that print!
Who’s ready for Sewing Thanksgiving? THIS GUY. (I’m a genius.)
Lets go IRISH! Kick USC’s ass! #undefeated
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Negroni is finished (except for buttons). I made a man’s shirt, and it fits the Snook! #sewvember -
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Negroni has sleeves! Sleeves and flat felled seams! This is SO FUN. -
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Negroni body complete! Collar & facings attached, yokes joined. Check out that collar loop! #sewvember -
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@imdominating Wooo! Wishing I was there. Hey, any place in Chicago showing The Hobbit in the 48fps high def? On say, the 30th? 🙂
@drkknits Oh FFS. @lemon_lime, can you add Dr for the precious phd? 😛
@drkknits And your member number is probably on the IC membership list…
@3rd_Gen_ Ooh, funky print! Nice job.
@randomknits I would say “TOTES RANDOM.” 😛
@randomknits That’s where I first met the Sock Victim! I think it was crowded, eh, @mrs_sockvictim?
Gave my GGD talk again tonight at work, then spent way too long at the pub celebrating. Self: you are not 25 anymore.
@mrs_sockvictim @randomknits What the what? Seriously? Because I know nothing about that. 😛
@mrs_sockvictim Btw – planning on Eveleigh Markets tomorrow around 8-8:30ish. You?
@pixel8ted Huzzah!
@AusVintageGrrl Congrats to you and @thisismywww!
Crooked Madame. (@ Eveleigh Market) [pic]:
Went to markets, took cat to vet… Now I’m pooped and it isn’t even 10am.
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@3rd_Gen_ What? What’s wrong with how we say cauliflower? I don’t think I say it any different from the Aussies?
@3rd_Gen_ Ahh, in my head that sounds a bit more southern. Where was the person from? I’m Midwestern, and I say “collifflower”
Attention @drkknits and @mrs_sockvictim – some very cool art on @TempleWebster today from Inaluxe – including birds and cats and OWLS!
@marcooda Interesting – thanks for that! I get overwhelmed by the choice though. I like that T&W seems to curate a smaller list.
RT @senthorun: Fab post by @oiiaustralia on how to be an #intersex ally. Must read.
RT @Salon: If you care about America, don’t shop at @walmart via @RBReich
@drkknits Well, since I’m TOTES BOOKED UP this weekend, how about before/after the High Tea next weekend?
@drkknits We could meet @lemon_lime after work on 30th, then go to movie, then you crash at my place!
@zephyrama Pics or it didn’t happen.
@drkknits @lemon_lime It’s ON like DONKEY KONG.
@bookchellef They are mostly disappointing. Ours was somehow less than the sum of its parts.
@bookchellef Actually, Serious Eats undertook the task of making an actually good one recently: Involves sous vide!
Don’t be passive-aggressive. Don’t be passive-aggressive. Don’t be passive-aggressive.
@ericscheid Snarky retorts aren’t helping my willpower when I’m trying to take the high moral ground, mister! 🙂
Seeing the sports physician about my knee. Again. (@ The Sports Clinic)
I am quite literally ready to explode. (Doc stuck a nitroglycerin patch on my knee.)
@witty_knitter Supposed to promote blood flow. There’s some research that says it might help with tendinitis. We’re clutching at straws. 🙁
@brown_note Currently or historically? Helping slaves escape on the Underground Railroad comes to mind.
Successfully videochatted with my Dad and Step-Mom for the first time ever. I think Dad is convinced he needs a smartphone now. 🙂