Negroni body complete! Collar & facings attached, yokes joined. Check out that collar loop! #sewvember
Month: November 2012
I’m jumping back on the “Quantified Self” bandwagon. I just ordered myself a Fitbit One for Christmas. Hopefully this will be the inspiration to put this year of injury behind me and get back into the swing of things!
Trotify – a mechanical wooden device that clips to your bike’s front wheel and makes it clop like a horse. It involves a coconut.
You know, the other day on MetaFilter somebody defined a hipster as “someone younger than you having more fun and often wearing a silly hat at the same time”. That’s what this makes me think of.
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Happy Thanksgiving! I made pumpkin bread. Sadly, it’s a bit uncooked in the middle but I think my coworkers will eat it up anyway. 🙂
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Negroni step 3: basic body construction. You guys – IT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A SHIRT!
Audit My Joomla
Audit My Joomla – Looks like a very useful service for anybody running a Joomla site, which tend to attract hack attempts. I should probably run this on, uh, a particular site I maintain.
Geeks and Privilege
Geeks and Privilege – Well said. The Snook and I have always admitted how lucky we were to have the breaks we had and to end up in the jobs we’re in.
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Negroni muslin step 2: sleeve plackets! These were crazy magic. #sewvember
Old Man Handbag
Old Man Handbag – Good grief, that’s CREEPY.
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My Chucks are 8yo today, and coincidentally so is my marriage. Happy anniversary, Mr Snook!