Month: November 2012

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    @knitdra Haha, glad that worked out for you. πŸ™‚

    Wasabi KitKat! Surprisingly good.

    @pyko One of Rodd’s colleagues brought it back from Japan. It was disappointingly UN-wasabi-like. πŸ™

    I have finished knitting a thing, which may or may not be a secret thing. Mum’s the word.

    Spent the evening tracing pattern for Negroni shirt and crapping myself over complexity of directions. I’m officially daunted. #sewvember

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    Wasabi KitKat! Surprisingly good.
    Wasabi KitKat! Surprisingly good.

  • Blank Canvas Tee – 3 Hours Past the Edge of the World

    Blank Canvas Tee – 3 Hours Past the Edge of the World – How neat! A bare-bones T-shirt sewing pattern that can be dressed up and hacked in various ways. And it’s FREE!

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    @imdominating Are you livetweeting what I think you are?

    @imdominating See, this is why we don’t live in Chicago. Because I’d be right there with you cackling and we’d get thrown out.

    I HAVE AN ITCH UNDER ONE OF MY BUNS. #chunliproblems

    Lunch (@ Bar At The End Of The Wharf)

    Nothing better than a Friday lunchtime CAKE DELIVERY courtesy of @venks79! Thanks Venky… πŸ™‚

    Facebook says it’s @1funkyknitwit’s birthday. Happy birthday, M!

    @toastman I don’t get it.

    Ugh. Supposed to be on a train heading to a knitting day, but I feel sick. Going to go back to bed, I think.

  • Goldie Blox

    Goldie Blox – a set of books and construction toys designed by a female engineer for girls! That looks fantastic. I’d love to get it for my nieces!

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    Workin' the rare and elusive double-topknot on a rainy day. (cc @toastman)
    Workin’ the rare and elusive double-topknot on a rainy day. (cc @toastman)

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    @redambition Can you move it? That was always my Mom’s test. If you can move it, it ain’t broken. (I have no idea if that’s accurate.)

    Who needs a laugh? (cc @imdominating, @drkknits, @knitdra)


    Romney = tool. No shit voters want health care & college loan forgiveness. EVERYBODY wants that (except super rich).

    RT @codepo8: Bacon Scarf… What? // Whoa. Thought it’d be crochet version, but it’s not! LOVE IT.

    @kateslemay Awwww, super cute!

    @BartholomewD They gave a demo at @Sitback few weeks back. A few signed up and seem to like it!

    The Hazards of Growing Up Painlessly // This is fascinating.

    @randomknits Totally agree. Also, Vegas is SUPER FUN.

    @redambition @knitness @randomknits You might be surprised. My Gran told me secretly she was relieved to avoid the travel expense.

    @redambition @knitness @randomknits Granted, for us somebody was always going to get screwed on travel. So it made more sense for us.

    @redambition @randomknits @knitness You’re a grown-ass woman! Do what YOU want!

    @redambition @randomknits @knitness *shrug* Only if you let her.

    @knitness @redambition @randomknits Apparently average wedding cost in Oz closer to $50K. Was in SMH the other day. My brain fell out.

    RT @JohnSeaborn: Ohhh, this. Thisthisthisthisthis. // More childish behaviour from Mitt supporters.

    Workin’ the rare and elusive double-topknot on a rainy day. (cc toastman)

    Wait, what? @instagram now strips out the @ sign when posting to Twitter? That sucks.

    @mudsurfer According to my co-worker, in real life it looks more like Chun-Li from Street Fighter.

    @drkknits @randomknits GROSSSSSSSS

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    @gusseting @zeldman Is it how to use apostrophes correctly? πŸ™‚

    @mikeefreedom Sweet. We’ll be there from 7:30. Paju BBQ in Newtown

    @RoseRed_Shoes Cheers for that. Thinking of getting one…

    RT @crumpet: Having my own little “just cracked a grand” on @pozible party (inside my head)! Thank you!

    RT @nolim1t: How to hire awesome devs without spending money on recruiters

    OF COURSE I ran into @zosainsbury on the bus when she looks like a ROCKSTAR and I’m dressed like an aggressively casual troll.

    Dinner with some Sitbackers! (@ Paju BBQ Korean Restaurant)

    I am far too old to be in a Newtown hotel on a Wednesday night. (@ Cooper’s Hotel w/ 2 others)

    @drkknits @knitterjp @redambition Yes, I so am. Retreated home to my cookie pants and my stupid cats. That’s better…

    @drkknits @knitterjp @smark31 What an interesting contribution you’ve made! πŸ˜›

    @kcarruthers Ah, but that one leaves off Jill’s identical twin sister! Not kidding. I am addicted to this particular scandal.

    @brockleyboyo Oh cool! Does the real one have a cannon??

    RT @Oatmeal: New comic: Some thoughts and musings about making things for the web // This is a good one.

    George Street is setting a record for traffic shittiness today. Been sitting outside Town Hall for a good 10 minutes now.

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    @RoseRed_Shoes Hey, so how did you actually claim the discount? I didn’t quite get that from the email.

    @Helen__H Awww, sorry we’ll miss you!

    Heading off to #GGDSydney. Wish me luck for my talk!

    Phew. My #GGDSyd was a total adrenaline rush! I think it went well; got a great response. Even a few laughs! Thanks to all well wishers. πŸ™‚

    @catehstn OH THERE you are. How am I supposed to recognise you from that little photo! πŸ˜›

    Loving the Instagram photos on the gamification talk at #GGDSyd! Really fun.

    @drkknits I was totes being modest. I rocked it. πŸ™‚

    “I like Siri even though I think she’s DUMB AS.” Ha!

    “I like Siri even though I think she’s DUMB AS.” Ha! Lots of the #ggdsyd talks getting laughs tonight.

    I think @testchick has the best talk title at #GGDSyd: Rise and Fall of the Zombie Testers.

    @JennaPrice You’d love it! Should come along with me sometime.

    RT @pyko: Thanks to all who spoke at #ggdsyd tonight πŸ™‚ you guys are awesome!

    @redambition I see it. Why the horrified? It’s just all me and the Snook’s crap.

    @mikeefreedom Oi! You want to join some Sitbackers for Korean tonight? I think PK said he was gonna ask you…

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    Got up and got dressed for work, then decided I felt too crappy. Just woke up again. Yikes.

    RT @redambition: Who else is going to the Girl Geek Dinner meetup tonight? πŸ˜€ // Me! Crap. Better practice my talk a bit more today. πŸ™‚

    A site I specced a long time ago has just launched! Well done to the @Sitback team – looks great.