Month: November 2012

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    #sewvember day 11. I finished a new skirt! A-line with a waistband and invisible zip.

    @randomknits So pretty!

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    #sewvember day 11. I finished a new skirt! A-line with a waistband and invisible zip.
    #sewvember day 11. I finished a new skirt! A-line with a waistband and invisible zip.

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    Gaytime Goes Nuts, Lady Marmalade, and Ménage a Trois.

    Gaytime Goes Nuts, Lady Marmalade, and Ménage a Trois.

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    Classy ladies out for dinner! @ Universal

    Gaytime Goes Nuts, Lady Marmalade, and Ménage a Trois. @ Universal

    @randomknits Um, you were exposed to if at Halloween. Badly.

    Thinking of getting tickets to Regina Spektor at Enmore next month. Anybody else want to go? (cc @drkknits @lemon_lime @knitness)

    @knitness @drkknits @lemon_lime They’re a little pricey. $100. Reserved seating.

    @knitness @drkknits @lemon_lime Hee. Saturday Dec 8.

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    Classy ladies out for dinner!
    Classy ladies out for dinner!

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    @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp Hailed like crazy in the Rocks. All melted now though.

    @drkknits @knitterjp @knitdra Interesting. Some of us did. Wonder what criteria was. I’ve spent maybe $100 there in the last year?

    @drkknits @knitterjp @knitdra More importantly, if you want any of their stuff at 30% off, let me know.

    Accordion AND steel drums AND belly dancers in the Rocks at once is too much hipster eclecticism, even for me.

    @randomknits @drkknits @knitterjp @knitdra @redambition Weird. Maybe because they have our email addresses?

    @Opheli8 That made me smirk.

    @drkknits @knitterjp @knitdra Or maybe there’s a Special People Club and me and @randomknits and @Yarna_ are in it! 😛

    @3rd_Gen_ I definitely saw ukulele. Possibly burlesque… though it may have just been a Sydney goth.

    @knitterjp @drkknits @knitdra @randomknits @Yarna_ Well, @RoseRed_Shoes got it too, so it can’t be THAT exclusive. (I KID!)

    @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @drkknits @knitdra @randomknits @Yarna_ I didn’t buy any of those. Hm.

    @toastman @3rd_Gen_ Too late! I am on the bus and the busty lass in the black lace is far behind me. Get yourself to the Rocks!

    @drkknits Many years ago I wanted a bunny but the Snook said it would chew up all his computer cables. 🙁

    @Opheli8 Wait, @toastman’s here? Is this the type of party I want to be at?

    #sewvember day 9. This is the first skirt I ever made!

    @FlavourCrusader Let me introduce you to @witty_knitter and @thesiswhisperer. They’ve been there.

    @drkknits Don’t tell the bunny-lovers, but I’ve eaten them. Tasty little buggers.

    @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitdra @randomknits @Yarna_ Huh. @purple_velvet got hers in the POST so there’s an Even Specialer Club

    @toastman When I have time for commissions, I’ll let you know. 🙂

    @FlavourCrusader Huh. No idea! Haven’t been over there in a long time…

    Discovered former colleague has been talking me up to new client. That was nice. 🙂

    @trpurcell GO THE KINGS!

    I would like to say some special thanks to whichever one of you left the mini bottle of bubbly at my house at Halloween. *hiccup*

    @randomknits Also, DECOLLETAGE.

    @witty_knitter I liked the bit about retracting the retraction. It’s like the SMH was being passive-aggressively bitchy.

    Hello, Internet. This wistful hipster and his penguin would like you to donate to Movember. http://au.movemb

    Nearly finished a skirt tonight, but I ran outta zippers. Crap. #sewvember

    @randomknits Look in the mirror. Do you see anyone with purple lips? It might have been them.

    @Helen__H Cat Protection Society in Newtown! That’s where we got ours. 🙂

    Repeat Crafter Me: Owl Granny Square Crochet Pattern // ARGHHHH SO CUTE. CROCHET. KILL ME NOW.

    @knitterjp He looks way more thrilled about it than I am. 🙂

    @knitterjp I mean the idea of getting up and leaving the house. Not a babby at Guild. Those are fun. 🙂

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    #sewvember day 9. This is the first skirt I ever made!
    #sewvember day 9. This is the first skirt I ever made!

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    At first I was doing the topknot ironically, but now I kinda like it. Feels like I'm from a dystopian future.
    At first I was doing the topknot ironically, but now I kinda like it. Feels like I’m from a dystopian future.

  • Link becomes a girl.

    “I am no man”: For Zelda-playing daughter, dad gives Link a sex change – AWWWWW. A dad is playing one of the Zelda games with his little daughter, and he got annoyed that even though you can change Link’s name, you can’t change his gender. So he hacked the game files to change all the language to refer to Link as a girl, so his daughter could get to be the hero for once. *sniffle* I got something in my eye…